Sunday, 18 December 2016

Emanuel Levy Weizmann Forex

Análise-notícia Quando os primos Rothschild - como Jean Claude Trichet no BCE, Mervyn King no Banco da Inglaterra, Dominique Strass Kahn no FMI, Jean Pierre Roth no Banco Nacional Suíço, Robert Zoellick no Banco Mundial, Ben Bernanke no O Fed, etc - trabalhar em conjunto com instruções de coordenação de seus patrões primo em Londres, eles são capazes de fazer o movimento do dólar para 89 ou praticamente qualquer outra figura que eles querem dentro de razão. Behind the Matrix Bretton Woods Projeto crítico vozes em WB / IMF Dívida diária ampères Déficits amp. Notícias de ajuda. Federal Reserve Corruption Rothschild Bank E Goldman Sachs Estão Tanto Na Lista De Bondholders Obtendo Bilhões Do Imposto Dos EUA Na Irlanda 9 / 11Review Bastante das conspirações 9/11, já por Matthew Rothschild 11 de setembro de 2006 Centro de Pesquisa Econômica e Política Revisão de relatórios econômicos GlobalResearch O Cartel da Reserva Federal: As Oito Famílias Os Quatro Cavaleiros da Banca (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup e Wells Fargo) possuem os Quatro Cavaleiros de Petróleo (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch / Shell, BP e Chevron Texaco) em conjunto com Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays e outros gigantes europeus de dinheiro antigo. Mas seu monopólio sobre a economia global não termina na borda do remendo do óleo. Iamtheitness World Trade Center é um ato por Israel com a cumplicidade da Grã-Bretanha e América, sob as ordens do Rothschild. Por que Estas são as razões: Para estabelecer Rothschild bancos centrais no Oriente Médio. Países como Afeganistão, Iraque, Irã, Sudão. E agora, hoje, o Afeganistão eo Iraque têm Rothschild bancos centrais depois que os Estados Unidos invadiram) Para tirar os direitos e liberdades dos povos americanos, nós dando as liberdades para a segurança. Para seguir Albert Pikes plano para o início da 3 ª guerra mundial, para começar a luta racial contra o mundo islâmico. Para criar uma quantidade maciça de guerras para gerar mais dinheiro a partir dele, enquanto novamente, a criação de seus bancos IAmTheWitness Parceiros de Tecnologia Global, Rothschild LetsRollForums Rothschild Zionists Feinberg (Rothschild sionista) passou a se tornar o mestre especial para TARP Compensação Executiva relacionados com o banco Bail out, e é atualmente o administrador nomeado pelo governo do fundo de compensação para as vítimas do desastre petrolífero BP no Golfo do México. LewRockwell Rothbard, o Instituto de Assuntos Internacionais, foi formado em uma reunião no Majestic Hotel, em Paris, em 3 de maio de 1919. Um comitê organizador de seis homens foi formado, três Milnerites da Grã-Bretanha e três americanos: Shotwell Harvard historiador Archibald C. Coolidge , Chefe da mesa de investigação do Leste Europeu da Inquérito e membro da família financeira Morgan-oriented Boston e James Brown Scott, advogado de Morgan, que devia escrever uma biografia de Robert Bacon. O ramo britânico, o Instituto Real de Assuntos Internacionais, criou um comitê para supervisionar a escrita de uma história de vários volumes da Conferência de Paz de Versalhes, o comitê foi financiado por um presente de Thomas W. Lamont, parceiro de Morgan. O Projecto OilEmpire Censurado San Diego Indymedia SourceWatch O Senhor Rothschild foi homenageado pelo Governo de Portugal pela sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento económico do país, pelo World Monuments Fund, pela sua liderança em matéria de património cultural e pelo Instituto Weizmann da Ciência, por ocasião do O 50º aniversário do Estado de Israel. Ele recebeu muitas honras britânicas, incluindo a Ordem do Mérito em 2002 e Knight Grand Cross da Ordem do Império Britânico em 1997 por serviços de artes e património. Segundo o esboço biográfico de um dos sócios seniores da corporação, Paul G Kaminski, Global Technology Partners, LLC é uma filial exclusiva da Rothschild North America, formada para fazer aquisições e investimentos em empresas de tecnologia, defesa e aeroespacial, e TruthSeeker Rothschilds quer Irans Banks. Alguns pesquisadores estão apontando que o Irã é um dos únicos três países deixados no mundo cujo banco central não está sob o controle de Rothschild. Antes do 11 de setembro, havia sete: Afeganistão, Iraque, Sudão, Líbia, Cuba, Coreia do Norte e Irã. Em 2003, no entanto, o Afeganistão eo Iraque foram engolidos pelo polvo Rothschild, e em 2011 o Sudão e a Líbia também se foram. Na Líbia, um banco Rothschild foi estabelecido em Benghazi enquanto o país ainda estava em guerra. WarIsCrime As Nações Unidas Nunca Nações Unidas As Nações Unidas nunca uniram as nações. Sempre fez e une os Estados. Representantes nacionais lá nunca representaram seus. WarisaCrime Teerã foi bogously responsabilizado por conspirar para matar Saudi Arabias embaixador dos EUA. De acordo com acusações espúrias, um vendedor de carro usado iraniano / americano e cartel de droga mexicano contratado assassino foram envolvidos. Israel começou a aperfeiçoar suas habilidades (bandeira falsa) durante o período de Mandatory Palestine. Naquela época, grupos terroristas judeus visavam judeus, britânicos e árabes. Participaram os membros paramilitares da Hagana, o Irgun liderado pelo futuro primeiro-ministro Menachem Begin e Lehi (também chamado de Stern Gang) liderado por outro futuro primeiro-ministro, Yitzhak Shamir. Eles eram assassinos desonestos antes de entrar na política. A baleia, Christopher Bollyn Carter é igualmente um membro do conselho de curadores para MITER, onde era um trustee de 1988 a 1993. A MITER Corp. é uma organização principal da contratação da defesa baseada em Bedford, Massachusetts, que é dirigida pelo diretor anterior de Central Intelligence (DCI), Dr. James Rodney Schlesinger. MITREs comunicação crucial, sistemas de comando e controle claramente falhou em 9-11, algo que merece investigar. WhoDidIt Richard Perle Ronald Hamburger engenheiro estrutural e diretor sênior em Simpson Gumpertz e Heger engenheiros de consultoria em San Francisco foi um autor principal do relatório inicial da FEMA sobre o colapso das torres gêmeas mais tarde um participante-chave no relatório NIST falha sobre por que os edifícios WTC entrou em colapso Banco Mundial boicote boicote títulos, protesto social. 3wisemenessentials Trillionaires Economic Research Paris, Londres, NY, economistas de Tóquio Euromed. dk GoldSeek Algo grande está acontecendo em finanças internacionais como este Goldsmiths irá explicar. No caminho de um pano de fundo, deve-se dizer que várias nações controladas por não-Rothschild - como China, Rússia, Irã e Venezuela - começaram um grito para um novo sistema monetário em 2008 e início de 2009. Parece que eles fizeram Não como uma das moedas mais fracas do mundo, o dólar americano, sendo usado pela equipe Rothschild-EUA para comprar bens e influenciar a política internacional em todo o mundo só porque o dólar era a moeda de reserva internacional chamada. Heritech Curiosamente, a pirâmide no prédio da Suprema Corte de Israel está afundada no telhado e colocada onde não pode ser vista do nível da rua. Obviamente, isso em si mesmo é um símbolo significativo do segredo pretendido, ou pelo menos implícito quotmystery esotérico. Isso nos faz pensar em sociedades secretas em geral, e Maçonaria em particular em estreita ligação com o sionismo. Muitos dos antigos mistérios têm a Cabala (Misticismo Judaico) na sua fonte. Até que ponto esses interceptar mistérios maçônicos Pridger hasnt determinado. BnaiBrith, fundado em 1843, foi caracterizado frequentemente, pelo menos por outsiders, como uma organização maçónica judaica, que aparentemente nega. IranMilitaryForum. net, em entrevista à Nezavisimaia Gazeta, o tenente-general russo Netkachov, ex-vice-comandante das tropas Russas no Sul do Cáucaso, assegurou que, no caso de uma interrupção dos fornecimentos, as forças russas terão de romper o bloqueio dos transportes de Georgias e Fornecer um corredor de transporte que leve à Arménia por meios militares. Mind Control Information Center MinsterPresidente ROTHSCHILD WAR: SÍRIA parte 6 (Guerra Mundial 3) MRT 9 Geplaatst porta ministropresidentrutte Addounia TV Exposições Insurgentes Fabrications sobre o governo sírio Massacres Difundido por Mainstream Media Aqui o ativista querida Danny Dayem mídia pode ser visto ordenando aqueles ao seu redor para o fogo Enquanto ele espera para ir ao vivo na CNN, a fim de apoiar suas alegações falsas de que o governo sírio estava cometendo um massacre contra civis em Homs. Comitê de Pseudo Realidade de 300 Raven Halliburton, BP, Transocean. O mesmo, também, para outro poço de mal e corrupção controlado pela Rothschild, o Goldman Sachs, o banco de investimento que nos deu a crise da dívida hipotecária eo colapso econômico da Grécia. A Goldman Sachs vendeu 44% de suas participações na BP, um total de 4.680.822 ações no valor da melhor parte de 300 milhões, nas semanas que antecederam o desastre do Golfo que fez com que as ações da BP despencasse, assim como as opções de venda pré-9/11 ) Sobre os estoques de companhias aéreas americanas caindo, então temos evidências de que algumas pessoas sabiam o que estava vindo no Golfo do México a partir de uma plataforma petrolífera operada por uma das maiores empresas de Illuminati do planeta - a British Petroleum. RT Zolotarev ressaltou que o objetivo iraniano não é desenvolver armas nucleares funcionando, mas tornar-se um dos chamados Estados limiar, como Japão ou nações da África do Sul que têm o potencial tecnológico para construir bombas nucleares e os mísseis para carregá-los, mas Precisam de uma decisão política final para começar a corrida. Departamento de Estatística da ONU Departamento de Economia e Assuntos Sociais Marcador-Canadá Marcus Agius é um sogro da Dinastia Rothschild. Muito pouco é dito sobre isso na maioria dos meios de comunicação ou histórias. Casado com Katherine Rothschild, um scioness do quotRothschild dinastia bancária de Englandquot mais Que sobre Ferrovial. O novo proprietário espanhol do recentemente bombardeado Aeroporto de Glasgow A família Rothschild e um grupo religioso ultraconservador têm ligações directas à propriedade do Aeroporto de Glasgow. Que se beneficia de ter os muçulmanos culpados por Glasgow Faça a matemática, em seguida, pergunte-se por que este link Rothschild praticamente todos os principais aeroportos no Reino Unido Stern School of Business, Universidade de Nova York, Nouriel Roubini escritos, Conta Corrente e Real Taxa de Câmbio Quem realmente controla a Reserva Federal Os Rothschilds de Londres e Berlim Lazard Irmãos de Paris Israel Moses Seif da Itália Kuhn, Loeb e Warburg da Alemanha e os irmãos Lehman, Goldman, Sachs e as famílias Rockefeller de Nova York. O FED é a única corporação com fins lucrativos na América que está isento de ambos os impostos federais e estaduais. A FED leva em cerca de um trilhão de dólares por ano livre de impostos As famílias bancárias listados acima obter todo esse dinheiro. Quarenta centavos em cada dólar de impostos dos EUA. Grupo do Banco Mundial O que a maioria das pessoas na Grã-Bretanha não tem conhecimento é que o Banco da Inglaterra não é exatamente o que diz na lata. Na verdade, é controlada pela família bancária Rothschild e tem sido desde as guerras napoleônicas quando Nathan Rothschild basicamente assumiu o país, comprando o mercado de ações depois que ele caiu quando ele deu uma história que seu courier tinha trazido notícias de que Napoleão tinha vencido o Batalha de Waterloo, que foi um simples e eficaz con. Recentemente, assim como Clinton, Brown deu ao Banco uma autocracia total pela política monetária em 1998 e, desde então, assim como nos EUA com o autocrítico Federal Reserve, certas casas financeiras fizeram lucros extraordinários enquanto o país se encaminha para a hiper-inflação. WarNewsUpdates UM AGREGADOR DE NOTÍCIAS QUE COBRE OS MUNDOS MAJOR WARS E CONFLITOS. NOTÍCIAS MILITARES, POLÍTICAS E DE INTELIGÊNCIA ESTÃO TAMBÉM COBERTAS Wikipedia é um financista e empresário britânico, actualmente o Presidente do Grupo do Barclays. Ele também foi nomeado diretor executivo sênior da nova diretoria executiva da BBC. Ele é casado com Katherine (nascida em 1949), filha de Edmund de Rothschild da família bancária Rothschild da Inglaterra, com dois filhos, e tem um envolvimento próximo com a propriedade da família Rothschild, Exbury Gardens em Hampshire. AIPAC Mais de 1.000 membros do AIPAC de todos os Estados Unidos reuniram-se em Scottsdale, Arizona, de 30 a 31 de outubro, para a Cúpula Nacional 2011 do AIPAC. A Cúpula, aberta aos membros do AIPAC Capitol Club e acima, contou com importantes líderes políticos americanos e israelenses, membros do Congresso, renomados analistas políticos e especialistas do Oriente Médio. O secretário de Segurança Interna Janet Napolitano, os senadores John McCain (R-AZ) e Claire McCaskill (D-MO), o embaixador de Israel na ONU Ron Prosor, o ex-embaixador dos EUA na ONU John Bolton e o subsecretário de Terrorismo e Inteligência financeira David Cohen. American Enterprise Institute Bretton Woods Eu tenho muito tempo antecipou uma grande queda no dólar dos EUA quando o ataque EUA-Rothschild sobre o Irã tem lugar. Este poderia ser o próximo na agenda Cabal. A maioria dos economistas e analistas está agora ficando no vagão da banda para grandes quedas no dólar. Bem, isso pode acontecer a curto prazo, mas a Cabal pode fazer milagres nos mercados de dinheiro a tempo para Bretton Woods II ou III, quando ocorre no final da estrada. Competitive Enterprise Institute Centro para o Desenvolvimento Global parcialmente financiado pelo Citigroup, CP, Microsoft, Banco Mundial G8 U de Toronto CONSERVATIVO 1 1 Haaretz Um oficial de topo na Frota Navys Fifth EUA estacionados no Bahrein disse que a implantação da USS Enterprise nuclear O grupo de ataque de Abraham Lincoln marca apenas a quarta vez na década passada que a Marinha teve dois porta-aviões operando ao mesmo tempo na região. FMI 2011 Os riscos de estabilidade financeira aumentaram substancialmente nos últimos meses. Perspectivas de crescimento mais fracas afetam negativamente os balanços públicos e privados e aumentam o desafio de lidar com os pesados ​​encargos da dívida. Os balanços públicos em muitas economias avançadas são altamente vulneráveis ​​ao aumento dos custos de financiamento, em parte devido à transferência do risco privado para o setor público. As tensas finanças públicas obrigam os formuladores de políticas a exercer um cuidado especial no uso da política fiscal para apoiar a atividade econômica, enquanto a política monetária tem apenas espaço limitado para fornecer estímulos adicionais. Neste contexto, a crise, já no seu quinto ano, passou para uma nova fase mais política (Gráfico 1.1). Na área do euro, foram tomadas medidas importantes para resolver os problemas actuais, mas as diferenças políticas nas economias em fase de ajustamento e entre as economias que fornecem apoio impediram a obtenção de uma solução duradoura. International Finance Corporation braço privado do FMI Fontes do Ministério da Defesa russo Jamestown disse à agência de notícias semiformal Interfax que os planos de ação estão sendo finalizados para reagir a um conflito armado envolvendo o Irã e seu programa nuclear. O Estado-Maior das Forças Armadas russas calcula que a ação militar contra o Irã começará no verão de 2012. Como Israel não tem recursos suficientes para derrotar as defesas iranianas, os militares russos consideram inevitável o envolvimento militar dos EUA (Interfax, 30 de março). MilitaryFotos Conselho Nacional de Comércio Exterior Overseas Private Investment Corporation Negócio privado americano em democracias emergentes Rothschild Foundation. eu Honrar, comemorar e aprender sobre a história ea cultura dos judeus em toda a Europa pode ser feito de muitas maneiras. O nosso programa de Património Judaico centra-se nos arquivos, museus e edifícios históricos que reflectem a vida judaica, a fim de ajudar a criar e manter um interesse activo na herança judaica da Europa. Além disso, as iniciativas de pesquisa e educacionais que usam a herança judaica como um meio de envolver um amplo espectro de pessoas na descoberta mais sobre a vida judaica são bem-vindas. Saveapatriot O chefe do Banco da Inglaterra desde 1973, Sir Gordon Richardson, governador do Banco da Inglaterra (controlado pela Casa de Rothschild) foi presidente de J. Henry Schroder Wagg e Companhia de Londres de 1963-72, e diretor de J Henry Schroder, Nova Iorque e Schroder Banking Corporation, Nova Iorque, bem como o Lloyds Bank de Londres e a Rolls Royce. Ele mantém uma residência no Sutton Place, em Nova York, e como chefe da London Connection, pode-se dizer que é o banqueiro mais influente do mundo. O edifício foi doado para Israel por Dorothy de Rothschild.5 Fora da Câmara dos Presidentes é exibida a carta que Rothschild escreveu ao Primeiro-Ministro Shimon Peres expressando Sua intenção de doar um novo edifício para a Suprema Corte.6 Foi projetado por Ram Karmi e Ada Karmi-Melamede e aberto em 1992.7 De acordo com o crítico Ran Shechori, nota: O BIS é o banco mais poderoso do mundo, um banco central global Banco para as Oito Famílias que controlam os bancos centrais privados de quase todos os países ocidentais e em desenvolvimento. O primeiro presidente do BIS foi o banqueiro Rockefeller, Gates McGarrah - um funcionário da Chase Manhattan e do Federal Reserve. McGarrah foi o avô do ex-diretor da CIA Richard Helms. Os Rockefeller - como os Morgans - tinham laços estreitos com Londres. David Icke escreve em Children of the Matrix, que os Rockefellers e os Morgans eram apenas gofers para os Rothschilds europeus. 14 Hitler / Bormann eram agentes soviéticos / Rothschild. Siga este gráfico para Rothschild links para 9/11 MartinFrost A Conexão Rothschild: A Casa de Rothschild ea Invasão do Iraque Os crimes da Administração Bush, como o blogueiro Glenn Greenwald observou enfaticamente, são quotgrave, de proporção histórica, e é simplesmente impossível Para quem acredita nos Princípios de Nuremberg, para negar isso. Depois de lançar uma guerra ilegal e agressiva que causou a morte de pelo menos 100.000 pessoas, Greenwald observa que Bush tem cotas extraordinárias de sangue iraquiano. Em suas mãos. A questão não resolvida, que este pequeno artigo tentou responder, é se algum desse sangue pertence às mãos dos Rothschild. Com base nas evidências acima discutidas, é indiscutível que os principais membros do ramo inglês da família Rothschild conheciam muitos dos principais, se não alguns dos mais influentes, defensores da invasão. De fato, os Rothschild tinham relações pessoais e comerciais de longa data e, por vezes, muito próximas com vários barões de mídia, petróleo e hedge fund, tecnocratas e fixadores políticos que faziam parte da rede neo-conservadora ou estavam fortemente envolvidos no apoio Que clique e em promover a guerra. Eles até tiveram acesso, embora indiretos, aos principais tomadores de decisão na Casa Branca e Downing Street. Faltando, é claro, é o quotsmoking gunquot: evidência direta de sua alegada cumplicidade. Apesar da forte evidência de que os Rothschilds conheciam alguns dos principais defensores da invasão, não apenas permaneceram em silêncio sobre onde estavam naquela empresa sangrenta, nada de concreto emergiu confirmando a contribuição de Rothschild na decisão de invadir. Apesar de suas associações, não há nenhuma evidência do Rothschilds ativamente conluio com sua miríade de pró-guerra associados, amigos, parceiros de negócios e conhecidos para empurrar o caso para a guerra. Certamente, como Donald Rumsfeld disse uma vez de forma memorável: "A evidência não é evidência de ausência". Mas, até agora, nem Bob Woodward, nem Seymour Hersh, nem mesmo Wikileaks e toda uma série de jornalistas investigativos britânicos e americanos revelaram ou Tropeçou em todas as informações ou documentos que confirmam um papel Rothschild até agora escondido. Como tal, poderia facilmente descartar o muito do acima como fofocas quotsalacious masquerading como jornalismo de investigação, como um wit procurado descrever - e denigrate - relatar pressão de Rupert Murdochs inúmeros jantares privados com políticos britânicos.175 No entanto, às vezes esse nível de acesso negado De fato, se considerarmos o apoio histórico de Rothschild a Israel, sua reputação de discreta influência, seu notável silêncio sobre o assunto e tendo apenas dois graus de separação entre si e Bush e Blair permanecem motivos razoáveis ​​para suspeitas. Embora a alegação de que eles eram os mestres conspiradores por trás da invasão parece implausível, parece provável que alguns líderes membros da dinastia Rothschild eram mais do que apenas transeuntes bem conectados. Criticamente, eles parecem ter se movido nesses círculos e entre aquelas cliques e quotnetworks dos super-poderosos, que gentilmente permitem aos políticos a ilusão de serem autorizados a administrar as coisas, e até mesmo começar a estranha guerra, desde que eles pensem que trará O ponto crucial da questão, simplesmente, é que, ao conhecer apenas as pessoas certas e ter um motivo plausível, os Rothschild ainda se deixam muito abertos às acusações de cumplicidade e até de conspiração, Sem dúvida preferir evitar .. GlobalResearch CPA Thomas D. Schauf corrobora reivindicações McCallisters, acrescentando que dez bancos de controle de todas as doze ramos do Banco da Reserva Federal. Ele nomeia NM Rothschild de Londres, Banco Rothschild de Berlim, Banco Warburg de Hamburgo, Banco Warburg de Amsterdã, Lehman Brothers de Nova York, Lazard Brothers de Paris, Banco Kuhn Loeb de Nova York, Israel Moses Seif Banco da Itália, Goldman Sachs de Nova Iorque e JP Morgan Chase Bank de Nova Iorque. Schauf lista William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff e James Stillman como indivíduos que possuem grandes ações do Fed. 3 Os Schiffs são insiders em Kuhn Loeb. Os Stillman são membros do Citigroup, que se casaram com o clã Rockefeller na virada do século. Door32. Islândia / Rothschild. Como os faraós do Egito Antigo que construíram seu império com a ajuda de um Grande Visir, a Rainha Elizabeth II também tem um Grande Vizir que serve como seu conselheiro mais confiável. Seu nome é Lord Evelyn Rothschild e ele é a segunda pessoa mais rica e mais poderosa na Terra. Ele também é senhor do capitólio financeiro mundos, a cidade estado de Londres. Lord Rothschild e seu anel de poder escondem suas identidades por trás de treze membros do conselho da cidade que se apresentam como seus representantes. Em 30 de novembro de 2000, Lord Rothschild, agora com 70 anos, se casou em Londres com uma mulher de negócios sionista rica chamada Lynn Forrester. O casal viajou para Washington e passou a noite de núpcias na Casa Branca. Poucos meses antes de 911 se mudaram para Nova York e se instalaram em seu palácio de luxo no andar 18, em Riverhouse, onde dois terraços privados ofereciam-lhes assentos na primeira fila para o show programado em 911. 911Caper The Rothschild connection to 9/11. A família Rothschild é uma dinastia internacional de origem judaica alemã com operações bancárias e financeiras em todo o mundo. A dinastia começou com Mayer Amschel Rothschild (17441812) que era o filho de Amschel Moses Rothschild, um cambista de dinheiro. Por mais de duzentos anos, os Rothschilds foram proeminentes em formenting guerras e fornecimento de armas para ambos os lados, a fim de fazer um lucro não importa quem ganhou e quem perdeu. Como os reis e os governos precisam de dinheiro para fazer a guerra, os Rothschilds também lhes forneceram o dinheiro de que precisavam. Em troca ganhavam interesse e controle gradual sobre cada rei ou governo que eles forneciam com fundos. Os Rothschilds. A família Schiff, os Warburgs, os Rockefeller e outros banqueiros centrais ajudaram a financiar a revolução russa e colocar no poder revolucionários judeus para dirigir a União Soviética. Eles despojaram o país de sua riqueza e assassinaram em qualquer lugar entre 20 e 60 milhões de russos no reinado de terror que se seguiu. Clique aqui para um artigo sobre os judeus que dirigiam a União Soviética. Os Rothschild e os Warburg também ajudaram a financiar a ascensão de Hitler ao poder, a fim de lucrar com a guerra e criar o mito do holocausto que, por sua vez, foi usado para justificar a criação de Israel. No entanto Israel não é um país, mas sim apenas uma outra corporação de propriedade dos Rothschild e seus colegas banqueiros. A Palestina foi escolhida como o centro do governo mundial porque Jerusalém é o local fundador de três grandes religiões: o judaísmo, o islamismo e o cristianismo. O governo israelense é pouco mais do que um apêndice dos banqueiros judeus internacionais que usam suas agências para cometer atos que beneficiam os banqueiros, mas que são encobertos pela proteção de Israel como uma nação de vítimas profissionais. Usando o holocausto como seu trunfo, a intenção dos banqueiros é fazer desaparecer o Islã eo Cristianismo e tornar a adoração do Holocausto Inc. a nova religião mundial. Wikipedia Rothschild está consistentemente nos 10 maiores bancos de investimento globais para assessoria de fusões e aquisições (MampA). De acordo com dados da Thomson Financial, a Rothschild classificou-se como a 6ª maior consultora de fusões e aquisições para negócios concluídos em 2011.5 A empresa é particularmente forte na Europa, especialmente no Reino Unido, França, Alemanha, Itália e países do Benelux, em cada um dos quais Rothschild Mantém de forma consistente uma posição de tabela de primeira linha. Rothschilds força também se estende para a Europa Oriental, Ásia e América Latina. A empresa compete contra uma vasta gama de bancos de investimento, desde conglomerados como Goldman Sachs e JPMorgan, a outros especialistas da MampA como Lazard, Greenhill amp Co. e Houlihan Lokey na MampA avaliação e reestruturação de serviços de consultoria. ASHTON B. CARTER Ashton B. Carter é uma Ford Foundation Professor de Ciência e Assuntos Internacionais na Harvard Universitys John F. Kennedy Escola de Governo e um ex-secretário assistente de Defesa. O ensaio de 1998 que ele co-escreveu com Deutch e Zelikow foi publicado em um livro que escreveu com William Perry, intitulado Defesa Preventiva: Uma Estratégia de Segurança Americana para o Século XXI. Carter é também membro do Conselho de Curadores do MITRE, onde foi um administrador de 1988 a 1993. A MITER Corp é uma importante organização de contratação de defesa baseada em Bedford, Massachusetts, liderada pelo ex-Diretor de Inteligência Central ( DCI), Dr. James Rodney Schlesinger. MITREs comunicação crucial, sistemas de comando e controle claramente falhou em 11/09, algo que merece investigação. Veja: Bollyn-MITRE. html De 2001 a 2002, Carter serviu no Comitê da Academia Nacional de Ciências sobre Ciência e Tecnologia para Combater o Terrorismo e aconselhou sobre a criação do Departamento de Segurança Interna. Carter é também sócio sênior de uma empresa chamada Global Technology Partners, LLC (GTP), da qual William J. Perry é o presidente. John Mark Deutch, ex-diretor da Central Intelligence e co-autor do artigo, também é sócio sênior da GTP. AFILIADO DE ROTHSCHILD O que é GTP Global Technology Partners, LLC é uma filial exclusiva da Rothschild América do Norte, formada para fazer aquisições e investimentos em empresas de tecnologia, defesa e aeroespacial relacionadas, de acordo com um esboço biográfico de um dos sócios sênior corporações , Paul G. Kaminski. Em outra parte, é descrito como uma empresa de serviços bancários de investimento aeroespacial e de defesa, ligada ao Grupo Rothschild ou empresa de serviços profissionais de cotas, associada ao Grupo Rothschild de bancos de investimento. Assim, Ashton B. Carter, John M. Deutch e William J. Perry Outros companheiros do GTP trabalham para e com a família Rothschild, os financiadores judeus de governos e fundadores do Estado de Israel. O aumento segue passos na semana passada pelo regulador do mercado de ações indiano para verificar o investimento estrangeiro que levou o índice de ações a um recorde e empurrou a rupia para um máximo de 9 1/2 anos. O governador Yaga Venugopal Reddy disse que os influxos subiram depois que o Federal Reserve (US Federal Reserve) cortou taxas para conter falências de hipotecas subprime, aumentando o risco de contágio financeiro. Verão / Outono 2007 Brady Net fórum, o mundo dos títulos, a busca CEI Competitive Enterprise Institute Empower América Jack Kemp, Bill Bennet, Cohen Forbes pesquisa Ino Global Foreign Exchange Economia Internacional MMS International Global mercados Pacific Business News notícias de negócios, yuan, renminbi Economia de lado da oferta de Polyconomics OMC Organização Mundial de Comércio Bloomberg QuotIndias banco central inesperadamente ordenou emprestadores para reservar mais reservas pela quarta vez este ano para evitar influxos inaceitavelmente elevados de dinheiro estrangeiro de reiniciar a inflação. O banco de reserva de India levantou a relação dos depósitos que os emprestadores devem põr afastado por meio um ponto a 7.5 por cento, acima dos 5.25 por cento no início do ano. As taxas de juro mantiveram-se inalteradas, o banco central disse em uma indicação em Mumbai hoje. O aumento segue passos na semana passada pelo regulador do mercado de ações indiano para verificar o investimento estrangeiro que levou o índice de ações para um recorde e empurrou a rupia para um 9 1/2 anos de alta. O governador Yaga Venugopal Reddy disse que os influxos subiram depois que o Federal Reserve (US Federal Reserve) cortou taxas para conter falências de hipotecas subprime, aumentando o risco de contágio financeiro. Sensex, restringindo empréstimos bancários para evitar bolhas de ativos, proibindo a emissão de instrumentos offshore vinculados a derivativos, spread entre títulos do governo indiano de dois anos e notas similares do Tesouro dos EUA, desencorajam a arbitragem, a Índia tem impedido Refinarias estatais de aumentar os preços dos combustíveis locais, mesmo que o petróleo bruto subiu 47. KYIVPost quotAs dólar continua a sua queda, banco central da Ucrânia é susceptível de reforçar a moeda nacional do país, uma medida que iria aumentar o poder de compra dos ucranianos média, Tomando uma mordida fora das margens de tycoons export-oriented do negócio grande. Como o Rothschilds controla e dita ao mundo por William Dean Banco de A. Garner para estabelecimentos internacionais (BIS): Como os Rothschilds controlam e dita ao mundo por William Dean A. Garner Durante décadas, as pessoas me pressionaram, me empurraram, me cutucaram, praticamente descascaram minha pele, tiraram meus olhos e arrancaram meu cérebro para provar isso, ou seja, mostrar-lhes os dados, os resultados, os livros, Manuais, panfletos, revistas, monografias, gravações de voz e vídeo, todos os recursos que usei para fazer as declarações que faço sobre o Cartel Brzezinski e os Rothschild. Na noite de St. Patricks Day 2010, sinto que agora é a hora. Mas com uma torção. A lista abaixo mostra 165 maneiras diferentes como A Primeira Esfera de Influência (Rothschilds e Brzezinski Cartel) controla o mundo. Cento e sessenta e cinco razões para acreditar no que eu digo ser 100 exato e verdadeiro. Cada entrada é um banco central separado e distinto, localizado em uma parte separada e distinta do mundo. Estes bancos centrais cobrem o globo e não sabem absolutamente nenhum limite, efetivamente apagando fronteiras mesmo entre inimigos jurados. The BIS (pronounced BIZZ) is the Rothschilds piggy bank, a veritable deep-pit mine, the equivalent of quadrillions of dollars. quadrillion quadrillion adj. 1. The cardinal number equal to 1015. 2. Chiefly British. Septillion. Whats the significance of having a central bank within a country and why should you concern yourself, your family and colleagues Central banks are illegally created PRIVATE banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction, and then emplaced their own people in these central banks to control and manage each countrys pocketbook. Worse, the Rothschilds also control the machinations of each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily vicissitudes of our individual personal lives. Except when we get too far out of line. The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation. Please do not confuse this with the term globalization. Mononation and globalization couldnt be more different in concept, scope and purpose. Mononation is one state. It has one government. One set of laws for all ordinary citizens, no laws for the elite. Globalization refers to communicating, trading, interacting, etc. among separate, different, independent, sovereign countries. The grand plan of The First Sphere of Influence is to create a global mononation. Our own Federal Reserve is an illegally emplaced private bank that is directly responsible for creating all the USs depressions, recessions, and the inflation and deflation of our dollar. The Fed controls the printing of our own currency, and then charges the US government interest on those loans. The interest is growing each year, making it difficult if not impossible for our government to pay it. How do we pay this interest By the US Personal Income Tax. This tax goes to the Rothschild family. In the coming months, as I continue to gather intel and write a book about The First Sphere of Influence, I will share more and more. For now, I kindly ask that you read each of the 165 lines below. One hundred and sixty-five reasons to believe my intel. You can click on each bank and visit its website. Ive seen each one. Theyre real. And theyre one of the reasons why each country is in such deep debt to this insidious family, the Rothschilds. By the way, if youre curious what the US debt is to the BIS, please refer to the table at the end of this article, taken from the latest statistical results provided by the Joint External Debt Hub, which receives data from the BIS, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. BIS Offices Representative Office for Asia and the Pacific 78th floor, Two International Finance Centre 8 Finance Street, Central Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China Telephone: (852) 2878 7100 Fax: (852) 2878 7123 Representative Office for the Americas Torre Chapultepec Rubn Daro 281 17th floor Col. Bosque de Chapultepec Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11580 Mxico, D. F. Mxico Telephone: (52) 55 91380290 Fax: (52) 55 91380299 The Rothschild-Owned Central Banks of the World Afghanistan: Bank of Afghanistan Albania: Bank of Albania Algeria: Bank of Algeria Argentina: Central Bank of Argentina Armenia: Central Bank of Armenia Aruba: Central Bank of Aruba Australia: Reserve Bank of Australia Austria: Austrian National Bank Azerbaijan: Central Bank of Azerbaijan Republic Bahamas: Central Bank of The Bahamas Bahrain: Central Bank of Bahrain Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bank Barbados: Central Bank of Barbados Belarus: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus Belgium: National Bank of Belgium Belize: Central Bank of Belize Benin: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority Bhutan: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan Bolivia: Central Bank of Bolivia Bosnia: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana: Bank of Botswana Brazil: Central Bank of Brazil Bulgaria: Bulgarian National Bank Burkina Faso: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Burundi: Bank of the Republic of Burundi Cambodia: National Bank of Cambodia Cameroon: Bank of Central African States Canada: Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada Cayman Islands: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States Chad: Bank of Central African States Chile: Central Bank of Chile China: The Peoples Bank of China Colombia: Bank of the Republic Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros Congo: Bank of Central African States Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica Cte dIvoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Croatia: Croatian National Bank Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus Czech Republic: Czech National Bank Denmark: National Bank of Denmark Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States Estonia: Bank of Estonia Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia European Union: European Central Bank Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji Finland: Bank of Finland France: Bank of France Gabon: Bank of Central African States The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia Georgia: National Bank of Georgia Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank Ghana: Bank of Ghana Greece: Bank of Greece Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Guyana: Bank of Guyana Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland India: Reserve Bank of India Indonesia: Bank Indonesia Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran Iraq: Central Bank of Iraq Ireland: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Israel: Bank of Israel Italy: Bank of Italy Jamaica: Bank of Jamaica Japan: Bank of Japan Jordan: Central Bank of Jordan Kazakhstan: National Bank of Kazakhstan Kenya: Central Bank of Kenya Korea: Bank of Korea Kuwait: Central Bank of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic Latvia: Bank of Latvia Lebanon: Central Bank of Lebanon Lesotho: Central Bank of Lesotho Libya: Central Bank of Libya Lithuania: Bank of Lithuania Luxembourg: Central Bank of Luxembourg Macao: Monetary Authority of Macao Macedonia: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia Madagascar: Central Bank of Madagascar Malawi: Reserve Bank of Malawi Malaysia: Central Bank of Malaysia Mali: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Malta: Central Bank of Malta Mauritius: Bank of Mauritius Mexico: Bank of Mexico Moldova: National Bank of Moldova Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro Morocco: Bank of Morocco Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique Namibia: Bank of Namibia Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal Netherlands: Netherlands Bank Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria Norway: Central Bank of Norway Oman: Central Bank of Oman Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Poland: National Bank of Poland Portugal: Bank of Portugal Qatar: Qatar Central Bank Romania: National Bank of Romania Russia: Central Bank of Russia Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Serbia: National Bank of Serbia Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands South Africa: South African Reserve Bank Spain: Bank of Spain Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Sudan: Bank of Sudan Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank Switzerland: Swiss National Bank Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania Thailand: Bank of Thailand Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey Uganda: Bank of Uganda Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates United Kingdom: Bank of England United States: The Dirty Nasty Stinky Fed, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Uruguay: Central Bank of Uruguay Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen Zambia: Bank of Zambia Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe ABOUT THE AUTHOR: William Dean A. Garner is a New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many fiction and nonfiction books. A former biophysicist, US Army Airborne Ranger, and Corporate Mercenary, Garner did 211 overseas missions over a nine-year period, escorting clients out of hostile territories so they could have a voice of peace, freedom and liberty. He writes and speaks about the dangers of The First Sphere of Influence, a global cartel controlled by the family Rothschild. Care2 Jacob Rothschild, the current head of the Rothschild dynasty, has intermarried with the Sinclair family, forging an important alliance between the head family of the Illuminati, and the supposed descendants of the Grail family. As has been popularized recently by Dan Brown in the Da Vinci Code, or before him by the Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Stuarts of Scotland are supposedly descended from King Arthur and Jesus Christ. These families are of course not descended from Jesus. The idea is preposterous. But they are related to the Holy Grail, and they are not Christians, but Kabbalists. In reality, they, like all the aristocratic bloodlines that form the core of the Illuminati, are descended from Guillaume de Gellone of the eighth century AD. Guillaumes father was Rabbi Makhir, among the Exilarchs who ruled the Jews in Baghdad, who was sent West after a dispute over the successorship. In France, he took the name Theodoric, married Alda, the aunt of Charlemagne, and was appointed King of the Jews in the region of the Languedoc, with his capital the city of Narbonne. Narbonne then became the heartland of the Medieval Kabbalah. The Kabbalists of Narbonne seem to have been responsible for instigating the Crusades, in order to retrieve sacred texts that had been buried there, but which had been unaccessible because of first the rule of the Romans, and then the Muslims. Once Jerusalem was conquered, a Kabbalistic order of knights known as the Templars conducted excavations, and discovered the text of the Sepher ha Bahir, which revived the lost mystical tradition, and set off the cultural revolution of the Medieval Kabbalah. Another aspect of the penetration of these Kabbalistic ideas was the heresy of the Cathars. The Cathar foothold was in the region of Tolouse, the bastion of the descendants of Guillaume, also known as the family of the Guilhemids, several of whom were ardent defenders of the heresy. However, the Cathars have been idealized by numerous Illuminati propagandists as having been innocent victims of Church persecutions, but the Cathars rejected the God of the Bible, in favour of the worship of Lucifer and practiced witchcraft. It was the Cathars who influenced the heretical aspects of the Templars, for which the order was disbanded in 1307. Part of this Kabbalistic revolution was the legends of the Holy Grail, which included Cathar and Templar themes, and formulated in the region of Aquitaine, another stronghold of the Guilhemids. The Holy Grail, or San Greal, should have been translated as Sang Real, or Royal Blood, because it referred to the sacred bloodline that supposedly issued from Guillaume de Gellone, and ultimately King David, but which in reality, was understood to represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels, and their leader, Lucifer. The Sinclairs were descendants of Guillaume de Gellone, through his great-great-granddaughter, Poppa of Bavaria, who married the Viking leader, Rollo Ragnvaldsson. Among Rollos descendants was William the Conqueror of Normandy. The Sinclairs, or St. Clair, were given various other castles around France. However, they all went to England with the Conqueror. One Sinclair, though, named William, did not like the Conqueror, so with some other discontented barons, he went to Scotland and placed himself in the service of King Malcolm III of Scotland. Malcolm III King of Scotland was the father of David I quotthe Saintquot King of Scotland. In 1128, soon after the Council of Troyes, Hugh de Payens, the Templars first Grand Master, met with King David I of Scotland. King David later surrounded himself with Templars, and appointed them as quotthe Guardians of his morals by day and nightquot. David married the grand-daughter of Lambert II, the brother of Godefroi de Bouillon, leader of the first crusade, and the sister of sister of William the Conqueror. Godefrois younger brother, Eustace III, married Davids sister, Mary Scots. Their daughter married Stephen I King of England, the son Adela de Normandie, the daughter of William the Conqueror. Adelas brother, Henry I King of England, married Davids sister, Editha of Scotland. Their daughter, Mathilda Empress of England, married Geoffrey V, Comte dAnjou, whose son Henry II married Eleanor of Aquitaine. King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Balantrodoch, by the Firth of Forth, but now renamed Temple, near the site of Rosslyn. And, legend has it that, when the Templars came under trial, their leader de Molay arranged for the Templar to return to Scotland, where they assisted Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn. Robert the Bruce claimed the Scottish throne as a great-great-great-great grandson of David. Walter Stewart, the sixth High Steward of Scotland, also played an important part in the Battle of Bannockburn. Walter Stewart then married Majory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and their son Robert II of Scotland was heir to the House of Bruce he eventually inherited the Scottish throne after his uncle David II of Scotland died. In Scotland, the Templars served Robert the Bruce as members of the Scots Guard, of which two prominent families were those of the Stuarts and the Sinclairs. Henry Sinclair was a supporter of Robert the Bruce, and one of his descendants, William Sinclair, designed Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and believed to be one of the sites where the Grail might be buried. Finally, the Sinclairs became the Hereditary Grand Masters of the Masons of Scotland. After Queen Elizabeth died without an heir, she was succeeded by the son of Mary Queen of Scots, James Stewart I of England, also known as King James. It is for this reason that the Freemasons of the eighteenth century conspired to back the Stuart cause, after their last monarch, James II Stuart, King of England, was deposed, and replaced by William of Orange. The Stuart cause then became the essence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which regarded the Stuarts as the inheritors of the Templars, who had rescued the secret tradition of the East, otherwise known as the Kabbalah. Since the late eighteenth century, however, the Illuminati have come under the leadership of the Rothschild family. The founder of the dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, ordered his sons to marry only their first cousins, continuing the careful intermarrying practiced by their predecessors. However, the first exception was Hannah, the daughter of Amschel Mayers son, the notorious Nathan Mayer Rothschild, who married the Rt. Hon. Henry Fitzroy, a direct descendant of Charles II Stuart King of England, the father of James II. More recently, however, is the great-great-great grandson of Nathan Mayer, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, who married Mary Serena Dunn. The mother of Mary Serena was Lady Mary Sybil St. Clair-Erskine, who was the daughter of James Francis Harry St. Clair-Erskine, 5th Earl of Rosslyn. Jacob Rothschild is the current head of the UK Rothschild family, having inherited the fourth baronetcy from his father, Victor, an eminent zoologist, and sometime MI5 agent and friend of KGB agents Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess. Jacob resigned from the familys bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, run by his cousin Evelyn, and started RIT Capital Partners. Jacob Rothschild resigned from the familys bank NM Rothschilds in 1980, run by his cousin Evelyn, and started RIT Capital Partners. He is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, which built and gave the Knesset government buildings and the Supreme Court to Israel, and chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide. Jacob Rothschild is chairman of Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild foundation, which chairs the Jewish Policy Research, dedicated to promoting issues affecting Jews worldwide. Yad Hanadiv was also responsible for building and granting the Knesset government buildings, and the Supreme Court of Israel, which prominently features Masonic symbolism and the pyramid and all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. Jacob Rothschild was a close personal friend of the Princess Diana, and maintains strong personal and business links with Henry Kissinger. He knows Rupert Murdoch well, having been friends since the Australian newspaper proprietor first came to the UK in the 1960s. His country estate has been a regular venue for visiting heads of state including Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Margaret Thatcher received French President Franois Mitterrand there at a summit in 1990. He hosted the European Economic Round Table conference in 2002, attended by such figures as James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank, Nicky Oppenheimer, Warren Buffet and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The Rothschild family (German. French. known as The House of Rothschild,1 or more simply as the Rothschilds, is a European dynasty, of German-Jewish origin, that established European banking and finance houses starting in the late 18th century. Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family have been elevated to Austrian nobility, being given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. Another line, of the British branch of the family, was elevated to British nobility at the request of Queen Victoria.23 During the 1800s, when it was at its height, the family is believed to have possessed by far the largest private fortune in the world as well as by far the largest fortune in modern world history.345 Today, Rothschild businesses are on smaller scale than they were throughout the 19th century, although they encompass a diverse range of fields, including: private asset management, financial advice, mixed farming, wine, and charities.67 Contents hide 1 Family overview 2 The Napoleonic Wars 3 International high finance 4 English branch 5 French branches 6 Austrian branch 7 Naples branch 8 Jewish identity and positions on Zionism 9 Modern business 9.1 The Rothschild Group 9.2 Edmond de Rothschild Group 9.3 RIT Capital Partners 9.4 Investment 9.5 Wine 9.6 Art and charity 10 Cultural references 11 Conspiracy theories 12 Prominent descendants of Mayer Amschel Rothschild 13 See also 14 Notes 15 Further reading 15.1 Documentary film 16 External links editFamily overview The first member of the family who was known to use the name quotRothschildquot was Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, who was born in 1577. The name means quotRed Shieldquot in old German. The familys ascent to international prominence began in 1744, with the birth of Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He was the son of Amschel Moses Rothschild, (born circa 1710),8 a money changer who had traded with the Prince of Hesse. Born in the ghetto (called quotJudengassequot or Jewish-alley) of Frankfurt, Mayer developed a finance house and spread his empire by installing each of his five sons in the five main European financial centres to conduct business. The Rothschild coat of arms contains a clenched fist with five arrows symbolizing the five dynasties established by the five sons of Mayer Rothschild, in a reference to Psalm 127: quotLike arrows in the hands of a warriorquot. The family motto appears below the shield: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (Harmony, Integrity, Industry).9 Paul Johnson writes quotThe Rothschilds are elusive. There is no book about them that is both revealing and accurate. Libraries of nonsense have been written about them. A woman who planned to write a book entitled Lies about the Rothschilds abandoned it, saying: It was relatively easy to spot the lies, but it proved impossible to find out the truthquot. He writes that, unlike the court Jews of earlier centuries, who had financed and managed European noble houses, but often lost their wealth through violence or expropriation, the new kind of international bank created by the Rothschilds was impervious to local attacks. Their assets were held in financial instruments, circulating through the world as stocks, bonds and debts. Changes made by the Rothschilds allowed them to insulate their property from local violence: quotHenceforth their real wealth was beyond the reach of the mob, almost beyond the reach of greedy monarchs. quot10 Johnson argued that their fortune was generated to the greatest extent by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in London however more recent research by Niall Ferguson, indicates that greater and equal profits also were realised by the other Rothschild dynasties, including James Mayer de Rothschild in Paris, Carl von Rothschild and Amschel Mayer in Frankfurt.11 Another essential part of Mayer Rothschilds strategy for future success was to keep control of their banks in family hands, allowing them to maintain full secrecy about the size of their fortunes. About 1906, the Jewish Encyclopedia noted: quotThe practice initiated by the Rothschilds of having several brothers of a firm establish branches in the different financial centers was followed by other Jewish financiers, like the Bischoffsheims, Pereires, Seligmans, Lazards, and others, and these financiers by their integrity and financial skill obtained credit not alone with their Jewish confrres, but with the banking fraternity in general. By this means Jewish financiers obtained an increasing share of international finance during the middle and last quarter of the nineteenth century. The head of the whole group was the Rothschild family. quot. It also states: quotOf more recent years, non-Jewish financiers have learned the same cosmopolitan method, and, on the whole, the control is now rather less than more in Jewish hands than formerly. quot12 Mayer Rothschild successfully kept the fortune in the family with carefully arranged marriages, often between first or second cousins (similar to Royal intermarriage). By the late 19th century, however, almost all Rothschilds had started to marry outside the family, usually into the aristocracy or other financial dynasties.13 His sons were: Amschel Mayer Rothschild (17731855): Frankfurt, died childless, passed to sons of Salomon and Calmann Salomon Mayer Rothschild (17741855): Vienna Nathan Mayer Rothschild (17771836): London Calmann Mayer Rothschild (17881855): Naples Jakob Mayer Rothschild (17921868): Paris The German family name quotRothschildquot is pronounced approximately ROT-shillt in German, not wroth(s)-child as it is in English. The surname quotRothschildquot is common in Germany, and the vast majority of the bearers of the name are unrelated to this family. Moreover, the German surnames quotRothschildquot and quotRothchildquot are not related to the Protestant surname quotRothchildsquot from the United Kingdom. Committee of 300 The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Companys Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600. It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time. Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a quotNew World Orderquot, under a quotTotalitarian Global Governmentquot. There is no need to use quottheyquot or quotthe enemyquot except as shorthand. We know who quottheyquot, the enemy, is. The Committee of 300 with its quotaristocracyquot, its ownership of the U. S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators-this is the enemy. Secret societies exist by deception. Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity. The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II. It is interesting to note that the Windsors changed their name from the Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during WWI, because of anti-German sentiment. Abdullah II, King of Jordan Abramovich, Roman Ackermann, Josef Adeane, Edward Agius, Marcus Ahtisaari, Martti Akerson, Daniel Albert II, King of Belgium Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia Amato, Giuliano Anderson, Carl A. Andreotti, Giulio Andrew, Duke of York Anne, Princess Royal Anstee, Nick Ash, Timothy Garton Astor, William Waldorf Aven, Pyotr Balkenende, Jan Peter Ballmer, Steve Balls, Ed Barroso, Jos Manuel Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands Belka, Marek Bergsten, C. Fred Berlusconi, Silvio Bernake, Ben Bernstein, Nils Berwick, Donald Bildt, Carl Bischoff, Sir Winfried Blair, Tony Blankfein, Lloyd Blavatnik, Leonard Bloomberg, Michael Bolkestein, Frits Bolkiah, Hassanal Bonello, Michael C Bonino, Emma Boren, David L. Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg Bronfman, Charles Bronfman, Edgar Jr. Bruton, John Brzezinski, Zbigniew Budenberg, Robin Buffet, Warren Bush, George HW Cameron, David Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall Cardoso, Fernando Henrique Carington, Peter Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden Carlos, Duke of Parma Carney, Mark Carroll, Cynthia Caruana, Jaime Castell, Sir William Chan, Anson Chan, Margaret Chan, Norman Charles, Prince of Wales Chartres, Richard Chiaie, Stefano Delle Chipman, Dr John Chodiev, Patokh Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein Cicchitto, Fabrizio Clark, Wesley Clarke, Kenneth Clegg, Nick Clinton, Bill Cohen, Abby Joseph Cohen, Ronald Cohn, Gary Colonna di Paliano, Marcantonio, Duke of Paliano Constantijn, Prince of the Netherlands Constantine II, King of Greece Cooksey, David Cowen, Brian Craven, Sir John Crockett, Andrew Dadush, Uri DAloisio, Tony Darling, Alistair Davies, Sir Howard Davignon, tienne Davis, David de Rothschild, Benjamin de Rothschild, David Ren de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Leopold Deiss, Joseph Deripaska, Oleg Dobson, Michael Draghi, Mario Du Plessis, Jan Dudley, William C. Duisenberg, Wim Edward, Duke of Kent Edward, Earl of Wessex Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom Elkann, John Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples Ernst August, Prince of Hanover Feldstein, Martin Festing, Matthew Fillon, Franois Fischer, Heinz Fischer, Joschka Fischer, Stanley FitzGerald, Niall Franz, Duke of Bavaria Fridman, Mikhail Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau Gates, Bill Geidt, Christopher Geithner, Timothy Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris Gorbachev, Mikhail Gore, Al Gotlieb, Allan Green, Stephen Greenspan, Alan Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster Gurra, Jos ngel Hague, William Hampton, Sir Philip Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein Harald V, King of Norway Harper, Stephen Heisbourg, Franois Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg Hildebrand, Philipp Hills, Carla Anderson Holbrooke, Richard Honohan, Patrick Howard, Alan Ibragimov, Alijan Ingves, Stefan Isaacson, Walter Juan Carlos, King of Spain Jacobs, Kenneth M. Julius, DeAnne Juncker, Jean-Claude Kenen, Peter Kerry, John King, Mervyn Kinnock, Glenys Kissinger, Henry Knight, Malcolm Koon, William H. II Krugman, Paul Kufuor, John Lajolo, Giovanni Lake, Anthony Lambert, Richard Lamy, Pascal Landau, Jean-Pierre Laurence, Timothy Leigh-Pemberton, James Leka, Crown Prince of Albania Leonard, Mark Levene, Peter Leviev, Lev Levitt, Arthur Levy, Michael Lieberman, Joe Livingston, Ian Loong, Lee Hsien Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou Louis-Dreyfus, Grard Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau Mandelson, Peter Manning, Sir David Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark Martnez, Guillermo Ortiz Mashkevitch, Alexander Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano McDonough, William Joseph McLarty, Mack Mersch, Yves Michael, Prince of Kent Michael, King of Romania Miliband, David Miliband, Ed Mittal, Lakshmi Moreno, Glen Moritz, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Murdoch, Rupert Napolon, Charles Nasser, Jacques Niblett, Robin Nichols, Vincent Nicols, Adolfo Noyer, Christian Ofer, Sammy Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie Ollila, Jorma Oppenheimer, Nicky Osborne, George Oudea, Frederic Parker, Sir John Patten, Chris Pbereau, Michel Penny, Gareth Peres, Shimon Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza Phl, Karl Otto Powell, Colin Prokhorov, Mikhail Quaden, Guy Rasmussen, Anders Fogh Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI) Reuben, David Reuben, Simon Rhodes, William R. Rice, Susan Richard, Duke of Gloucester Rifkind, Sir Malcolm Ritblat, Sir John Roach, Stephen S. Robinson, Mary Rockefeller, David Jr. Rockefeller, David Sr. Rockefeller, Nicholas Rodrguez, Javier Echevarra Rogoff, Kenneth Roth, Jean-Pierre Rothschild, Jacob Rubenstein, David Rubin, Robert Ruspoli, Francesco, 10th Prince of Cerveteri Safra, Joseph Safra, Moises Sands, Peter Sarkozy, Nicolas Sassoon, Isaac Sassoon, James Sawers, Sir Robert John Scardino, Marjorie Schwab, Klaus Schwarzenberg, Karel Schwarzman, Stephen A. Shapiro, Sidney Sheinwald, Nigel Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Snowe, Olympia Sofa, Queen of Spain Soros, George Specter, Arlen Stern, Ernest Stevenson, Dennis Steyer, Tom Stiglitz, Joseph Strauss-Kahn, Dominique Straw, Jack Sutherland, Peter Tanner, Mary Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti Thompson, Mark Thomson, Dr. James Tietmeyer, Hans Trichet, Jean-Claude Tucker, Paul Van Rompuy, Herman Vlez, lvaro Uribe Verplaetse, Alfons Villiger, Kaspar Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess of Russia Volcker, Paul von Habsburg, Otto Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Muizzaddin, Sultan of Brunei Walker, Sir David Wallenberg, Jacob Walsh, John Warburg, Max Weber, Axel Alfred Weill, Michael David Wellink, Nout Whitman, Marina von Neumann Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange William Prince of Wales Williams, Dr Rowan Williams, Shirley Wilson, David Wolfensohn, James Wolin, Neal S. Woolf, Harry Woolsey, R. James Jr. Worcester, Sir Robert Wu, Sarah Zoellick, Robert Euro-Med. dk Your New World Central Bank and World Currency - Taken Out of Rothschilds Expensive CO2-free Air Summary: The Rothschild think tank, the Chatham House, has presented its proposal for a world currency based on the International Monetary Unions (IMF) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) - not based on real values, but only set at a notional value arbitrarily conferred on them, probably to be based on allocated CO2 allowances. The IMF would accordingly become the worlds Central Bank and Treasury. Already the IMF can be regarded as a Rothschild subsidiary. The Chatham House suggests that the IMFs head and the participating countries central bank governors, who are Rothschild-controlled, be given the task of controlling the world currency The UNEP, the UNCTAD and the G20 have made the same proposal. The IMF is to have the right to 1. issue the first supranational currency i. e. paper money without any other backing than the good-will and guarantees of the IMF member states. 2. to survey currencies and deal with currency misalignments and promote monetary coordination. 3. to increase the use of SDRs and here, until it becomes the world currency in international trading. 4. Take national currencies at exchange rates, which the IMF fixes in return for paper. 5. determining the wealth of nations by altering their exchange rates to the SDRs. 6. regulate the production of SDRs thus regulating economical activity through inflation and deflation at the IMFs liking. 7. In particular there needs to be a market-maker willing to buy and sell SDR bonds at bid/offer spreads that are competitive vis--vis those in existing bond markets use as a unit of account and settlement for oil and other commodities (Let us guess: Rothschild, J. P. Morgan will assist). 8. Foster greater efforts in the peer monitoring and assessment of the full range of economic policies that impinge on countries balance of payments and exchange rates. 9. Strengthen the role and legitimacy of international institutions. 10. allowing it to issue its own quarterly reports on exchange rate and other relevant policies 11. The IMF would thereby become more vigorously engaged in naming and shaming. The following is a report from March 2010 from the famous British elitist think tank The Chatham House. It summarizes what has been forwarded by the UN, G 20 and also by China: A New World Order with a world currency, viz. the Special Drawing Rights SDRs and here of the IMF. It is also interesting, because it shows the thinking of the world government elite (according to EU Pres. van Rompuy, 2009 was the 1. year of global governance). The IMF is to be a world central Bank, as the BIS has been till now. 2 fathers of the International Monetary Fund (IMF): Communist, Harry Dexter White, and John Maynard Keynes Now let us see who is behind the IMF. It has joint world bank statistics with Rothschilds BIS. The IMF cooperates with the BIS on financial stability, and the IMF holds common conferences with the BIS on real estate and financial stability The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) is nothing but the Milner Group writ large. It was founded by the Group, has been consistently controlled by the Group, and to this day is the Milner Group in its widest aspect. It is the legitimate child of the Round Table organization also spawning the Council on Foreign Relations. The Round Table was the legitimate child of the Closer Union movement organized in South Africa in 1907 In his third will Cecil Rhodes left his entire estate to Freemason, Lord Nathan Rothschild as trustee. Rhodes stipulated that his gigantic fortune be used by his disciples to carry out the program he envisioned. Rothschild appointed Freemason Alfred Milner to head up the Secret society for which Rhodess first will made provision. Upon his appointment by Rothschild to chair Rhodess secret society, Milner recruited a group of young men from Oxford and Toynbee Hall to assist him in organizing his administration of the new society. All were respected English Freemasons. Among them were Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Balfour, Lord Rothschild, and some Oxford College graduates known as quotMilners Kindergarten. quot In 1909, Milners Kindergarten, with some other English Masons, founded the Round Table. The grandfather of all modern British Masonic quotthink tanksquot was born. Three powerful think tank offshoots of the Round Table are (1) the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), organized in 1919 in London (2) the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), organized in 1921 in New York City and (3) the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR dissolved 1960), organized in 1925 or the twelve countries holding territory in what today we call the Pacific Rim. The Chatham House or as it was called until 2004: The Royal Institute for International Affairs, has a long and sinister history Executive Summary and Recommendations Beyond the Dollar Rethinking the International Monetary System A Chatham House Report Edited by Paola Subacchi and John Driffill, Chatham House, Chatham House and the ESRC World Economy and Finance Programme have looked at the current system, assessed the goals and principles that underpin it and made some recommendations for the way forward. Dominique Strauss Kahn is very much pleased with the New World Order plans to make his IMF the Worlds Central Bank This decade will certainly be one of transition. We do not expect a big bang, but a long, gradual process of incremental change and adjustment. However, whether this transition and the rebalancing of the world economy will be smooth remains to be seen. As a result, the interests and requirements of the emerging economic powers should be taken into account. Policy cooperation should aim to avoid any protectionist reaction to exchange rate movements. There is an argument for moving towards a multicurrency reserve system in line with the multipolar world, as well as expanding the use of a supranational currency such as the Special Drawing Right (SDR) (see Box 1). The policy recommendations below not only propose the measures that we regard as necessary but also take into account the political and economic costs involved in the transition from the current inadequately functioning system to a more sustainable and functional one. A multicurrency reserve system for a multipolar world economy 1.1 Develop a multicurrency reserve system that is appropriate for a world of regional trading blocs Europe, Asia, the Americas alongside a still preeminent dollar. The disadvantage of losing network externalities would be compensated by gaining stability. Historical experience has shown that two or more reserve currencies can operate simultaneously. 1.2 Encourage a more extensive use of Special Drawing Rights as a supranational currency alongside international reserve currencies that are issued by sovereign states or by sovereign states pooled together in a currency union, as is the case for the euro. 1.3 Promote cross-border dialogue and policy cooperation in order to manage the transition from a system based on the dollar to a multicurrency one. Institutional arrangements should be strengthened, with a clear mandate to avoid major imbalances. 2. Increase the use of the Special Drawing Rights 2.1 Expand the supply of SDRs in a frequent, predictable and politically independent way, so as to increase the existing stock at least in line with world GDP, gradually reducing the accumulation of dollars. 2.2 Establish a new committee (the International Monetary Policy Committee) to produce regular recommendations to the IMF board for new SDR allocations. The constitution of such a committee should be designed to ensure that its decisions are independent and fair. It might be chaired by the IMF managing director and composed of the heads of the central banks (All Rothschilds minions) whose currencies make up the SDR, along with independent experts to allow independent decision-making on changes to the composition of the basket of currencies in the SDRs. 2.3 Establish a substitution account under the IMF into which member countries can deposit dollars, euros, yen or sterling, and receive the equivalent amount in SDRs in their account based on the exchange rate then prevailing. The size of this account should be limited initially and increased gradually, as experience is gained of its use by member countries and of the pattern of deposits and redemptions. Initially the substitution account might allow only one-way transfers, but it should work towards allowing both purchases and redemptions. 2.4 Take steps to increase the use of and demand for SDRs, beyond official circles, in international trade and finance: 2.4.1 The IMF should permit SDR accounts to be opened by private-sector actors. 2.4.2 The IMF or another suitable provider should create a settlement system, so that transactions denominated in SDRs can take place directly between buyers and sellers on a secure and transparentplatform. 2.4.3 The development of SDR-denominated financial instruments and markets in which to trade them should be encouraged. In particular there needs to be a market-maker willing to buy and sell SDR bonds at bid/offer spreads that are competitive vis--vis those in existing bond markets. These measures would greatly strengthen confidence in the liquidity of SDRs (i. e. their marketability, acceptability by all countries, convertibility to the dollar and other currencies, and use as a unit of account and settlement for oil and other commodities). 3. Promote dialogue and policy coordination to provide stability, confidence and balanced adjustment 3.1 Foster greater efforts in the peer monitoring and assessment of the full range of economic policies that impinge on countries balance of payments and exchange rates. 3.2 Encourage international dialogue between countries issuing a reference currency and individual or groups of countries using the reference currency. Consultation would pre-specify credible actions that would be taken in the case of growing imbalances and required change in reference currencies. 4. Strengthen the role and legitimacy of international institutions 4.1 Rebalance subscriptions to and voting rights within the IMF more rapidly and more radically than is currently taking place. These changes are needed to improve governance of, and increase international confidence in, the IMF. They are important in paving the way to wider use of SDRs. Without them the IMF risks becoming marginalized as an agent of a group of countries with a dwindling global presence. Following the reweighting of the voting rights, the composition of the Executive Board should also be rebalanced. 4.2 Strengthen the IMFs score-keeping capacity by allowing it to issue its own quarterly reports on exchange rate and other relevant policies. These would help in the evaluation of the full range of economic policies that affect exchange rates and the balance of payments, and establish a set of benchmarks against which countries actual policies and policy commitments could be assessed. The IMF would thereby become more vigorously engaged in naming and shaming. Both the management and the board must adjust the incentives for the staff to raise sensitive issues. IMF management, rather than the board, should have the authority to approve such surveillance reports, to further insulate the staff from political pressures. 4.3 Mandate the IMF to deal with currency misalignments and promote monetary coordination, or establish an institution for this purpose. Such an institution could start as a caucus of the countries issuing the reserve currencies the United States, the Eurozone, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Japan and also include countries with the largest accumulation of reserves. This institution should eventually fulfil the function in terms of international monetary affairs that the World Trade Organization does for international trade. The SDR is not a currency but a basket of currencies currently comprising the dollar, the Japanese yen, the euro and the pound sterling. The relative weights of these currencies are adjusted every five years. The next adjustment will take place in 2010. There have been only four allocations of SDRs made thus far. The last two allocations of 161.2 billion and 21.5 billion were made in August 2009 and September 2009 respectively. The total amount of SDRs is currently 204.1 billion. These SDRs are distributed to the IMF member states in accordance with quotas that are largely decided by the size of their economy and its openness. The quota determines each members voting power in the IMF and its access to IMF funding as well as its financial obligations to the IMF. Wikipedia: SDRs obtain their reserve asset power from the commitments of the IMF member states to hold and honor them for payment of balances Comment Now, as stated above this is a summary of well-known suggestions from the UNEP and the technocrats. Their world currency consists of equal quotas of thin air (CO2) allocated to every person on earth. When you have used your allocation you go broke. You cannot make savings. Barroso 4. febr. 2010: The Copenhagen Accord might not be all that we hoped for. But it is a significant step on the road to a low carbon future. In the end, we will get there. No matter science, no matter the exposures of global warming science as fraud, The New World Order is building our future on thin air and lies. The devil is really at large in the NWO, for the NWO is his order. Rothschild minion George Soros advocates SDRs as world currency, too. In April 2009. Downing Street 10 affirmed on behalf of the G20 that the IMF was to be endowed with 250 bn dollars of new SDR allocations. This automatically means more inflation, i. e. theft of the value of our money. The remarkable thing is that the Master of the New World Order, The Rothschild Club, the Chatham House, comes into the open, stamping this one-world inititiative as its policy. That China, Russia and the Gulf states are dissatisfied with the dollar as the worlds only reserve currency and have started efforts to replace became clear last fall. The UNCTAD also wants a new world reserve currency, preferably the SDRs. So instead of gold standard, we are going to have a currency based on nothing, except the New World order elites gracious grants to us subhumans. Did you believe, you could buy a little gold to secure yourself Oh no. Your gold either consists of Tungsten covered with a thin layer of gold or your gold certificate is just 1 worth its face value. Well, they are robbing you of your money, anyway, viz. as CO2 taxes. Skolnick / Rense Several goldmines, suffering from disastrously low gold prices, are considering accusing the Federal Reserve and others, including known international criminals such as Marc Rich, of a diabolical scheme to prop up six huge failing hedge funds by way of attempting to head off a worldwide financial meltdown. Described by some as high-cost producers, the mines are reportedly considering publicizing their plight, to rescue themselves from the artificial situation created by what they contend is the pricing of gold below the cost of production of even the worlds most efficient mines. If public awareness does not defeat the anti-gold plot, the mines only recourse is to have British interests take over at lead mine prices, just short of bankruptcy. Among those reportedly complaining are Homestake Mines, South Dakota and California, as well as several deep-in-the-earth South African mines. Some Third World mines are accusing the Anti-Gold cabal of racist policies, designed to impoverish countries populated by people of color. Some in the Johannesburg government are expected to spearhead the finger-pointing. The plot to force down the price of the yellow metal, the mines say, revolves around a little-known term called the quotgold carryquot trade. A low price of gold enables some Wall Street marauders to make huge profits by being able to use such prices as a vehicle to get loans for as little as one per cent. The mines contend that some in their own industry, to the detriment of their own stockholders, are going along with the anti-gold tricks. Among those accused is American Barrick, principal players of which include George Herbert Walker Bush and sons George W. Neil, and Jeb. Some have accused Barrick of being a proprietary operation of the American CIA and the National Security Agency, using untraceable gold as funding for the overthrow of governments and the assassination of leaders, U. S. and overseas. Alleged quotPresidentquot George W. Bush, heckled by critics as an quotimposterquot and usurper, shortly after grabbing power, has cancelled the Carter Administrations Presidential edict banning the U. S. from engaging in political assassinations to carry out some national or international policy. Implicit in the political murder go-ahead is funding of the same with secret gold. The Federal Reserve, together with Wall Street investment thugs Goldman Sachs amp Co. and J. P. Morgan, joined by the quotmetal menquot of international pirate Marc Rich and his rogues, are reportedly accused of being part of the Anti-Gold Cartel devoted to attempting to bail out six monstrous hedge funds, the eminent collapse of which threatens the viability of the New York Stock Exchange as well as the possible existence of NASDAQ. In plain terms, the stricken mines are accusing the Fed and their cut-throats of propping up hedge funds whose would-be wizards completely guessed wrong in their gambling on complex markets known generally as derivatives. Without the gold hocus-pocus, the failure of the hedge funds may cause the eventual closing for a time of Big Board Or is it Big Bird trading as well as other markets, according to mining sources. They contend that exchange clearing houses may also as a result fail. To head off the expected financial debacle, escalating the recession into a headlong wreckage, they contend, the Federal Reserve has joined even with known criminals in Switzerland and the Russian mafiya. With the downfall of the Soviet government, aided by his complicity in the attack on the Russian currency, the Ruble, about 1990, Marc Rich arranged with former top officials of the Soviet Secret Police to steal a large portion of the Soviet gold treasury. At the time, the Soviets were one of the worlds largest gold producers. New purported users of the precious metal horde as a bartering device have been the Dutch banking octopus, Algemene Bank Nederland, now called ABN-AMRO. Quantities of the purloined gold have been parked at or near a Swiss airport for rapid transit to any point on the planet, as needed. The U. S. flagship of ABN, La Salle National Bank of Chicago, used the plundered gold as collateral to quietly buy up shaky banks in 15 major U. S. cities. One of only two U. S. banks refusing to disclose their true ownership to a Congressional Committee, La Salle has long been the place for corrupt public officials, primarily judges, to have numbered and secret accounts to whisk their bribery assets offshore. Head of the paper money rapists and the center of anti-gold banditry has been the Bank of England. Historically experienced criminals, the bank covered up the role of the huge British/French/U. S./Israeli espionage and political murder money laundry, Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI. As we have earlier pointed out, the Bank of England, at the time of the purported collapse of BCCI in 1991, for 30 days mysteriously had, as an open record, the BCCI bribery list, proving BCCI had bought or blackmailed one-fourth of all the members of the U. S. House of Representatives and U. S. Senate. Only a populist newspaper, SPOTLIGHT, headquartered in the District of Columbia, ran my exclusive story of the bribery and blackmail of Congress. Although as part of my story I supplied the list of names, the weekly outspoken newspaper ran my story verbatim minus the list, as a precaution. Contrary to mass media slanted reporting, BCCI did NOT disappear but re-emerged as a joint operation with the First National Bank of Cicero, located in the mafia enclave adjoining Chicago the bank having been under the domination of Bishop Paul Marcinkkus, long head of the CIA/Mafia-linked Vatican Bank. Visit our website for related stories, such as the Giannini Family and the bank in Cicero. To connive with major gold bullion looters like Goldman Sachs, the Bank of England set about to force down the price of gold by periodic supposed auctions of the banks gold. Actually, most of the time the British bank underworld offered gold it did NOT physically have or want to sell. Called by some the BUNK of England, they were secretly offering at quotauctionquot, portions of the stolen Soviet gold treasury, leased or quotloanedquot by Dutch receivers of stolen goods, to the British fakers for appearing to flood the market with gold. Interesting sidenote: currency speculators know it is a quotdeath warrantquot to mess over the Dutch currency, the Guilder. Operating an NSA/CIA clandestine gold bullion bank in the Caribbean for many years was Hillary Rodham Clintons confederate Vincent W. Foster, Jr. Foster became knowledgeable about how George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton wanted to stop FBI Director William Sessions from seizing Marc Rich in 1993 near the Swiss-French border, to return the international swindler for U. S.criminal prosecution. See our prior website story about Marc Rich fingered by a letter. As a consequence, Marc Rich came up with 5 million dollars, siphoned off of the gold poaching, to pay for a private murder team to snuff out Foster shortly after the failed attempt by the Foster team to grab Marc Rich. The wipe-out was falsely promoted as a quotsuicidequot by intelligence agency quotassetsquot in the monopoly press. Background details on the murder of Foster, see our website story quotGreenspan Aids and Bribes Bushquot, Part Four. Much later, hundreds of pages, many heavily redacted, under a Freedom of Information demand, were released about Foster by the National Security Agency, relating, for example, to his espionage work against banks worldwide. As covered up by highly corrupt top officials of the American Gestapo, the FBI and the IRS, Marc Rich and his pillagers have joined in crime with fellow currency and commodity hijackers on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In March, 2001, alleged quotPresidentquotBush came to Chicago to give a speech to the Merc. Some considered his presence as delivering them a message. That as the fountain of criminal money that they are, he expects them to help finance and carry out some of the schemes of his family. The FBI and the IRS top officials are well aware of the widespread federal regulation violations by many members of the Merc as well as the Chicago Board of Trade. Brokers are reportedly not keeping clients funds in segregated accounts, as required by law. In case of a financial debacle, the brokers AND THEIR CLIENTS will be in the same sinking boat. Run by the Jewish aristocracy, not the common people of that ethnic-religious group, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is an exclusive place for high-stakes gambling. They switched their allegiance from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. Like Bush, Clinton when president likewise came to the Merc to give them a message to kick in funds for his schemes. On the same day George W. was in Chicago, he also visited the Chicago Board of Trade which was not interested in his messages. The Board of Trade is run by the Irish Catholic aristocracy, not the common people, and they understand the Bush Family are agents of the British Monarchy, that perpetrated the Irish Holocaust of the middle 19th Century, falsely described by the pro-British American media as merely a quotPotato Faminequot. Members of the Board of Trade, always tight with the Vatican and the Rothschilds, blocked Bushs attempts at a shake-down. Clinton came to the Merc to get big money and his marching orders. Like him, Clinton crony George W. Bush does the same. Nevertheless, honchos of both the Merc and the Board of Trade do understand they cannot openly oppose the orchestrated events of the Federal Reserve and the paper money crowd. After all, the Fed has demanded co-operation from a series of criminal residents as quotPresidentquot in the White House. Both exchanges know the widespread failure to keep clients accounts segregated could set off a wave of federal criminal prosecutions by the Injustice Department, perhaps even closing both exchanges. Some of the supposedly quotsegregated accountsquot have been unlawfully commingled with clandestine funds of the Russian mafiya with the connivance of Marc Rich and his mob and interwoven with the funds of the Red Chinese Secret Police, with the reported complicity of not only Marc Rich but his accomplice, Rahm Emanuel, former Clinton White House Senior Advisor, and more currently, Managing Director of Wasserstein Perella amp Co. reputed Asian money laundry front. Rahm is the reputed Deputy Chief of Israeli Intelligence, The Mossad, for North America. Currency and commodity brokers handling the dirty anti-Gold transactions are warned if there is about to be public exposure of dealings not done with what is known in the industry as quotdue diligencequot, that is, knowing actually who the broker is dealing with. Apparently quotfor a piece of the actionquot, corrupt top FBI and IRS officials, Chicago and New York, quietly alert favored brokers to quotproblemsquot that might subject the brokers to federal criminal prosecution. Why do the mass media honchos mostly remain silent Because some reporters of Establishment magazines, radio and television programs, are busy during the day, on the phone to their brokers, London, Singapore, Frankfort, trading on inside information for themselves and their relatives. The Chicago Board of Trade resisted the Bush White House shake-down. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange caved in to the extortion. Some gold mines are getting clipped. Their goods, and instruments for or against their goods, are secretly transacted on the Chicago markets. Maybe THEY should buy the White House. Cynics cackle, a man named Rich is helping make gold mines Poor. All to benefit the paper money pimps and to rescue hedge fund swindlers. Clintons donors raise all kinds of red flags on the confirmation of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Among the most egregious donors is the private military contractor Blackwater USA. Mrs. Clintons most obvious conflict-of-interest is next year when Blackwaters State Department contract comes up for renewal. Knowing the ways of the Clintons, it is not hard to see a quid pro quo between a Secretary of State Clinton and the very Republican and very right-wing Blackwater in the offing. A spokesman for the Obama transition team had the audacity to claim that donations to the Clinton Foundation have no bearing on Clintons job as Secretary of State. Oh, really Have the Obama people ever heard of Jackson Stephens of Little Rocks Stephens, Inc. The Clintons and conflicts-of-interest go together like peanut butter and jelly. One of the most astounding Clinton donors is the Alavi Foundation. Alavi is the co-owner of a 36-story building on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. On December 17, federal officials charged that Alavis co-owner, Assa Corporation, is a front for Irans Bank Melli that funneled revenue from the building to Bank Melli via a front company in the Channel Islands. Hillary Clinton has been a hawk on Iran and once suggested that she would launch a devastating military attack on the country. Apparently, the Clintons are not so hawkish when it comes to taking Iranian money in a quotpay-to-playquot enterprise that would make Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel (also a Clinton donor) envious. Bill Clinton certainly was a busy man as a globe-trotting panhandler. He managed to get donations from a number of foreign governments, including Saudi Arbia, Norway, Oman, Brunei, Kuwait, Qatar, Australia, Jamaica, Ireland, Taiwan, Italy, and the Canary Islands Tenerife island government. Other foreign donors include the Netherlands National Postal Lottery, Swiss Reinsurance Company, the Swedish Postal Lottery, China Overseas Real Estate Development, Venezuelas Venevision TV network, Credit Suisse, National Opera of Paris, South Africas African Rainbow Minerals, Bahrain Petroleum, Beirut Container Terminal Consortium, De Beers Marine Namibia, National Bank of Kuwait, Taiwan Mobile Foundation, Baltic International Bank, Booz Allen Hamilton, BNP Paribas, Jordan Investment Trust, Kenya Commercial Bank, New Zealand Stock Exchange, Newmont Mining Corp. (major gold mining compamy), Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Palestine Telecommunication Company, Portugal Telecom, Reykjavik Energy, Society Tourism Diversions of Macau, Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co Ltd. TD Bank Financial Group, De Beers Family of Companies, Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. of Israel, First Philippine Holdings Corporation, International Bank of Commerce of Laredo, Texas, Oppenheimer Funds, Inc. Hutchison Whampoa Limited, PT. Polychem Indonesia, Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. (Singapore), Morgan Stanley Asia Limited, and UBS Wealth Management. Another major donors is Clinton Foundation trustee Frank Giustra, a Canadian billionaire who made a windfall profit in 2006 after landing a huge uranium contract from Kazakhstans authoritarian President Nursultan Nazarbayev with Bill Clintons help. Haim Saban, the Israeli-American entertainment guru who supports Israeli interests over those of his adopted country, was also a multi-million dollar donor to Clintons non-profit contrivance. Other major donors are Saudi construction billionaire Nasser al-Rashid Dubai Emir Mohammad Rashid bin Maktoum, the majority owner of Dubai Ports World Gilbert Chagoury, a Lebanese Christian billionaire with sizable investments in oil-rich Nigeria the Zayed ruling family of Abu Dhabi Jordanian-Canadian Victor Dahdaleh, chief of Dadco Group, who was once accused in a lawsuit of bribing Bahrain officials on behalf of Alcoa and using front companies in the British Virgin Islands, Singapore, and Switzerland Lebanese Houston-based Issam Fares, a former Lebanese Deputy Prime Minister Indian mining mogul Lakshmi Mittal, aka quotTaj Mittal, quot who has been accused of running slave labor mines in places like Kazakhstan Ukrainian Jewish mining oligarch Viktor Pinchuk former Loral Chairman Bernard Schwartz, who was investigated for the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China URS Corporations Richard Blum, the Iraq war profiteer husband of incoming Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Rupert Murdochs News Corporation Foundation Little Rock billionaire and longtime Clinton financial supporter Jackson Stephens personal data mining giant Acxiom Inc, scandal-plagued American International Group (AIG) Denise Rich, the ex-wife of American-Swiss-Israeli billionaire fugitive Marc Rich Mexican telecommunications baron Carlos Slim Helu former AES CEO and secretive Arlington-based Fellowship Foundation supporter Dennis Bakke Barrick Gold, whose international advisers have included Bill Clintons golfing buddy George H. W. Bush Israel supporter Edgard Bronfman Lynn F. de Rothschild sub prime mortgage perpetrator Merrill Lynch Brazilian Jewish banking billionaire Joseph Safra of Safra Group right-wing political funder Richard Mellon Scaife the American Jewish Committee the University of Judaism Iranian expatriate Farhad Azima, a longtime provider of air services to U. S. intelligence agencies Wall Street collapse perpetrator Goldman Sachs Banque Privee Edmond De Rothschild Evelyn de Rothschild Lazare Kaplan International Inc. Rahm Emanuel, Lafarge Corporation (where Hillary Clinton once served as a director during a time when the firm was implicated in the shipment of restricted materials to Saddam Hussein) The Chatterjee Group (which is linked to Marvin Bush, brother of George W. Bush) Wesley K. Clark and Associates Albanian-American Center for Information and Cooperation, and World Vision. Another donor was Citigroup and its Citi Foundation. Citigroup is one of the recipients of the U. S. governments nearly 1 trillion bailout of Wall Street. No conflict-of-interest there Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Another donor is Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, a Saudi-Ethiopian billionaire who once threatened a libel lawsuit against this editor unless more than 100,000 was deposited in his foreign bank account. The attempted shakedown by this dubious individual was reported to the FBI. Another donor is Jordanian-American businessman A. Huda Farouki, Nour USA and Erinys Iraq majordomo who, like al-Amoudi, once threatened a libel lawsuit against this editor. George Soros Open Society Institute and the Soros Foundation, which fund quotthemedquot neocon revolutions and destabilizing political chicanery around the world, also kicked into the Clinton Foundation. The Friends of Saudi Arabia, Saudi billionaire businessman Walid Juffali, the U. S. Islamic World Conference, and Saudi construction mogul Hamza al Kholi are among Clintons donors. With a donation from the First Bank of Nigeria and Nigerias Intercontinental Bank Plc, as well as Nigerias Obat Oil And Petroleum Limited, the Clintons may be the first successful recipients of Nigerian quot419quot money. Congratulations Bill and Hillary Bills global panhandling is a disgrace to the United States. Obamas selection of the other half of Clinton amp Clinton, Inc. as Secretary of State is also a disgrace. Hillary Clinton is unsuitable to be Secretary of State since she and her husband are walking and talking conflicts-of-interest. quotThe Listquot proves that they are nothing more than political prostitutes of the Nth degree. Solving 9/11 So, who is Peter Richard Orszag and what kind of decisions will he make with the budget he controls Based on his background one would be well advised to prepare for a financial train wreck. Peter Orszag has an interesting resume. He has played key roles in some of the biggest financial scandals of our time. Orszag was, for example, an advisor to the Russian Finance Ministry during the reign of the Jewish oligarchs as they plundered the wealth of Russia. He was an advisor to the Central Bank of Iceland before it crashed in 2008. During the Clinton administration, Orszag was an advisor to Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton on the disastrous NAFTA bill that has devastated the U. S. manufacturing sector. Oddly, Orszags background has received virtually no attention in the media. He has a troubling background, which deserves to be looked at very carefully. Orszag, for example, should start by explaining exactly what happened to the Icelandic economy. Orszag was, after all, the founder and president of the economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland - before it went bankrupt. How did Icelandic banks become so indebted Ask Peter Orszag. Orszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton administration (1993-98) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury secretary who recently resigned from his senior position at the woefully mismanaged and nearly bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a protg of the now disgraced Rubin certainly does not bode well for the Obama administration. Rubin strongly opposed the regulation of derivatives when such regulation was proposed in 1997. Credit derivatives of mortgage-backed securities were the key reason for the recent failure of a number of large financial institutions, including AIG and Citigroup. In 1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and a participant quotin strategic managerial and operational matters of the company. quot The Wall Street Journal noted that Citigroup shareholders suffered losses of more than 70 percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged changes that led the firm to the brink of collapse. In December 2008, investors filed a lawsuit contending that Citigroup executives, including Rubin, sold shares at inflated prices while concealing the firms risks. Orszag, a Jew, served on the presidents Council of Economic Advisers in 1993, under Rubin, when the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, Clintons senior adviser, was pushing the disastrous NAFTA legislation through Congress. Prior to joining the Clinton team, Orszag was an economic adviser for the Russian Ministry of Finance in Moscow from 1992-93. This was a period of rampant financial criminality during which many Russian mineral assets came under the control of the so-called Jewish oligarchs who became instant billionaires. Most of these oligarchs fled Russia when their crimes were exposed and now live in Britain or Israel, where they obtained citizenship. Born in Boston on December 16, 1968, Orszag graduated from Princeton University in 1991. He then attended the London School of Economics, where he earned a degree in 1992 and where he obtained his PhD in 1997. The London School of Economics was established by members of the Fabian Society, who believed in advancing socialism through gradual reforms. The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary means. The ideology of the Fabians is said to be described in the quote, quotFabianism feeds on Capitalism, but excretes Communism. quot In 1998, after serving in the Clinton administration, Orszag co-founded an economic consulting group company with his brother and Joseph Stiglitz called Sebago Associates, where he served as president through 2007. The firms clients have included the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and most notably, the Central Bank of Iceland. The once prosperous economy of Iceland has been devastated by the current economic crisis, which its citizens say was carried out by a gang of financial criminals who followed disastrous policies and advice - provided by Peter Orszag and Company. Americans would be well advised to be extremely vigilant with dangerous quotYoung Turksquot like Peter Orszag and Rahm Emanuel running the Obama White House and the U. S. budget. AIDS Czar: Jeffrey Crowley Homosexual. A Gay Rights activist. Believes in Gay Marriage and Special Status, including free health care for gays. Auto recovery Czar: Ed Montgomery - Radical anti business activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. Univ of Maryland Business School Dean teaches US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member. Border Czar: Alan Bersin - former failed superintendent of San Diego. Ultra Liberal friend of Hilary Clinton. Served as Border Czar under Janet Reno to keep borders open to illegals. California Water Czar: David J. Hayes Sr. Fellow of radical environmentalist group, Progress Policy. No training or experience in water management. Car Czar: Ron Bloom - Auto Union worker. Anti business amp anti nuclear. Has worked hard to force US auto makers out of business. Sits on the Board of Chrysler which is now Auto Union owned. How did this happen Central Region Czar: Dennis Ross - Believes US policy has caused Mid-East wars. Obama apologist to the world. Anti gun and pro abortion. Domestic Violence Czar: Lynn Rosenthal - Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Vicious anti male feminist. Supported male castration. Drug Czar:Gil Kerlikowske - devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal, Former Chief of Police in Liberal Seattle. Believes no American should own a firearm. Supports legalization of drugs. Economic Czar: Paul Volcker - Head of Fed Reserve under Jimmy Carter when US economy nearly failed. Obama appointed head of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board which engineered the Obama economic disaster to US economy. Member of anti business Progressive Policy organization. Energy and Environment Czar: Carol Brower - Political Radical-Former head of EPA -- known for anti-business activism. Strong anti-gun ownership. Faith-Based Czar: Joshua DuBois Political Black activist - Degree in Black Nationalismseek a separate black nation. Anti gun ownership lobbyist. Great Lakes Czar: Cameron Davis - Chicago radical anti-business environmentalist. Blames George Bush for Poisoning the water that minorities have to drink. No experience or training in water management. Former ACORN Board member Green Jobs Czar: Van Jones - Black activist Member of American communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party who said Geo Bush caused the 911 attack and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes. MARXIST, said whites are poisoning blacks, said transformation from suicidal gray capitalism to econ-capitalism to the complete redistribution of wealth. Black activist with strong anti-white views. (since resigned but still hiding under Obamas bed). Guantanamo Closure Czar: Daniel Fried Rights activist for Foreign Terrorists. Believes America has caused the war on terrorism. Health Czar: Nancy-Ann DeParle. Former head of Medicare / Medicaid. Strong Health Care Rationing proponent. She is married to a reporter for The New York Times. Information Czar: Vivek Kundra - born in New Delhi, India. Controls all public information, including labels and news releases. Monitors all private Internet emails. International Climate Czar: Todd Stern - Anti business former White House chief of Staff - Strong supporter of the Kyoto Accord. Pushing hard for Cap and Trade. Blames US business for Global warming. Intelligence Czar: Dennis Blair - Ret Navy. Stopped US guided missile program as provocative. Chair of ultra liberal Council on Foreign Relations which blames American organizations for regional wars. Mideast Peace Czar: George Mitchell Fmr. Sen from Maine - Left wing radical. Has said Israel should be split up into 2 or 3 smaller more manageable plots. Anti-nuclear anti-gun amp pro-homosexual. Pay Czar: Kenneth Feinberg - Chief of Staff to TED KENNEDY. Lawyer who got rich off the 911 victims payoffs. Regulatory Czar: Cass Sunstein - Liberal activist judge-believes free speech needs to be limited for the common good. Rules against personal freedoms many times like private gun ownership. Believes animals should have lawyers. Safe School Czar: Kevin Jennings -- As a teacher when a 15 year old said he was having sex with an older man, instead of turning in the manthe law for a teacher, he asked how it was going and suggested they use condoms. Held a conference with the MAXIMUM age of 18 to teach homosexual issues like fisting. Wrote the intro to the book, Queering Elementary Education. Has repeatedly praised and claims to be inspired by Harry Hay, early supporter of NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association). Science Czar: John Holdren - Fierce ideological environmentalist, Sierra Club, Anti business activist. Claims US business has caused world poverty. No Science training. John Holdren, Obamas Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet Stimulus Accountability Czar: Earl Devaney - spent career trying to take guns away from American citizens. Believes in Open Borders to Mexico. Author of statement blaming US gun stores for drug war in Mexico Sudan Czar: J. Scott Gration - Native of Democratic Republic of Congo. Believes US does little to help Third World countries. Council of foreign relations, asking for higher US taxes to support United Nations. TARP Czar: Herb Allison - Fannie May CEO responsible for the US recession by using real estate mortgages to back up the US stock market. Caused millions of people to lose their life savings. Terrorism Czar: John Brennan - Anti CIA activist. No training in diplomatic or gov. affairs. Believes Open Borders to Mexico and a dialog with terrorists and has suggested Obama disband US military. Technology Czar: Aneesh Chopra - NoTechnology training. Worked for the Advisory Board Company, a healthcare think tank for hospitals. Anti doctor activist. Supports Obama Health care Rationing and salaried doctors working exclusively for the Gov. health care plan. Urban Affairs Czar: Adolfo Carrion, Jr.-Puerto Rican. Anti American activist and leftist group member in Latin America. Millionaire slum lord of the Bronx, NY. Owns many lavish homes and condos which he got from sweetheart deals with labor unions. Wants higher taxes to pay for minority housing and health care. Weapons Czar: Ashton Carter - Leftist. Wants all private weapons in US destroyed. Supports UN ban on firearms ownership in America. No Other policy WMD Policy Czar: Gary Samore - Former US Communist. Wants US to destroy all WMD unilaterally as a show of good faith. Has no other policy. The Trilateral Commission. North American Group 2008 TRILATERAL COMMISSION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas S. Foley North American Chairman Peter Sutherland European Chairman Yotaro Kobayashi Pacific Asia Chairman Allan E. Gotlieb North American Deputy Chairman Herve De Carmoy European Deputy Chairman Han Sung-Joo Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman Lorenzo H. Zamibrano North American Deputy Chairman Ainijrzej Olechowski European Deputy Chairman Shijuro Ogata Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman David Rockefeller Founder And Honorary Chairman Paul A. Volcker North American Honorary Chairman Georges Berthoin Chairman European Honorary Otto Graf Lambsdorf European Honorary Chairman Michael J. ONeil North American Director Paul Revay European Director Tadashi Yamamoto Pacific Asia Director NORTH AMERICAN GROUP Madeleine K Albright The Albright Group LLC Washington, D. C. Graham Allison Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Cambridge, Mass. Richard L. Armitage Armitage International Washington, D. C. James L. Balsillie Co-Chief Exec. Officer, Research in Motion Waterloo, Ontario Charlene Barshefsky Wilmer, Cutler amp Pickering Washington, D. C. Alan R. Batkin Eton Park Capital Management New York, N. Y. Lael Brainard The Brookings Institution Washington, D. C. Doug Bereuter The Asia Foundation San Francisco. C. Fred Bergsten Peterson Institute for Intl Economics Washington, D. C. Catherine Bertini Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y. Robert D. Blackwill Former Deputy Asst, to the President Washington D. C. Dennis Blair, USN (Ret.) Institute for Defense Analyses Alexandria, Va. H. Blanco Mendoza Private Office of Herminio Blanco Mexico City Stephen W. Bosworth Dean, Tufts University Medford, Mass. David G. Bradley Atlantic Media Company Washington, D. C. Harold Brown Center for Strategic and Intl Studies Washington, D. C. Zbigniew Brzezinski Center for Strategic and Intl Studies Washington, D. C. Sylvia Mathews Burwell President Global Development Program Hinton, WV Louis C. Camilleri Altria Group, Inc New York, N. Y. Kurt Campbell CEO Center New American Security Washington, D. C. Raymond Chrtien Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Montreal, Quebec William T. Coleman III Cassatt Corporation San Jose, Calif. Timothy C. Collins Ripplewood Holdings New York, N. Y. Richard N. Cooper Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. F. Gerald Corrigan Goldman, Sachs amp Co. New York, N. Y. Michael J. Critelli Pitney Bowes Inc. Stamford, Conn. Lee Cullum NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Dallas, Texas H. Lawrence Culp, Jr CEO of Danaher Washington, D. C. Gerald L. Curtis Columbia University New York, N. Y. Douglas Daft The Coca Cola Company Atlanta, Ga. Lynn Davis The RAND Corporation Arlington, Va. Arthur A. DeFehr Palliser Furniture Winnipeg Andr Desmarais Power Corporation of Canada Montral, Quebec John M. Deutch Mass. Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. Jamie Dimon JP Morgan Chase amp Co. New York, N. Y. Peter C. Dobell Parliamentary Centre Ottawa, Ontario Wendy K Dobson University of Toronto Toronto Kenneth M. Duberstein The Duberstein Group Washington, D. C. Robert Eckert Mattel, Inc. El Segundo, Calif. Jessica P. Einhorn The Johns Hopkins University Washington, D. C. Jeffrey Epstein J. Epstein amp Company, Inc. New York, N. Y. Dianne Feinstein U. S. Senate (D-Calif.) Washington, D. C. Martin S. Feldstein Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. Swiss Re America Holding Corp. Washington, D. C. Stanley Fischer Bank of Israel frmr president, Citigroup New York, N. Y. Richard W. Fisher Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Dallas, Texas Thomas S. Foley Akin Gump Strauss Hauer amp Feld Washington, D. C. Kristin J. Forbes Associate Prof. of Intl Management Cambridge Mass. Michael B. G. Froman Citigroup Inc. New York, N. Y. Francis Fukuyama The Johns Hopkins University Washington, D. C. Dionisio Garza Medina ALFA Mexico Richard A. Gephardt Former member House of Reps. (D-Mo.) Washington, D. C. David Gergen Harvard Editor, USNampWR Cambridge, Mass. Peter C. Godsoe Scotiabank (ret.) Toronto, Ontario Allan E. Gotlieb Bennett Jones LLP Toronto, Ontario Bill Graham Canadian House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario Donald E. Graham CEO of The Washington Post Company Washington, D. C. Jeffrey W. Greenberg Aquiline Capital Partners, LLC New York, N. Y. Richard N. Haass President, Council on Foreign Relations New York, N. Y. James T. Hackett Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Texas John J. Hamre Center for Strategic and Intl Studies Washington, D. C. William A. Haseltine Haseltine Global Health, LLC Washington, D. C. Richard F. Haskayne University of Calgary Alberta Charles B. Heck Senior Adviser, Trilateral Commission Washington, D. C. Carlos Heredia International Affairs Mexico Carla A. Hills Hills amp Company, Intl Consultants Washington, D. C. Richard Holbrooke Perseus LLC New York, N. Y. Karen Elliott House Dow Jones amp Co. amp Wall Street Journal Princeton, N. J. Alej. Junco de la Vega Grupo Reforma Monterrey, Mexico Robert Kagan Carnegie Endowment for Intl Peace Washington, D. C. Arnold Kanter The Scowcroft Group Washington, D. C. Charles R. Kaye Warburg Pincus LLC New York, N. Y. James Kimsey Founding CEO of AOL Washington, D. C. Michael Klein Citigroup Inc. New York, N. Y. Steven E. Koonin British Petroleum London Enrique Krauze Editorial Clio Libros y Videos, S. A. de C. V. Mexico City Robert Lane Deere amp Company Moline, Ill. Fred Langhammer The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. New York, N. Y. Jim Leach Former U. S. Representative (R-IA) Washington, D. C. Gerald M. Levin AOL Time Warner, Inc. New York, N. Y. Winston Lord International Rescue Committee New York, N. Y. E. Peter Lougheed Bennett Jones, Banisters amp Solicitors Calgary, Alberta Roy MacLaren Former High Commissioner to the UK Toronto, Ontario John A. MacNaughton Frmr CEO Canada Pension Plan Invest. Brd Toronto, Ontario Antonio Madero San Luis Corporacion, S. A. de C. V. Mexico John Manley McCarthy Ttrault LLP Ottawa, Ontario Sir Deryck C. Maughan KKR Asia, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts amp Co. New York, N. Y. Jay Mazur Union of Needletrades, Textile Employees New York, N. Y. James Moore Canadian Parliament Ottawa, Ontario Marc H. Morial National Urban League New York, N. Y. Heather Munroe-Blum McGill University Montreal, Quebed Brian Mulroney Ogilvy Renault Montral, Quebec Indra K. Nooyi PepsiCo, Inc. Purchase, N. Y. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Cambridge, Mass. David J. OReilly Chevron Corporation San Ramon, Calif. Meghan OSullivan Former Deputy National Security Adviser Washington, D. C. Richard N. Perle American Enterprise Institute Washington, D. C. Thomas R. Pickering Consultant, The Boeing Company Arlington, Va. Martha C. Piper The University of British Columbia Vancouver, B. C. Richard Plepler Executive Vice President, HBO New York, N. Y. Joe Ralston, USAF (Ret) The Cohen Group Washington, D. C. Charles B. Rangel U. S. House of Representatives (D-N. Y.) Washington, D. C. Susan Rice Brookings Institution Washington, D. C. Hartley Richardson James Richardson amp Sons, Ltd. Winnipeg, Manitoba Joseph E. Robert, Jr. J. E. Robert Companies McLean, Va. John D. Rockefeller IV U. S. Senate (D-W. V.) Washington, D. C. Kenneth Rogoff Center for Intl Development, Harvard Cambridge, Mass. Charles Rose The Charlie Rose Show, PBS New York, N. Y. Irene B. Rosenfeld CEO Kraft Foods Northfield, Ill Dennis Ross Ambassador Counselor and Ziegler Washington, D. C. David M. Rubenstein The Carlyle Group Washington, D. C. Luis Rubio Center of Research for Development Mexico City, Mexico Arthur F. Ryan Prudential Financial, Inc. Newark, N. J. Jaime Serra SAI Consulting Mexico City, Mexico Dinakar Singh TPG-Axon Capital New York, N. Y. Anne-Marie Slaughter Princeton University Princeton, N. J. Gordon Smith Centre for Global Studies, U. of Victoria Victoria, B. C. Donald R. Sobey Empire Company Ltd. Halifax, Nova Scotia Ronald D. Southern ATCO Group Calgary, Alberta James B. Steinberg LBJ School of Public Affairs, U. of Texas Austin, Texas Jessica Stern Program on Terrorism amp the Law, Harvard Cambridge, Mass. Barbara Stymiest RBC Financial Group Toronto, Ontario Lawrence H. Summers Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. John J. Sweeney AFL-CIO Washington, D. C. Strobe Talbott The Brookings Institution Washington, D. C. George J. Tenet Georgetown Univ. former CIA Director Washington, D. C. John Thain New York Stock Exchange, Inc. New York, N. Y. G. Richard Thoman Columbia University New York, N. Y. Paul A. Volcker Wolfensohn amp Co. Inc. frmr Fed. Res. Chair. New York, N. Y. William H. Webster Former CIA Director Washington, D. C. Fareed Zakaria Newsweek International New York, N. Y. Lorenzo H. Zambrano CEMEX Monterey, Mexico Ernesto Zedillo Former president of Mexico Yale Univ. New Haven, Conn. Mortimer B. Zuckerman Chairman, U. S. News amp World Report New York, N. Y. William T. Coleman, Jr. Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission Washington, D. C. Henry A. Kissinger Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission Washington, D. C. Robert S. McNamara Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, frmr pres. World Bank frmr sec. of Defense frmr pres. Ford Motor. Washington, D. C. David Rockefeller Founder, Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Comm. New York, N. Y. NEW TRILATERAL MEMBERS ATTENDING FROM EUROPE Patricia Barbizet CEO Artemis Group, France Dermot Gleeson Chairman, AIB Group, Ireland Elisabeth Guigou French National Assembly, France Nigel Higgins Senior Partner N M Rohschild amp Sons, UK Jerzy Kozminski President amp CEO Polish-American Freedom, Poland Thomas Leysen CEO Umicore, Belgium Manfred Bischoff Chairman, SNCF, France Arpad Kovacs Pres. State Audit Office Hungary, Budapest Friedrich Merz Member of the German Bundestag, Germany Pietro Modiano Mng. Director CEO Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy Hans Reisenhuber (returning) Member of the German Bundestag, Germany Jeroen van der Veer Chief Executive, Royal Dutch Shell, The Netherlands NEW YORK, May 31 /PRNewswire/ -- Rothschild announced today the formation of a strategic alliance with Global Technology Partners, LLC, a specialized group of professionals, including former U. S. Secretary of Defense William Perry, who have extensive public and private sector experience in the technology, defense, and aerospace industries. Global Technology Partners combine CEO, senior management and board of director participation in both Fortune 500 and start-up ventures with high-level federal government experience. Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, said, quotWe believe the combination of Rothschilds global relationships and Global Technology Partners access to and knowledge of the international defense and aerospace industry will create high level strategic advisory and investment opportunities. These opportunities will arise from the continued consolidation of second and third tier defense companies, the anticipated relationships that are forming among aerospace and defense companies on a cross border basis and GTPs insight into defense markets and technologies. quot Dr. Perry added, quotRothschilds worldwide reach and relationships are a good fit to GTPs perspective on the rapidly-evolving sectors in which we specialize. With Rothschild, we will have a very strong team indeed. quot Rothschild, the international investment bank, has 50 offices in over 30 countries around the world, including: London Paris New York Toronto Frankfurt Milan Hong Kong Singapore Sydney Melbourne and Tokyo. Brief Bios of Global Technology Partners: -- Dr. William J. Perry Dr. William J. Perry is a Senior Partner and the Chairman of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Perry served as the U. S. Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1997 and as Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1993 to 1994. Earlier in his career, he served as U. S. Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Dr. Perry also has extensive business experience. He was a co-founder and President of ESL Inc. which pioneered the application of Hambrecht amp Quist, an investment banking firm specializing in high technology companies, and co-founder and Chairman of Technology Strategies and Alliances, a technology-oriented investment banking and consulting firm. He is an advisor to many corporations and recently completed terms as a director of the Boeing Company, United Technologies Corporation, and Hambrecht amp Quist. -- Dr. John M. Deutch Dr. John M. Deutch is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Deutch has held a number of significant government and academic posts over the last three decades. From 1995 to 1997, Dr. Deutch served as Director of Central Intelligence for the U. S. and was in charge of the Central Intelligence Agency. He had previously served as U. S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1994 to 1995 and Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Technology from 1993 to 1994. Earlier in his career, Dr. Deutch served in the U. S. Department of Energy as Director of Energy Research and Undersecretary of Energy, where he was responsible for research, development and demonstration programs for all energy technologies. Dr. Deutch serves as a director of Ariad Pharmaceutical, Citigroup. CMS Energy, Cummins Engine, Raytheon Corporation and Schlumberger Ltd. -- Dr. John P. White Dr. John P. White is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. White has held several senior federal government positions during his career, including U. S. Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1995 to 1997, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1978 to 1981 and Assistant Secretary of Defense, Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics from 1977 to 1978. Dr. White also has extensive private sector experience, having served as Chairman and CEO of Interactive Systems Corporation from 1981 to 1988 and, following its sale to the Eastman Kodak Company in 1988, as General Manager of the Integration and Systems Products Division of Kodak, and a Vice President of Kodak until 1992. Dr. White also spent ten years with the RAND Corporation, where he was the Senior Vice President for National Security Research Programs and a member of the Board of Trustees. He serves as a director of Wang Government Services, Inc. and IRG International. -- Dr. Paul G. Kaminski Dr. Paul G. Kaminski is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. During his career, Dr. Kaminski has held various senior level positions focusing on advanced technology in both the public and private sectors. Dr. Kaminski most recently served as U. S. Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology from 1994 to 1997. His prior experience with the federal government includes twenty years as an Air Force officer, during which time he was Director of the US Low Observable (Stealth) Program. He also managed the development of advanced space reconnaissance systems and new sensor technology. Dr. Kaminski currently serves as Chairman and CEO of Technovation, Inc. a consulting firm focusing on business strategy and advanced technology. He previously held the post of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Technology Strategies and Alliances, a technology-oriented investment banking and consulting firm that he co-founded in 1985 with Dr. William Perry. Dr. Kaminski is a director of General Dynamics, Anteon Corporation, Condor Systems, Inc. DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. DynCorp, Eagle - Picher Technologies, and Veridian. -- Dr. Ashton B. Carter Dr. Ashton B. Carter is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. From 1993 to 1996, Dr. Carter served as U. S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy, with responsibility for formulating U. S. policy towards Russia and other states of the former Soviet Union, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction worldwide, arms control negotiations, and oversight of the U. S. nuclear arsenal and missile defense programs. He is also the former Chairman of the NATO High Level Group. -- Dr. Robert J. Hermann Dr. Robert J. Hermann is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Dr. Hermann most recently served as Senior Vice President for Science and Technology at United Technologies Corporation, where he was responsible for the development of the companys technical resources. Dr. Hermann joined United Technologies in 1982 as Vice President of Systems Technology in the Electronics Sector, and was named Vice President of Science and Technology in 1987. Prior to joining United Technologies, Dr. Hermann served twenty years with the National Security Agency, with assignments in research and development, operations and NATO. In 1977, he was appointed Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence. In 1979, he was named Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Research, Development and Logistics and in parallel was Director of the National Reconnaissance Office. He is a director of DeCrane Aircraft Holdings, Inc. and Condor Systems, Inc. -- Irving B. Yoskowitz Irving B. Yoskowitz is a Senior Partner of Global Technology Partners, LLC. Prior to his association with Global Technology Partners, Mr. Yoskowitz spent nearly two decades with United Technologies Corporation, where he served as General Counsel since 1981 and as an Executive Vice President since 1990. He was the companys lead negotiator for major domestic and international acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures, and served as a member of the companys Management Executive Committee. Mr. Yoskowitz is a Director of BBA Group, plc. and EQUANT, N. V.Since 2011, VNN has operated as part of the Veterans Today Network a group that operates over 50 plus media, information and service online sites for U. S. Military Veterans. Zionist Washington Ensuring End of America The great majority of the Senate of the United States8230somewhere around 80 percent8230are completely in support of Israel, anything Israel wants. This has been demonstrated time and again, and this has made it difficult.8221 8211 Senator William J. Fullbright by Mike Stathis Senator Fulbright goes on to add that The Israelis object to an imposed settlement I don8217t know what they mean by an imposed settlement. It8217s quite obvious, without the all out support by the United States in money and weapons and so on the Israelis couldn8217t do what they8217ve been doing. So we bear a very great share of the responsibility for the continuation of this8230of this state of warfare.8221 Fulbright made these statements during CBSs Face the Nation in 1973. Since that time, Israels control over Washington has grown tremendously, like a malignant cancer. This widespread control over Washington by Zionist Jews explains not only U. S. Middle East policy, but also U. S. domestic policy. Together, with their domination of the media, financial system, Washington, think tanks, the educational system and corporate America, Zionists are able to manipulate the minds of Americans, commit collosal fraud on Wall Street and use this money to buy off Washington which effectively functions to enrich this powerful group and position the U. S. as a puppet nation of Israel. Here, I focus on the control of Washington by Zionist Jews using the Obama administration as an example. Although a similar level of control by Zionist Jews can be seen in previous administrations, one could argue that their power has never been greater, as evidenced by the current administration. We begin midway in Obama8217s first term. After facing intense pressure to axe his entire economic team due to their strong ties to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, Obamas advisers basically opened the exit doors for Larry Summers departure. In late 2010, during his reported search for a replacement, Obama narrowed down his choices to replace Zionist Jew and Wall Street insider, Larry Summers as the next Director of the National Economic Council. Lets take a look at Obamas leading candidates. First, we have Richard Levine, currently serving as Yales president, a position he has held since 1993. Levine has spent most of his life in academics. As an academic economist, Levine offered very little real business sense to the table. But he offered to keep this very influential position in the hands of Zionist control. Next, Obama selected Gene Sperling, a Washington insider as a lead candidate. Sperling previously served as deputy director of the National Economic Council headed by the infamous Wall Street insider Robert Rubin under Clintons first term. Along with Summers and Alan Greenspan, Rubin successfully managed to have the critically important Glass-Steagal Act repealled. Perhaps the most significant component of this depression era law required a clear seperation between commercial and investment banks so that consumers would be indulated from speculative investments made by Wall Street banks. Consequently, shortly after Glass-Steagal was repealled via the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, commercial banks were pumping up dotcoms onto naive investors. The implosion of the dotcom bubble would be only the beginning of what was to come. A few years later, banks were engaged in trillions of dollars of mortgage fraud. Under the advice of Summers and other Wall Street Zionist Jews, Obama8217s Wall Street reform did not reinstate the Glass-Steagal Act. In Clintons second term Sperling served as Treasury Secretary and director of National Economic Council. Thus, Sperling has experience under the regime that removed the most critical portion of the Glass-Steagall Act, spearheaded by Robert Ruben, Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan and Phil Gramm. Thus, this positioned him as a leading candidate to replace his colleague. In addition, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and current advisor to Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner, Sperling offers the kind of leadership to ensure criminal activity by Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and the elite scum. Obamas final candidate for NEC Director was Roger Altman, another Washington insider and Wall Street scavenger. Altman is the founder and head of Evercore Partners. Most recently, Evercore advised General Motors in its bankruptcy reorganization plan, charging a total of nearly 70 million funds that came from tax payers. Many experts have called these fees absurd. But what does it matter It wasnt GMs money to hand out. It was yours. In addition to his experience as a Wall Street insider, Altman was previously the Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Treasury under President Carter, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton, an executive at Lehman Brothers, and Vice Chairman of the Blackstone Group, making him a career politician and indisputable Wall Street vulture. Adding to his candidacy for the top economic advisory position in Americas fascist regime under complete Zionist control, Altman boasts membership in the Council on Foreign Relations and his attendance at the Bilderberg Group. As you can imagine, by restricting his choices to Wall Street and Washington insiders, all of which just so happened to be Zionist Jews, Obamas choice would represent yet another lose-lose situation for the American people. Can you guess who Obama (reportedly) chose to replace Summers After receiving criticism that numerous staff members and advisers to Obama were Wall Street insiders, you can imagine that Altman did not stand much of a chance, especially due to his controversial involvement and fees charged for GMs restructuring. As it turned out, Gene Speling was named as the replacement for Summers a few months ago. Perhaps if Obama opened his platform to non-Jewish candidates, he might be able to receive some guidance that actually benefits working-class Americans instead of corporate oligarchs and Wall Street scum. But this is not possible due to the tremendous power held by AIPAC and some 300 Israeli lobbies, all of which have bought off Washington. Similar to all other politicians, if Obama does not abide by AIPACs demands he will face the harsh consequences of the most powerful lobby in the U. S. This is a fate no politician would wish on his worst enemy. AIPAC, through its powerful ties to Jewish wealth and power and the Jewish media, can easily defeat any politician it targets by sending millions to its opponents and smearing them in the media. Nearly one year ago, Jewish economist Peter Orszag abruptly resigned as Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Previously, Orszag served several economic positions under Clinton, then Director of the Congressional Budget Office. Immediately upon leaving the White House, Orszag joined the Council on Foreign Relations as a distinguished visiting fellow. Recently, he joined Citigroups Senior Strategic Advisory Group, where his estimated compensation is expected to be around 3 million annually despite the fact that he has no real experience in this area. Orszag follows the long tradition of departing office via the revolving door between Washington and corporate America. How can Americans ever expect to have any confidence in Washington when they are rewarded with fortunes by those they are supposed to police when they leave office The examples of this activity are endless. So who did Obama replace Orszag with Take a guess. Jacob Lew, a Zionist Jew. Lew previously served as Special Assistant to the President under Clinton, several positions in the OMB including Director under Clinton. Prior to being selected as the new head of the OMB, Lew served as the Deputy Secretary of State and Management of Resources under Obama. Like so many of Obamas Zionist Jewish Cabinet, Lew is a Wall Street insider, having served as the COO of Citigroups Alternative investments unit in 2006. Something smells fishy here. What that means is that Lew quite possibly (alternative investments may or may not include exotic derivatives such as those that helped implode Citigroup) had a role in the destruction of the bank, costing tax payers billions of dollars. What about the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Care to guess who heads this important economic position If it seems like virtually every top economic position in Washington is headed by a Jewish individual thats because it is. With no more than 2 of the U. S. population, Jews are overrepresented by anywhere from 10 to to 50 times in key industries and top positions from within the federal government, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bank, to the media, Hollywood, corporate America and the legal system. But thats certainly not all. We see similar levels of overrepresentation in some of Americas top universities. Thats what you call some major networking not even rivaled by the most corrupt dictatorships. In fact, if you happen to know anyone who has attended America8217s academic powerhouse, the Ivy League universities, they can confirm that each of these schools are as Kosher as you can get. I can8217t speak for each one, but when I was at the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), I was puzzled as to why classes were cancelled for all Jewish holidays. As the largest of the Ivy League universities, you don8217t have to look far to see Jewish students at UPENN. They are all over the place. Overrepresentation in the nation8217s finest universities certainly does not end with the Ivy League. You will see a similar level of dominance at some of the top private schools, especially within the northeastern US. Without a doubt, Jews tend to be very intelligent and well educated. My only question is how well-educated would they be if they didn8217t have an inside corridor to the nation8217s top universities. It seems that everywhere you look in the U. S. we see Jewish domination. We see it in the media, including Hollywood, talent agencies, PR firms, the publishing industry, and the Internet. We see it in the financial industry, including Wall Street, the venture capital industry, commercial banks and the Federal Reserve banking system. Most think tanks are also dominated by Jews, although here we see a smaller percentage of Zionists. We also see Jewish domination of corporate America. It does not end there. I invite you to survey the largest, most powerful law firms and you will see evidence of Jewish domination as well. Finally, the 8220big8221 judges and federal prosecutors are are disporportionately represented by Jews. Think about the kind of power and control you can wield using this network to influence domestic and foreign policy. It8217s truly astonishing. As you might imagine, with this level of control over the U. S. Israel receives about as much financial aid from the U. S. than the rest of the world combined. In essence, U. S. tax payers are funding the ethnic cleansing of Israel and the illegal construction of new settlements. Ironically, while millions of Americans have lost their homes due to the collapse caused by Zionist-controlled Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, Israeli homeownership is being subsidized in the West Bank with U. S. tax dollars. This is completely intolerable. But a good part of U. S. aid to Israel is shuttled back to AIPAC, enabling it to purchase even the most reluctant politicians. Thus, your tax dollars are being spent buying off Washington in order to support Jewish appointments and to pass laws favorable to Israel. And of course we cannot forget about Wall Street because this is the primary source that feeds the Zionist mafia. Wall Street is able to buy off Washington, ensuring that it is able to continue ripping off investors. And we all know who most of the big Wall Street players are. Everywhere you turn in the U. S. you will see Jewish individuals (predominantly Zionists) in top positions. This is by no coincidence. Its due to the tight network of power and money utilized by the Zionist Jewish mafia. And we cannot forget about the Kosher tax on food items, which brings in an estimated 10 to 15 billion dollars worldwide each year to Jewish Rabbis. Amazingly, with more than 47 million Americans on food stamps, this unfair tax has never been questioned by anyone in Washington or the Zionist-controlled media. You can imagine what kind of uproar the Jewish-run ACLU and ADL would stage if Catholics or Protestants came up with a scam of their own that raised the cost of food (and even some non-food) items to be paid for by the entire population. In that scenario, at least a significant percentage of Americans are Catholic or Protestant. The Kosher tax, which offers no health benefits whatsoever, must be paid for by 98 of the non-Jewish population to satisfy the religious requirements of the Jewish population. Yet, we never even hear public debate about the Kosher tax because we all know who controls the media, and we all know who controls public policy issues. By now, you should have no doubt whatsoever that the media, Hollywood, the financial system are controlled by Zionist Jews. Lets have a look at more of Obamas Jewish appointments so you can see that Washington too is controlled by Zionist Jews. David Axelrod Special Adviser to the President Axelrod, a Zionist Jew served as Obamas political strategist. He is also very well connected in the business and political area, as well as within the big Jewish money in Chicago such as the large Pritzker family of billionaires. The pharmaceutical lobbyist group PhRMA shuttled millions of dollars to two non-profit entities formed under the direction of Senate Finance Committee and healthcare industry sell-out Max Baucus. Axelrod8217s former firm, AKPD, was selected to produce and place ads in a 24 million campaign. David Axelrod resigned as Obamas advisor on January 28, 2011. Jared Bernstein Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser to the Vice President . Bernstein comes from the Jewish-led right-wing think tank, the Economic Policy Institute. Although the EPI claims it is non-partisan, the facts arguably reveal a different story. The EPI has been known for its research into the economic impacts of free trade. However, ever since Bernstein moved to the White House, the EPI has stayed clear of the subject. In fact, the EPI now fights for Obama8217s regulatory measures which make U. S. manufacturers even less competitive, ensuring that corporate America can justify further job exportation. Rahm Emanuel 8211 White House Chief of Staff son of a Zionist terrorist dual-citizen of Israel and America. Yet, when it came time for serving his nation, Emanuel didnt join the U. S. military during the Gulf War. He served in served in Israels military. Similar to most U. S.-Israeli dual citizens, its clear that Emanuels top loyalty is with Israel. I consider such a mentality to present a threat to U. S. national security. Prior to entering Washington, Emanuel utilized Jewish Mafioso networking to secure a lucrative job at an investment bank, although he had no prior experience in business or finance. But that didnt matter because he was Jewish. And if you are Jewish and you work on Wall Street, you will make a huge sum of money. Emanuel lived up to this reputation, pulling in over 15 million in less than 3 years at the firm. While serving in Congress, Emanuel was the top House recipient of donations from Wall Street, hedge funds, private equity fund, banks, and the overall financial industry during the 2008 election cycle, all while the financial crisis was collapsing. It looks like Wall Street knows where its money is best-spent. Tim Geithner Treasury Secretary and formerly President of the New York Fed (which is by far the most powerful and influential branch of the Fed). But you shouldnt assume Geithner is competant just because he holds a high office. Most individuals in the U. S. in positions of power got there because they have done the right things for the wrong people. This applies to the private sector as much as in the public. Geithner was one of the key architects of the Bear Stearns giveaway to JP Morgan, as well as TARP. Like most of Obamas appointees, Geithner has been a complete disaster and has been a total failure at every position he has served. Many Americans want to see Geithner replaced due to his close ties to the Federal Reserve Bank. However, you can bet that if Geithner were to leave, another Jew (most likely Zionist) would be selected according to the demands of AIPAC, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Mary Schapiro Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission Schapiro was Chairman of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority since 2007. As a reward for her role in negligence resulting in the global economic collapse, Schapiro was appointed to head the SEC by Obama. Despite the PR campaign rolled out by the SEC ever since it was revealled that the SEC ignored convincing evidence that Bernie Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme, I can assure you there will be no change from this criminal organization. Schapiro is no more than a career politician, having served in every Presidential administration since Reagan. But she is also a former executive for Duke Energy and Kraft Foods, introducing additional conflict of interest. As an exercise, you might want to examine the Board of Directors of each of these companies and count how many members are Jewish. If youve often wondered why it is that Wall Street and commercial banks get away with so much fraud, you might want to ask yourself why it is that Jews are so often appointed the role of regulating Wall Street and the banks. You dont think that the powerful Jewish networking and comradery plays a role in this The case of Bernie Madoff serves as a recent example. We can also examine the fate of junk bond king and insider trading crook from the Savings and Loan scandal, Michael Milken. In addition to his fellow Jewish friends in the SEC, Milken had the help of other Jewish colleagues in the Department of Justice. Perhaps this is why he only spend a couple of years in club fed, and reentered the free world with hundreds of millions of dollars. Below is a list of SEC chairmen and commissioners during the time period that Milken committed securities fraud and was investigated thereafter. Surprise, surprise, virtually every top SEC official during that period is Jewish. Notably, Mary Shapiro was an SEC commissioner at the time of Milkens investigation. Is everything beginning to make sense now Take a look at the SEC chairmen and commissioners during and shortly after the SampL crisis. As you can see, almost every single one was Jewish, probably Zionists. John Shad (R), Chairman 5/6/81 6/18/87 Bevis Longstreth (D) 7/29/81 1/13/84 James C. Treadway, Jr. (R) 9/13/82 4/17/85 Charles C. Cox (R) 12/2/83 9/30/89 Charles L. Marinaccio (D) 5/24/84 7/10/85 Aulana L. Peters (D) 6/11/84 7/8/88 Joseph A. Grundfest (D) 10/28/85 1/18/90 Edward H. Fleischman (R) 1/6/86 3/31/92 David S. Ruder (R), Chairman 8/7/87 9/30/89 Mary L. Schapiro (I) 12/5/88 10/13/94 Richard C. Breeden (R), Chairman 10/11/89 5/7/93 Philip R. Lochner, Jr. (R) 3/12/90 6/23/91 Richard Y. Roberts (R), (D) when appointed 10/1/90 7/15/95 J. Carter Beese, Jr. (R) 3/10/92 11/14/94 Arthur Levitt (D), Chairman 7/27/93 2/9/01 Anyone who knows a bit of history is aware of the long stretch of Ponzi schemes, insider trading activities, penny stock pump and dump scams, and other forms of white collar crime dominated by Jews. If you are unaware of this association, I suggest you research it for yourself. You can bet there are many more Bernie Madoffs out there. And remember, Madoff turned himself in. The Zionist-controlled Secruities and Exchange Commission (SEC) not only did not uncover his Ponzi scheme, officials ignored years of repeated formal complaints by Henry Markopolous . After committing countless acts of blatant securities fraud, resulting in the collapse of the global economy, not one single Wall Street executive has been criminally indicted. Even civil charges have not been brought by the SEC. Goldman Sachs was fined a mere 500 million as ordered by Obama8217s handlers in order to diffuse the pressure that he faced since Goldman robbed taxpayers of up to 30 billion. Why not put some Gentiles in charge of the SEC and lets see the results. Below is a complete list of SEC Chairmen and Commissioners. As you can see, a very large number have been Jewish. deceased 2 On February 22, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon designated Hamer H. Budge as Chairman of the Commission. 3 Isaac C. Hunt, Jr. was reinstated by a recess appointment by President George W. Bush and then continued to serve from January 23, 2002 until August 2, 2002. Gary Gensler Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) . Gensler not only served in the Clinton Administration as Undersecretary of the Treasury and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, hes also a seasoned Goldman Sachs insider. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house Gensler joins a long list of other Jews who have held this spot. As you can see, almost every single one of the previous CFTC chairmen have been Jewish. William T. Bagley (Chairman 4/15/75-11/15/78) Read P. Dunn, Jr. 4/15/80 11/13/81 Susan M. Phillips (Acting Chairman 5/28/83 11/16/83) (Chairman 11/17/83-7/24/87) Wendy L. Gramm (Chairman 2/22/88-1/22/93) Sheila C. Bair 4/15/90 4/15/95 David D. Spears (Acting Chairman 6/2/99-8/10/99 Walter L. Lukken (Acting Chairman 6/27/07 -) Gary L. Seevers (Acting Chairman 12/6/78-5/3/79) Phillip McBride Johnson (Chairman 6/8/81-5/1/83) Robert R. Davis 4/15/84 4/15/89 Sheila C. Bair (Acting Chairman 8/21/93-12/21/93) Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman 10/13/94-1/26/96) Brooksley E. Born (Chairperson 8/26/96-6/1/99) William J. Rainer(Chairman 8/11/99 1/19/01) Sharon Brown-Hruska (Acting Chairman 7/24/04 7/10/05) Read P. Dunn, Jr. 4/15/75 4/15/78 James M. Stone (Chairman 5/4/79-6/8/81) William E. Seale 4/15/83 4/15/88 William P. Albrecht (Acting Chairman 1/22/93-8/20/93) John E. Tull, Jr. (Acting Chairman 1/27/96-8/25/96) Thomas J. Erickson 4/15/98 4/13/03 Frederick W. Hatfield 4/13/03 4/13/08 John V. Rainbolt, II 4/15/75 4/15/77 David G. Gartner 4/15/77 4/15/82 Fowler C. West 4/15/82 4/15/87 Barbara P. Holum (Acting Chairman 12/22/93-10/7/94) Reuben Jeffery III (Chairman 7/11/05 6/27/07) Robert L. Martin 6/19/75 6/19/76 Kalo A. Hineman (Acting Chairman 7/27/87-2/22/88) Joseph B. Dial 6/19/91 6/19/96 James E. Newsome (Acting Chairman 1/20/01 12/27/01) (Chairman 12/27/01 7/23/04) Michael V. Dunn 6/19/01 6/19/06 Jill E. Sommers 8/8/07 Bart Chilton 8/8/07 Elena Kagan Solicitor General . recently appointed to the Supreme Court, despite having no experience as a judge. Now the U. S. Supreme Court is comprised of 33 Jews. This means Jews are overrepresented on the Supreme Court by about 15 times versus their proportion in the U. S. population. Meanwhile, WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) have absolutely no representation whatsoever in the U. S. Supreme Court despite the fact that there are anywhere from 80 to 140 million WASPs in the U. S. Although this number is still large, WASPs have declined significantly in the U. S. population over the last century as the strong push by Jews have reformed immigration laws to foster the multiculturalism time bomb. As a suspected lesbian and strong advocate against hate speech, Kagan is well-suited to carry out the mission of the Zionist Jewish mafia. She has even stated that she would go so far as to alter the First Amendment in order to combat hate speech. Just what is hate speech anyway Based on what I have seen, it is speech that points to documented facts regarding a certain, race, religion, ethnicity or gender. That is not hate speech. It merely represents the presentation of factual data. At worst, it represents personal opinions. People must be free to express their ideas, whether it be hatred towards others or criticisms of crimes. But as long as Americans continue to permit Zionist control over their nation, the U. S. Constitution will continue to be shreaded. Sally Katzen Major legal adviser to Obama-Biden Ron Klain Chief of Staff to the Vice President Eric Lander and Harold E. Varmus Co-Chairs of the Presidents Council of Advisers on Science/Technology James Steinberg Deputy Secretary of State Steinberg is known as a hardcore Zionist and Israel First-man, so how would it be possible for him to remain objective when dealing with Middle East foreign policy Like many of the top power positions in Washington, this one has been dominated by Jews for decades. Lets have a look. Warren G. Harding Penny Pritzker Obamas National Finance Chair during the election cycle she is a billionaire heiress of the Pritzker family fortune. Like most billionaires (in my opinion) the Pritzkers are wealthy for a very good reason. and it doesnt have much to do with honest hard work. Have a look at one of the Pritzkers previous businesses, Superior Bank . Apparently, the Pritzkers are so money-hungry theyve even cheated their own family members out of money. Yet, they remain close associates of Obama. Of course, similar to all other U. S. politicians, Obama has no choice. If you dont kiss up to Jews and Israel, your political career wont last too long. This is a fact that every single politician in Washington realizes, but very few are willing to admit publicly. Robert Reich Economic adviser to Obama-Biden Dennis Ross Obamas Ambassador-At-Large in the Middle East, Obamas top envoy for the Israeli-Middle East conflict. He also served in the HW Bush and Clinton Administrations under which little progress was made in the Israeli/Palestinian issue Daniel B. Shapiro Head the Middle East Desk at the National Security Council Phil Schiliro Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Larry Summers Director of the White House National Economic Council former Secretary of Treasury under Clinton, chief economist at the World Bank, with numerous ties to Wall Street. Summers derail efforts to regulate derivates in the 1990s along with Greenspan, Rubin and others. As Harvard president on a small committee overseeing the universitys endowment fund, he approved a very risky interest rate swaps investment position of over 3.5 billion, costing the university nearly 1 billion in losses. Yet, when the Jewish-controlled media refers to Summers, they pont to his 8220genius,8221 much like they do when they mention other Jews, like Alan Greenspan. Paul Volcker Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board Shelia Bair Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Working with her former colleagues at the U. S. Treasury and associates at the Federal Reserve and Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), Bair has authorized seizure of hundreds of banks over the past three years, many of which were not insolvent as the agency has claimed. These fraudulent seizures were specifically executed in order to enable the Jewish banking cartel to buy up assets at pennies on the dollar using finance capital that was borrowed at close to no cost from the Federal Reserve. Ultimately, these funds have come at the expense of taxpayers, consumers and workers because the record-low interest rates have served to diminish the buying power of the dollar, which has whittled down wages and savings. Finally, such low interest rates have widened the pension deficits, ensuring higher taxes and reduced benefits. Meanwhile, the Jewish-controlled media positions Bair as some kind of American hero, fighting for the people. The reality is much different. Karen Mills Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) Austan Goolsbee (replaced Romer) Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) Other staff of the CEA: Members: Cecilia Rouse Chief of Staff: Nan Gibson Chief Economist: Jay Shambaugh Director of Macroeconomic Forecasting: Steven N. Braun Senior Economists: Chad Bown: International Macroeconomics and Trade Aaron K. Chatterji: Small Business, Entreprenuership, and Innovation Policy Ben Jones: Macroeconomics and Growth Lisa B. Kahn: Labor Arik Levinson: Environment Helen Levy: Health Matthew Magura: Industrial Organization and Regulation Julius Genachowski Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) he is working to ease his way into regulation of the Internet. Once the door has been opened you can bet Washingtons cybersecurity motives along with the ADLs push for hate speech crimes will all but wipe out any criticisms of anyone they dont want you to discuss. Eric Lander 8211 Chairman of the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Ken Feinberg 8211 TARP Executive Compensation Richard Holbrooke 8211 Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ron Bloom Senior Advisor of the President8217s Automotive Task Force Alan Bersin 8211 Special Representative for Border Affairs, Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) Todd Stern 8211 Special Envoy for Climate Change Lynn Rosenthal 8211 Advisor to the President and the Vice President on Domestic Violence and Sexual Daniel Fried 8211 Special Envoy Guantanamo, US Department of State Dennis Ross 8211 Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia (which includes Iran Jeffrey D. Zients 8211 United States Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget Cass Sunstein 8211 Director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs from within the Office of Management and Budget John P. Holdren Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Ezekiel Emanuel 8211 White House Medical Czar and brother of Rahm Emanuel. Richard Haass 8211 Ambassador-at-large Ron Klain 8211 Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden Chairman, Jon Leibowitz Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Joined by FTC Commissioners William Kovacic, J. Thomas Rosch, Edith Ramirez, Julie Brill As you can see, the vast majority of previous FDA Commissioners have been Jews. Do I need to remind you of the FDAs track record It is only rivaled by that of the SEC. Secretary Janet A. Napolitano 8211 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Napolitano follows Michael Chertoff, who headed the DHS under Bush and who got paid millions of dollars to push the need for TSA body scanners. George Soros is also raking in millions of dollars through his partial ownership of the company providing scanners, compliments of his Zionist partner in crime, Michael Chertoff. Mona Sutphen Deputy White House Chief of Staff 2nd behind Emanuel Benjamin S. Bernanke 8211 Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Donald L. Kohn 8211 Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Stephen Friedman 8211 Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York See here for an extensive list of Zionist Jews under control of the Federal Reserve. Neal S. Wolin 8211 Deputy Secretary, United States Department of the Treasury Robert B. Zoellick 8211 President, World Bank Dominique Strauss-Kahn 8211 Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently forced to resign. Ron Bloom 8211 Senior Counselor for Manufacturing Policy, President Steven L. Rattner 8211 Director, Presidential Task Force on the Automotive Industry Neil M. Barofsky 8211 Special Inspector General, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) Kenneth R. Feinberg 8211 Special Master for Executive Compensation, Treasury Dept John E. Bowman 8211 Director, Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) Daniel J. Roth 8211 President and CEO, National Futures Association (NFA) Hannah Rosenthal Special Envoy to Combat Anti-Semitism, U. S. State Department prior to being appointed to this new position in 2009, Rosenthal headed the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. The State Department in a Nov. 20, 2009 statement noted a growing trend of anti-Semitic hate crimes and discrimination around the world. If there is discrimination against Jews in the U. S. it sure isnt seen in the labor market. In fact, we see quite the opposite, as Rick Sanchez recently alluded to. Yet, you never hear about workplace discrimination based on Jews favoring Jews. If you are wondering why you have never heard about such cases, you need to consider who the most power judges are, and who runs the biggest most powerful law firms. According to the State Department, Rosenthal will work with governments and civil society organizations across the globe to promote tolerance. My question is tolerance for what Unpunished crimes by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve A continuation of apartheid in Israel Perhaps instead of looking to discipline people who have become upset at the lack of prosecution of crimes by the Zionist Jewish mafia, Washington should focus on indicting the Wall Street executives, getting rid of the Federal Reserve, and stop providing aid to Israel (at least) until it stops ethnic cleansing. In reality, Rosenthals role will be to promote what has already been declared as a disaster in Germany, multiculturalism. To her credit, it would appear that Rosenthal seems to have non-Zionist views. As a result, she has drawn intense criticism from ADLs Abe Foxman as well as several Jewish publications. For instance, in a speech Rosenthal gave a couple of years ago, she implied there was a difference between American Jews and Jews living in Israel It8217s a scary time, with people losing the ability to differentiate between a Jew, any Jew, and what8217s going on in Israel.8221 Of course, as Im sure she knows, not all Jews in Israel support the Zionist activities against the Palestinians. The same can be said of Jews in the U. S. At the same time, most Jews in the U. S. support Zionism. While its difficult to know whether she will cave in to pressure from the Zionist extremists in Washington and various Jewish organizations like the ADL, for the time being Rosenthal seems to be one of the more reasonable Jews in Washington. But it won8217t be long before she caves into pressure from America8217s number one hate group, the ADL. jewishpress/printArticle. cfmcontentid41507 Still not convinced that Jews run Washington Lets have a look at Obamas 32 czars, most of which are Jewish. Afghanistan Czar 8211 Richard Holbrooke (Jewish) AIDS Czar 8211 Jeffrey Crowley (Jewish) Auto Recovery czar 8211 Ed Montgomery (Jewish) Car Czar 8211 Ron Bloom (Jewish) Central Region Czar 8211 Dennis Ross (Jewish) Domestic Violence Czar 8211 Lynn Rosenthal (Jewish) Energy and Environment Czar 8211 Carol Browner (Jewish) Faith-Based Czar 8211 Joshua DuBois Great Lakes Czar 8211 Cameron Davis Green Jobs Czar 8211 Van Jones (resigned on Sept. 6, 2010) Guantanamo Closure Czar 8211 Daniel Fried (Jewish) Health Czar 8211 Nancy-Ann DeParle Information Czar 8211 Vivek Kundra (NOT JEWISH) International Climate Czar 8211 Todd Stern (Jewish) Mideast Peace Czar 8211 George Mitchell (NOT JEWISH) Pay Czar 8211 Kenneth Feinberg (Jewish) Regulatory Czar 8211 Cass Sunstein (Jewish) Science Czar 8211 John Holdren (Jewish) Stimulus Accountability Czar 8211 Earl Devaney Terrorism Czar 8211 John Brennan () Urban Affairs Czar 8211 Adolfo Carrion Jr. WMD Policy Czar 8211 Gary Samore What about Congress Prior to the recent election there were around 50 Jewish congressmen and senators out of less than 440. That means Jews are overrepresented 6 times in proportion to their composition in the U. S. population. But it gets worse. Jews serve as the chair for virtually every major committee in Washington. Lets have a look at some examples: Sander Levine/House Ways and Means Committee Carl Levine/Senate Arm Services Committee Henry Waxman/Senate Committee for Commerce Howard Berman/House Foreign Relations Committee Senator Joseph Lieberman/Senate Committee for Homeland Security Barney Frank/House Finance Committee Senator Diane Feinstein/Senate Intelligence Committee Senator Barbara Boxer/Senate Committee for Public Works Of course, the real control over Washington comes in the form of lobbyists. The most powerful and feared lobbyist group in Washington is AIPAC, the main Israeli lobby. Virtually every congressman and senator in Washington has been bought off by AIPAC. As a result, Israel and Jewish interests run U. S. foreign and domestic policy, as reinforced by Professors Walt and Mearsheimer. Furthermore, the Zionist Jewish owned Washington Post even admits that 60 and 35 of campaign contributions for the Democratic and Republican Party respectively comes from Jewish sources. I suspect these numbers have been understated. But theres an even bigger twist. According to the Post, the vast majority of campaign contributions for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came from the U. S. Now who in the U. S. do you suppose made those contributions I hope you can see what is going on here. I dont want you to think that Obama is the first president to have been made a puppet for the Zionist Jewish mafia. Bush, Clinton and several presidents before them have served a similar role. One only needs to research the number of Jews in prominent positions for each previous president as I have done for Obama, and they will be convinced. Whether you are European-American, Asian-American, African-American or Jewish-American, if you are loyal to the U. S. you should be very concerned with the control over America by the Zionist Jewish mafia and Israel. Accordingly, I continue to encourage everyone, Jewish or not, who wish to fight against the Zionist takeover of the U. S. One of the best ways to do this is to spread the truth about Zionist crimes, power and control. Some of you might ask why it is a problem that Jewish Americans control Washington. First, you have to keep in mind that Jews more than any other race (and they do claim to be a distinct race which has been recently verified through genomics studies) stick together like superglue. Now there is certainly nothing wrong with bonding with people you share common things with. We see it in every race and ethnicity. However, this racial bonding is often taken to such an extreme that it results in workplace discrimination, thereby denying opportunities to non-Jews who may be equally if not more qualified. Furthermore, it is apparent that Zionist Jewish networking at the upper echelon operates like a mafia. As you might imagine, Jews receive extra special treatment on Wall Street, leading to more promotions and higher incomes. I know this from first-hand experience when while working for the Jewish-dominated firm Bear Stearns. If you work in the financial industry and point to the domination of the industry by Jews or criticize the control of America by Israel, you are likely to face severe consequences in a variety of ways. You may be fired. Or you might not receive promotions. The list is of consequences is endless. The same may be said about the media, Hollywood and corporate America. This accounts largely for the reason why so many people are afraid to speak out. There are certainly Jewish Americans that are fine individuals. However, based on my own experience the honorable Jews are not Zionists. And they dont rely on Jewish networking to the extent that it creates unfair treatment and qualifies as discrimination. It is human nature for people to align themselves with or separate themselves from people based on financial motivations. In other words, some individuals will do whatever they can in order to receive favoritism in commerce. However, there comes a point when things can be taken to an extreme such that it creates severe disadvantages for others. Second, because Jews control key industries as well as virtually every aspect of the U. S. they have an ability to reshape the societal, moral, ethnic, racial, cultural and economic backbone of the nation. This becomes especially worrisome when we consider that most American Jews are dual-citizens of Israel. Zionist Jews have effectively caused the societal and economic collapse of the U. S. This is a process that has been under way for several decades. Throughout this long period of deceit and subversion, they have created covers, distractions and deflections. They have transformed politicians into puppets. They have enslaved consumers using their banks. They have defrauded the entire population using their control over Wall Street. They have used their control over media, politicians and policy makers in order to shield any criticism of their crimes and their powerful crime syndicate. To those Jews who may be reading this and do not wish to be categorized as Zionists, you need to speak out against the agendas and activities of the Zionist mafia. The more you distance yourselves from this mafia, the more you will be viewed with integrity. Related Posts: The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VNN, VNN authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, technicians or the Veterans Today Network and its assigns. Notices Posted by VNN on June 7, 2011, With 0 Reads, Filed under Corruption. Government. Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry Son of Liberty June 14, 2011 at 5:37 am The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article AND that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. The 17th Amendment deprived some States of their sufferage in the Senate. We would do well to repeal the 17th Amendment According to the 10th Amendment. the States are distinct from the People. This Article is talking about the State Governments, NOT the people of a State. Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Virginia did not ratify that amendment and were deprived of their equal suffrage in the Senate, thereby profoundly effecting the integrity of every Amendment to the Constitution Also, the unseating of the Senators of Southern States for their refusal to ratify Amendment 14 constituted exactly that prohibition, AND that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffragein the Senate. The argument that the Senate shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of its members, used to justify their expulsion, flies directly in the face of Article V. The North nitpicked a small section of the powers of each House to justify the complete overthrow of the Constitution of the United States. They did not realize that it invalidated every Amendment to the Constitution, or they did not care. People always say, Congress intended Congress intended to enslave every Southerner born for the eternity available to the Federal Government, even though they are duty bound to cease and desist with the Civil War Amendments once the offending generation dies of. No Corruption of Blood which I would interpret as the powers of self government being part of the property, the beqeathment of the Southerners to their children. Our liberty and rights are our property as well as our slaves and our investments in Confederate War Bonds. The Congress certainly intended nothing good for any Southerner ever born again. The same can be said when attempting to balance the assertion that attainders of treason are legal with other lines in the Constitution that declare that no attainders of any sort are legal. Please notice that whan the Constitution proclaims with great bombast that it is Supreme over State Laws and Constitutions, it has no jurisdiction over State laws and Constitutions. I also would like to show you a few other things in the Constitution that I am sure you will find to be very interesting. Article 1. Section 9.3 No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. The 14th Amendment fails these basic tests of Constitutionality. That amendment is a bill of attainder and it was passed ex post facto. Article 1. Section 9.3 is probably the reason that the Antebellum South so confidently seceded. Seceded or not, the North was and still is bound by that limitation of power. The North had no power over slavery in 1861, and it still had no legal power over slavery in 1865. The history of the 14th amendment has been well documented, and it truly is a testimony to the failure of Constitutional government. Article 3. Section 3.2 The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attained. Article 1.Section 9.3 declared that Congress may not pass Bills of Attainder or ex post facto laws. Now we see an exception or a mistake. The Constitution contradicts itself here. Attainders of treason are permitted with some very serious restrictions on them to protect the descendants of the traitors. That is us, by the gt way. The primary problem is the 14th Amendment. The value of the slaves and Southern war bonds concern us here. That value is the forfeiture that is Constitutionally bound to be returned to the Southern people. as we shall not suffer Corruption of Blood or lose our property EXCEPT during the lifetimes of the Confederate Politicians and Soldiers. They are now all dead. Also, the theory known as the Incorporation Doctrine is defunct. The application od the 14th Amendment to the States and the people is illegal. The traitors are dead The application of the Incorporation Doctrine is Corruption of Blood and is Unconstitutional. We, the Southerners living now, are not and have never been Traitors to the United States. We are thereby under the jurisdiction of the original Constitution. Corruption of Blood is being allowed to function as the Supreme Law of the Land rather than the Constitution of the United States. This cannot continue. I propose that any one of the Southern States expelled from Congress to force their ratification of the 14th Amendment, simply repeal their states ratification of the 14th Amendment. That alone would tie EVERYTHING up in the Federal courts for the next 20 years. Liberty would blossom again. Further, in black and white, Amendments are NOT Unconditional. They are a delegated power to the Federal Government, and are vested as a privilege. Notice the Articles of Confederation had no such delegation. It has been abused time and again by the Federal Government, going so far as to destroy the entire social system of the creators of the Federal Constitution. Necessary and Proper indeed. I would like to propose what we shall call, The Doctrine of the Perpetual Negative. When the Constitution says that no power shall be exercised by the general government. that negative cannot be repealed or overridden in any way Legislative, Executive or Judicial under this Constitution except through the next Constitutional Convention. The reason is that when the Constitution says, for example, that there may be NO direct taxes, the the proposal to override it, to repeal it, violates the prohibition. The proposal, though it later be an Amendment, is itself at all times Unconstitutional, thus illegal, and null and void Negatives may not be repealed. I submit that the 10th Amendment supports this view as well and would love to see it debated Lets get one thing straight here. ZIONISM is all about the homeland for the jews in Israel. Most jews are for it, some are against it, but at the end of the day ZIONISM is not the actual problem. It8217s the JEWISH WAY OF LIFE that is killing the planet. There are jews that say they don8217t want Israel, yet say they are Talmudic scholars Well what is the Talmud It8217s the book on how jews should lie, cheat steal and kill from non-jews to get what they want. That has NOTHING to do with ZIONISM. Many people on the net say 8220zionism8221 so they don8217t get attacked by everyone. It8217s the politically correct way bloggers can say JEW without saying jew82308230but you know what, jews know you are talking about them anyway, so who are you fooling. Just like when people said 8220communists8221 jews knew people were really saying JEW. So enough with the games, and lets call a spade a spade. There is no argument that the Talmud and the jewish way of life is what is threatening everyones existance. NO OTHER race or religion says what they say, and no other races wishes total domination over any other, except the jews. ALL RACES must unite against our common enemy. Period. Rob June 12, 2011 at 11:54 am Regarding the kosher tax, it is paid voluntarily by the producers. I bet 90 of consumers are unaware of it. One reason they make the kosher mark so small and inconspicuous is to keep it that way. If more people were aware, and affected products were easier to identify, I don8217t think it would be that difficult to start a boycott of these products, or a demand that discounts be offered to those who object to paying this extortion, which needs to be more widely exposed for the rip off it is. I would not say that the Kosher tax (certification) is paid 8220voluntarily.8221 First of all, most large corporations are run by Jews, including food producers. In addition, Jewish Rabbis threaten to raise the anti-Semite red flag to any company that does not adapt Kosher cert. Rob June 12, 2011 at 8:34 pm I agree with you (Mike S) that what you state is the current condition. I have worked in the processed food industry, and they8217re not all run by jews (thankfully). The intimidation is there, has been for 20 years. Of course its not paid 8220voluntarily8221. Its a shakedown of people who just want to stay in business. Does that mean we are powerless to fight it The only kosher mark food I purchase is Helllmans mayonaise. Only because any other mayonaise tastes like shit. Bet they8217d give a discount. MerryMary June 12, 2011 at 1:48 am Excellent article. Historical backdrop of jews plots, plans, path to complete domination, read linked article. You8217ll realize usury (interest) amp capitalism are twin towers of jew power, governing fascism, communism, etc (their inherent nature). Attempts to expel them expels a nation8217s economy which they dominate (Weimar etc). They8217ve always controlled military amp intel per contracts amp contacts even to this day, something Major General Butler (warisaracket. org) knew. holywar. org/jewishtr/06money. htm Howard T. Lewis III June 12, 2011 at 4:12 pm Path to complete domination That one earned a minute-long Bronx cheer. Very good observation besides. Dummies get elected. Brains get feces thrown at them. That is the Law. Freeborn June 10, 2011 at 3:20 am Wow you guys finally worked the Mishpucka runs America radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:59 pm 8220Dear beloved brethren in Moses: We have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: As for what you say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it since you cannot do otherwise8230As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your goods make your sons merchants, that little by little they may despoil the Christians of theirs. As for what you say about their attempts on your lives make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian lives. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches. As for the many other vexationsyou complain of: arrange that you sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.8221 (Constantinople Elders of Jewry). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm 8220Jews ate the English nation to its bones.8221 (John Speed, British Historian, in Historie of Great Britaine). 67). 1652 England was involved in another contrived war with the Dutch. All of these wars and skirmishes were financed by the Jewish money lenders with funds loaned at usury. 68). 8220But it has paid us even though we have sacrificed many of our own people. Each victim on our side is worth a thousand Goyim.8221 (Statement reported in a French Newspaper in 1773 after a meeting in the Rothschild home). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 2:02 pm 8220These were ideas,8221 the author notes, 8220which Marx would adopt and transform8230 Publicly and for political reasons, both Marx and Engels posed as friends of the Negro. In private, they were antiBlack racists of the most odious sort. They had contempt for the entire Negro Race, a contempt they expressed by comparing Negroes to animals, by identifying Black people with 8216idiots8217 and by continuously using the opprobrious term 8216Nigger8217 in their private correspondence.8221 (Nathaniel Weyl). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 2:04 pm 8220From8230The days of Spartacus Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, BelaKuhn, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman, this worldwide Jewish conspiracy8230has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the nineteenth century and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.8221 (Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:55 pm 8220The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations a greater Judaism, in fact ALL THE SEPARATE RACES and RELIGIONS SHALL DISAPPEAR.8221 (Jewish World, February 9, 1883). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:56 pm 8220There is only one Power which really counts: The Power of Political Pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on Earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it.8221 (Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935). 57). 8220Jews were fomenting a general plague on the whole world.8221 (Claudis, Roman Emperor, Epistolas). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:56 pm 8220If you will look back at every war in Europe during the nineteenth century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a 8216balance of power.8217 With every reshuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria. They grouped nations so that if any king got out of line, a war would break out and the war would be decided by which way the financing went. Researching the debt positions of the warring nations will usually indicate who was to be punished.8221 (Economist Sturat Crane). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:57 pm 8220In death as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war WW II, and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die for my ideals, and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why.8221 (William Joyce8217s Lord Ha Ha last words just before Britain executed him for anti war activism in WW II). 62). 8220We are not denying and we are not afraid to confess, this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry8230Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based. We are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy8217s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.8221 (Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a Speech on December 3, 1942, in New York City). radiatedserfs June 9, 2011 at 1:58 pm 8220It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew8217s ancestors 8216never8217 lived in Palestine 8216at all,8217 which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact.8221 (H. G. Wells, The Outline of History). Howard T. Lewis III June 12, 2011 at 4:05 pm Your power is based on nonstop blindsiding and scholastic discipline and lying. That will probably be made apparent in the near future. Mike June 9, 2011 at 9:13 am The Jewish people built America every bit as much as Europeans. The first Jews came to America around 1640, their first synagogue was built in the early 17008217s. They fought for the freedom of this nation against the British just like all of the other Patriots of their time. The fact that we have Jewish people in office is not an issue. The issue is people and 8220news outlets8221 like yourself that are Anti-Semitic. My Grandfather fought in WWII, he saw the horrors of the Holocaust, you dishonor him and his brothers with this hatred and the name of your site. Patriot June 9, 2011 at 11:34 am Mike Look no further than this article. It clearly shows our banks, our fed reserve, our media and our government is run and controlled by Zionist who have a far different agenda than the average American. The Zionist decide wether we are to go to war. No one else. They contol our pentagon as well 911. If you study it at all clearly demonstrates that hundreds of top officials within our government knew it was going to happen. Read Susan lindauer, s articles. The patriot act. Imprisioned her for five years because she was pointing to facts the 911 commission could not deal with. If she was allowed to testify in congress many officials in Bushes administration would be shown to be lying. Look at all the evidence that Christopher Bollyn has produced. It is amazing information which all points to a plot by the Israeli government to stage 911 as a false flag to send our country and it8217s young into war for purpose which only the Jewish government would find useful. Many many Jews were on the frOnt lines in our country for this war, It is are to say the only reason we went to war was because our media, our senators like Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, Senator Boxer and every Jewish Senator and Congressman voted for us to go to War. If the Jewish Congress was against this war we would never had gone to war Our. People. Did not. Want this war. Israel. Wanted this war and before Bushnleft office Israel gave Bush a parade in his honor and praised him and said he was an outstanding Statesmen Bush, however could never walk streets of America. Clearly Bush has run our country exactly as commanded by the Isreali. This is treason. Treason by congress and by the President We just want our country back. There is no hatred for the Israeli. Don, t call this anti-semetism Call all this trumped up phony terrorism a false flag so our country will do battle for Israel. That is all that it is. In the past 10 years American Soldiers have killed over 1 million civilian for what. As this article clearly shows, the grip Israel has on America is so strong that a true open evaluation of what happened on 911 is impossible. Read Christopher Bollyn8217s website. Without any doubt 911 was set up by Mossad and the CIA. If the truth was allowed to be investigated it would destroy their grip on this country and so it will never ever be allowed to take place. They will do whatever is necessary to stop that investigation. So Mike it is not anti Semitism, if the Irish, Italian, French or Mexicans had similar grip on our country we freedom loving people just like your father, would be protesting - Don8217tyou think It has nothing to do with Israeli but rather the actions that are killing the country we love Howard T. Lewis III June 12, 2011 at 3:57 pm Check out the names of the most prominent slavers back in the 1600s and 1700s. All jewish. My great grandparents on one side were jewish Rothschild carpetbaggers in Kentucky and vicinity. I am not proud of that. Maybe self-pride will be your ultimate downfall. Most jews are not semitic and if you do not know that, you should. And since jews include Europeans while only a small minority of Europeans are jewish, Jews did not build America as much as Europeans, It is safe to say that your condemnation of this site is based on a primal instinct of creating conflict. Don8217t be satisfied with wrong answers. You should dump that one because after 9-11 and this Wall Street fraud and the other recent shenanigans, your turn at creating misery and confusion is comming to a close. If you think I am full of crap, listen to the police dispatch tapes for 9-11 and Dan Rather8217s on the spot report of the Israelis arrested for carrying around explosives on 9-11. And see Activist Post: Architects and Engineers Question8230 Comments section where you can read for yourself what the presence of jewish blood in MY heritage has permitted me to witness and report. Know that when your mother told you that you were perfect and safe, she lied. Study the teachings of Jesus and try to be a good guy. He was probably a jew. Quisling was a Norwegian traitor to the nazis. I am half Drammen-born Norwegian. I am not Quisling. I do not deserve the right to go to Norway and bulldoze houses because of the voices in my head. No matter what anybody did to my foreskin. No matter what camp Quisling may have talked me into while working wirth the Bush and Rockefeller funded nazis. Any questions Snoopy June 15, 2011 at 9:31 am 8220Most jews are not semitic and if you do not know that, you should.8221 I always wondered what would happen to Israel if the same genetic standards for admission to Native American status was applied, which ranges from 1/4th to 7/8ths based on DNA. Even at the lower standard it8217ll probably result in a reverse exodus. I didn8217t link it properly before so this URL didn8217t get added to my previous comment to Brian so I8217m adding it here. For the record it is not my site nor do I make any money touting it. BTW, this site has a great memorial to the USS Liberty today. mystic June 8, 2011 at 10:31 am 8220people do not buy cable TV or newspapers filled with nothing but LIES8221 (Sidekick) You8217re right on the money. That8217s why the New York Times is in trouble and good riddance to bad rubbish. After the WMD lies with Judith-the traitor-Miller, I find it laughable that the NYT would even imagine that a thinking public would continue reading that crap. Jewish owned of course..I never watch any TV anymore except for the occasional rental DVD. I get my news from selected sources domestic and abroad on the internet. I8217m very very impressed what is going on in Brisbane Australia regarding boycotting Israel. A huge movement spreading globally with a little time. Deprive the Jews of their only God, money, that8217s where it hurts. They never hesitated to threatened Hitler with an international economic Jewish boycott. The tables have turned. F them. They8217ve destroyed our country. Now fight back. abe gold June 8, 2011 at 10:01 am are you kidding, they are losing power. These MFer8217s are getting stronger Where is the 8220lone wolf8221 and we need to give the lone wolf hero TARGETS Sidekick June 8, 2011 at 9:12 am Don8217t think these people are ALL POWERFUL, they are not. I8217ve confronted several of them to their face and they backdown, cowering in fear everytime. They have VERY LOUD MOUTHS, but when confronted with their lies and treachery, they slither off to a corner. Also, their influence is decreasing VERY QUICKLY as their schemes are being exposed. Their media 8220news8221 is a laughing stock in the world and is TOTALLY DISGRACED and discredited. With their credibility goes their money and influence. For some reason, people do not buy cable TV or 8220newspapers8221 filled with nothing but LIES. Howard T. Lewis III June 7, 2011 at 11:19 pm The alliance between zionist jews and the nazis during WWII was an odd concept to discover some 10 years ago. The desire of European banking interests to control the Suez and the Rockefeller and Rothschild motivations to add the oil fields of the middle east to the Suez canal promised a bright future, indeed. The legal representatives for Brown Brothers-Harriman, the bankers who hired Prescott Bush to sell German war bonds, also wrote up the legal papers for the queen of England to give Hitler and Co. 12 million to get the ball rolling in 1930 and get the camp thing started. That was the Dulles brothers, Allen and John Foster. A jewish friend of mine related that jews in the path of the Allied invaders were advised to NOT go fight with the allies, but to travel to the labor camps(part of the Warburg investment plan) and earn credits so after the war, they could return to their businesses and homes and take up where they left off. Later, I found out that many jews in these camps were given an option to migrate to Palestine, leaving the hellishness and/or severe inconvenience behind. Many of those who chose Palestine got to go. Those that preferred going to America or England or someplace else were considered disloyal to the Zionist cause and were forced to stay. Apparently, the zionist 6 million and some other embellishments have been an ongoing propaganda campaign to allow these top zionists to keep their heads for helping talk the European jews into these wretched camps. At the same time, it is not believable to me that the jews waited around for years to be arrested and deported by the gestapo and such. One of my jewish friend8217s cousins was in his late teens and these kids knew what was going on in the camps. The parents of these jewish kids could not believe it. So the parents finally relented and my friend8217s jewish cousin went to a boarding school in England and the rest of the family went to a labor/credit camp in Germany. My friend8217s cousin never saw any of them after the war. They were gone. This same alliance exists today, and the Jolly Roger has been flown for the benefit of the English crown for at least 400 years. Sir Henry Morgan, Bluebeard, Blackbeard (whose ship,8217Queen Anne8217s Revenge8217 was recently discovered and the ship8217s anchor recovered), George Bush and others fly this flag til this very day. George H. W. Bush was knighted for selling out America to England back in the early 1980s. As kids, every male I have talked to remembers taking a stick and a garbage can lid with a hand full of rocks and playing 8216pirate8217. I can just imagine today8217s kids grabbing a hand-full of pencils, a legal pad and a pocket calculator and a cell-phone with a British Protectorate off-shore bank account 8216phone number8217 on it and playing Bernanke and Grayson. Same old story. Different tools. With the CFR running interference and providing a televised smoke screen. And congress mewling and dreaming how GREAT it would be to be called a pultroon. And rise to BE a pultroon. Mewlers can deny apprehension, though not successfully. Pultroons stand tall in a cowering demeanor, dressed for success. mystic June 7, 2011 at 9:45 pm As a Jew I just could never understand why Americans Jews would destroy their own country and themselves in the process. I myself had my money stolen by a Jewish financier who I had entrusted BECAUSE HE WAS A RELIGIOUS OBSERVANT JEW. I blame myself. Serves me right. Thankfully I survived, but I will never ever ever ever again trust a Jew to 8220advise8221 me what to do with my money, and I strongly advise others to do the same. I know other Jews who were also victims, probably for the same reason. The Jews gained control because once one is promoted in any field he will always promote other Jews regardless of merit. The biggest mistake of my life was emigrating to this country in the first place, which is rotten to the core and is entirely based on fraud and always has been. What did I know when I was younger Like Russia, Jews held the highest positions of power, and the Jewish Bolsheviks murdered 66 million Christians. I never knew that when I was young. And then they deny that holocaust. Someone once said there is no such thing as a good Jew. In America, the silent Jews overwhelmingly are complicit with the crimes committed by Zionists, and are silent because they are afraid of blowback by friends and family. I8217ve told all of them to get the f out of my life. I don8217t need traitors as friends, no matter how much they smile. And this country is finished anyway, and has entirely been destroyed by Jews. Kissinger, a Jew, once said 8220We must have been doing something wrong to be kicked out of every country for the past 2000 years8221. Thankfully the internet has changed the way Jews have gotten away with rewriting history. Israel8217s doctoring of the Mavi Marmara is a case in point. And there are many other examples. A gentile, a small businessman I know, told me that some religious Jews are the most dishonest. He also told of several American Jewish friends warning him against dealings with the Israelis who come here. 8220Be very careful,8221 they said. Anyhow, all Americans need to read 8220Germany Must Perish,8221 and also learn about the Morgenthau Plan. When Theodore Kaufmann wrote that book, do you really imagine he was talking about only the Germans in the tiny, little, relatively new-nation state called 8220Germany8221 Most likely, his ire was directed at the Germanic peoples who had spread around the globe. The Morgenthau plan was not fully implemented against the German nation-state, but if you don8217t think it8217s being used against us all here and now (USA, Canade, NZ, OZ, etc,) maybe you should look again. Paul June 10, 2011 at 7:33 pm Snoopy June 15, 2011 at 9:16 am Awesome post, thanks for taking the time to share your story. Back in 1998 I believe (DC Holocaust Museum grand opening, whenever that way) a series of interviews with Jewish persons who lived through WWII was broadcast on C-Span and there8217s one that will forever linger in my mind. An accomplished female ER doctor told her story of growing up in Poland as a Jewish orphan with a Catholic family under conditions of extreme poverty and turmoil. Her recollections of the time were fascinating, but what really struck me was her testimony of, and I quote, 8220feelings of anti-semitism8221 when her care was transferred to an observant Jewish family. She felt revolted upon exposure to the internal workings of organized Jewry. Her honesty must have taken the interviewer aback, but to their credit the museum didn8217t edit out that confession. Anyway, again thanks for your post. I believe the issue is neither race nor religion, it8217s a mafia working under the guise of religion. Great article. Most of the dirt, all on one page I8217m curious how much flak VT receives from Jews and Israel-firsters. Many readers will remember the Judicial-inc website, and how it was shut down not so long ago. Keep up the good work. Now if we could only decide on a solution to our problems. Banning 8220lobbying,8221 closing the fed, and issuing govt. backed money for infrastructure projects seems like the bare minimum. Please don8217t call me a 8220hater,8221 but here8217s a hint at what AIPAC members and others deserve. youtu. be/gi1V7gXyVeo Leif, you8217d be suprised to know that VT has NEVER received any direct 82208216threats8221 from the 8220jewish8221 community. As you may know, many 8220jews8221, those that practice Judaism, are friends of VT. Heck, we even have 8220jews8221 who are columnists. Many many American jews are digusted by what Israel does. I have a jewish friend who went to Israel to nosh with his 8220people8221 and when he came back all he could say were that the PALESTINIANS were the most hospitable people there and that the Israeli8217s laughed at us Americans for being so stupid and sending them our hard earned monie. He was appalled and no longer stands by Israel. This is a very common story. Anyway, on the other hand, Zionists are a different tale. As you know, NOT all zionists are jews and NOT all Jews are Zionists and YES, we8217ve received direct death threats from Zionists within Israel for exposing the truths. Clearly, those on the dark side are NOT too happy that we shine the lights on. Besides Gotti, name a criminal who likes attention As it relates to US Zionists, so far, they8217ve been quiet and doing their work behind the scenes. I suppose they are either monitoring us or have decided that our voice is of no concern to them. Probaly both. And frankly, given the overt contempt for the U. S. peoples shown by Netanyahu and his Congress at the U. S. Capitol, it strongly appears that come hell or high water, they really don8217t give a dam what we think or what the American people believe. And given their carte blanche master key to our bank accounts, well, who would argue with them Signed, John Allen, GM VeteransToday Brian June 7, 2011 at 6:26 pm John, I don8217t know who owns VT but one day, if it hasn8217t already occurred, a Jewish Zionist is going to make a generous offer to buy Veterans Today. If it8217s sold perhaps Gordon will be heavily edited. Hopefully, whoever owns this website isn8217t broke and will maintain control or sell it to someone who will maintain the integrity and the fight against Zionism and it8217s deranged control over America and Palestine. Heck they8217re trying to take over the world. Veterans Today and informationclearinghouse. info are the best information sources on the web. VT actually goes stronger against Israel and Zionism that informationclearinghouse. info. VT needs to keep up the good fight. The best. Right. How many remember the 8220Free Republic Forum8221 fiasco when it suddenly became a Zionist shop some years back, about the time W. Bush appeared on the scene as the man who would save us from Clinton Derek June 8, 2011 at 12:22 am Amen. Desertpeace is also a good website. There are others. Brian Hear, hear Snoopy June 15, 2011 at 6:37 am Brian: 8220John, I dont know who owns VT but one day, if it hasnt already occurred, a Jewish Zionist is going to make a generous offer to buy Veterans Today. If its sold perhaps Gordon will be heavily edited. -)8221 I can attest to an example of that, representatives of a foreign entity purchasing a US-based political debate website in order to censor and steer the discussion. It occurred in the months leading up to the 2008 election and I saved evidence of it (the webmaster placing the domain name up for sale). As a chorus call for reviewed trade policies and focus upon gross violations of human rights on part of the PRC became a daily topic the Red White amp Blue 8220Gunny8221 webmaster sold it off to the Chinese. Reminds me of the building contractors I see on a regular basis with Tea Party, US Flag, and Secede bumperstickers who without conscience forgo hiring unemployed Americans in order to pad their pockets by hiring illegals. And they work through holidays such as Memorial Day no less. pffft These patriots sell out the country in a Jew York minute Snoopy June 15, 2011 at 6:40 am Brian: 8220John, I dont know who owns VT but one day, if it hasnt already occurred, a Jewish Zionist is going to make a generous offer to buy Veterans Today. If its sold perhaps Gordon will be heavily edited. -)8221 I can attest to an example of that, representatives of a foreign entity purchasing a US-based political debate website in order to censor and steer the discussion. It occurred in the months leading up to the 2008 election and I saved evidence of it (the webmaster placing the domain name up for sale). As a chorus call for reviewed trade policies and focus upon gross violations of human rights on part of the PRC became a daily topic the Red White amp Blue 8220Gunny8221 webmaster sold it off to the Chinese. Reminds me of the building contractors I see on a regular basis with Tea Party, US Flag, and Secede bumperstickers who without conscience forgo hiring unemployed Americans in order to pad their pockets by hiring illegals. And they work through holidays such as Memorial Day no less. pffft Some Patriots. More like money mercenaries. Speaks to the reasons our nation8217s political leadership is held hostage. Slaves to materialism. John, I won8217t argue with your last statement, but it could be worse. At least they haven8217t won the hearts and minds of our people, because most of our people have no hearts and minds. A friend of mine who knows what8217s happening was chiding me (I think), for being so negative as to focus upon this evil. But the Tribe is not going away if we stop thinking about it. On the contrary, they self-promote amongst themselves and feed the gullible goyim 8220a-story-a-day8221 about how they8217ve been persecuted, etc. Derek June 8, 2011 at 12:25 am They have absolutely no pride whatsoever and totally self absorbed. Its always about them. Nothing else matters. They coined this judeo-Christian baloney which beggars belief. We are NOTHING like them and our religions totally contradict one anothers. Paul June 10, 2011 at 2:21 pm Many Jews are friends of VT You have 8220Jewish8221 columnists You must wear waders and a surgical mask to trudge through your own 8220propaganda8221. Say, John, I bet some of your best friends are Jews, too. Right Nelson2008 June 7, 2011 at 5:10 pm I used to naively think that some day soon, when the world finally accepts that 9/11 was a Jew crime, the spell will finally be broken and their power gone. Silly me. They not only own the media and the government, but they also own my neighbors8217 mind and soul 8211 their most valuable possessions. At this point, I8217m sorry to say that I think it wouldn8217t matter if there was in the public domain an authentic video, showing them installing HE/Thermite cutter charges in the towers, it still wouldn8217t matter at all. Nelson2008 June 7, 2011 at 3:55 pm This article implicitly explains why we will NEVER get an investigation into 9/11 (or any other treasonous Jew atrocity for that matter) 8211 because Jews simply have way too much power and influence. If they didn8217t, they wouldn8217t have attempted 9/11 in the first place. Same thing with the attack on the USS Liberty. It8217s something that they likely wouldn8217t even have contemplated, if they didn8217t already have Johnson in their pocket. This is why Silverstein can essentially publicly admit to 8220pulling8221 WTC7, and then, with a breathtaking self-righteous indignation that only a Jew can muster, go on to shamelessly claim the insurance money, while the shattered bodies of the victims burn in the rubble pile. And all the while 8220our8221 Federal agencies we pay with our tax dollars, do nothing but protect him and his co-conspirators, from any consequences. At this point, however, I have to say, I almost don8217t blame the Jews for what they8217re doing. They8217re inherently evil. They really can8217t help themselves. Rather, I blame my corrupt Goy neighbors for not only allowing it to happen, but for deliberately deceiving themselves into helping the Jews destroy everything of value in this country. If termites infest your house, and you see the signs that they8217re there, working to destoy your house, but you ignore it, and you deceive yourself, and the termites ultimately destroy your house, who do you blame at that point, the termites, or yourself The termites were only doing what termites do. They had no choice. The home owner had a choice, but he failed. If 8220we8221 Goyim can8217t even stop ourselves from joining the 8220U. S. Armed Forces8221 to do the Jews dirty work of mass-murdering Arabs, how can we even contemplate taking 8220our8221 8220government8221 back from them The answer is we can8217t. We are their cattle. We could choose to resist them, morally, and stop doing things like building bombs and missiles for them, and stop being their mercenaries, etc. but we refuse. Instead we make excuses. So maybe 8220we8221 deserve our fate as their pathetic cattle. patriot June 7, 2011 at 11:50 am At the height of Hitlers command all Jews were required to wear black armbands with the star of david blazoned clearly for all to see. I think today in the US all Americans, other than those that are Jewish, should voluntarily put on black armbands with whatever affiliation they be. Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Non-believer. It could be a symbol that all armband wears are all very similar to the status of the Jews in Germany in the 19308217s. We have no say in our government, in our economic8217s, in our education in our news media we have become mere puppets to the administration which is totally run by Jews and our ideas are irrelevant. stevieb June 8, 2011 at 8:08 am I like that idea8230 Some politicians are willfully married to the Zionist cause, most are in absolute fear of it and thus give the Zionists their support with the proverbial gun to their head. The only solution to rid us of the disease that is our ZIONIST OCCUPIED GOVERNMENT (ZOG) is change the system, the laws and NOT allow AIPAC or any other foreign entity to influence Congress that is supposed to support it8217s constituents. SOLUTION: On every issue, lets do what America Idol does8230.VOTE DIRECT VIA OUR SMART PHONES. Can AIPAC pay off or intimidate 300 million Americans individually Come techies Figure this out and save our Republic already patriot June 7, 2011 at 11:18 am So the question becomes is there anyone in Washington under Obama that is not tied to the Zionist We know that Hilary and Biden have been given millions by the Zionists we cannot include them or any others who have recieved cash from rich Jewish backers. Is there just one high level politician in Obama8217s cabinet that has an unbiased attitude towards the state of Israel Just one. If so please disclose who that might be. Under Obama if we were to ask his entire cabinet what country do you personally favor and give allegiance to: the United States or Israel. It seems Israel would win 90 of the vote if not more. Wow are we in troubled times. Definition of treason: 8221 an act or actions by a citizen of a country that would give power and control to a foreign country at the expense and welfare of that citizens parent nation8221 I wonder how many of these zionists that seem to totally control and run our country it media, its banks. its education and industry and government could be convicted of treason if their hearts were able to be read I am not anti Israeli but I am not pro Israeli either. I do not favor any foreign country. I love all countries and its people equally How many of Washington under Obama8217s administration can honestly come forward and speak of similar belief. Our whole foreign affairs and economic affairs favors the Jewish people Reading this article I feel like a 3rd or 4th class citizen It is like i live in an apartheid state Derek June 7, 2011 at 11:14 am What a great article. So much facts. One to be archived for sure. Brian June 7, 2011 at 9:38 am Mike, in one of your recent articles you mentioned the Mossad being involved in both attacks on the World Trade Center. I8217m wondering how much of the evidence you8217ve seen which strongly shows that 911 was a Mossad operation. I did a quick Google search of your name and 911 and I didn8217t see much. I8217ve done extensive research on the topic beginning in 2002. If you have time look at the evidence in this text and read this excellent book on the subject: Christopher Bollyn is offering a free download of his book Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World. A must read. He is one of the best 911 investigators. I think the order for 911 came from high ranking Israelis. I don8217t think Bush had anything to do with it. AIPAC ran the Whitehouse as they do now. Perhaps Bush learned after the event that Israelis did 911. I don8217t think the Illuminati or whatever name people use for powerful people ordered the Mossad to do 911, but I think powerful Jewish Zionists had advanced knowledge about 911 and took advantage of the information for financial dealings and destroying evidence about financial crimes. I think the Mossad is going to do a deranged nuclear false flag in the United States to blame Pakistan Al Qaeda and Taliban which seem to be financed and operated by the Mossad. The objective is to provide the Zionist puppet Obama a reason to take Pakistan8217s nuclear weapons on behalf of Israel. You have courage. Bill June 7, 2011 at 9:31 pm Bush was pretty damn confident ( while he was still running for the nomination ) that he would be 8221 a war president..8221 It8217s hard for me to believe ( w/his Skull amp Bones/PNAC background ) that he wasn8217t licking his lips waiting for the Mossad and their assets in ( and outside ) the govt structure to pull off the 8221 Pearl Harbor of the 21st century..8221 It8217s their country it seems8230almost makes me want to fly the Stars and Bars off my front porch8230That8217s the flag of the C. S.A. a country that was invaded and destroyed by a Republican pres8230much like Iraq and Afghanistn8230 Nelson2008 June 8, 2011 at 9:48 am One thing that really gave it all away, was the fact that Bush began the massive illegal spying operation, literally within a few weeks of assuming the office, and he simply had no legitimate reason to do that. The most plausible explanation is that Bush et al. knew that 9/11 was coming, and they were worried that they might need to blackmail some people. So they went fishing. For more highly reliable info about 911 amp the Mossad connection read the related Dr. Alan Sarbosky articles here at VT amp watch the videos (some are linked to here but there are more at Youtube) where he was interviewed. Also check out the Northerntruthseeker blog site (this is not my site nor do I make any money touting it) that I added the link for. This site also has a great memorial to the USS Liberty today. Sabrosky (not Sarbosky) is the correct spelling. For some reason I keep misspelling that but I usually spell it: 8216Saborsky8217 Sorry about that Brian June 9, 2011 at 7:28 am I won8217t go into the details but I am very aware of Alan Sabrosky. Foreign Affairs View all George Soros: I carry potent messianic fantasies George Soros: I carry potent messianic fantasies 8220Both Trump and Flynn are Complete Idiots82308221 Wisconsin to launch vote recount upon request by Stein Chemical Warfare as a Political Tool, Duff Interviewed 8220Califoregoton8221 8211 Yeah. Go for it Personal Finance View all Thanksgiving Of The US Dollar Thanksgiving Of The US Dollar Donald Trump Personally Blasts the Press 10 Tips To Get You Started Investing In Properties How to avoid getting scammed over your utility bill Real Estate 101: How to Invest Smart in 2017 VA Home Loans View all Trump Will Be Good for Housing: South Carolina Realtors Trump Will Be Good for Housing: South Carolina Realtors Mortgage Rates Rise to Near Pre-Brexit Levels How Can A Little Strategy Help You Win Big Eight Reasons to Invest in the Forex Market 7 guidelines on how to finance small business Career News View all Leadership Message to Donald Trump: Hire Veterans for Your New Administration Leadership Message to Donald Trump: Hire Veterans for Your New Administration Trump Should Consider Leo Mackay For Veterans Affairs Tate Joins HireVeterans American Academy of Pediatrics Joins HireVeterans Can Peer-Led Support Services Help Veterans Stay in College Network News View all Expose Journalists Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald Join VT Expose Journalists Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald Join VT VOTE: Message from VT General Manager John Allen James Hall 8211 Former Political Operative Joins VNN Sherwood Ross: Award-Winning Reporter Joins Veterans Today Writers Staff Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer Joins VT RadioAlison Weir is an American freelance journalist and founder and Executive Director of If Americans Knew and president of The Council for National Interest . Ms. Weir writes and speaks on issues covering the situation in Palestine/Israel, addresses the historical context and provides critique of how the media covers issues which challenges U. S. foreign policy and well-funded lobby interests. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the worlds major sources of instability. Americans are directly connected to this conflict, and increasingly imperiled by its devastation. It is the goal of If Americans Knew to provide full and accurate information on this critical issue. For more information visit her website at Allison Weir Official Web Site She can be reached at contactifamericansknew. org. Alison Weir: History of the US-Israel Relationship, Part I Against Our Better Judgment: How the U. S. was Used to create Israel Perhaps by rediscovering the past, well gain control of the present, and save the future. by Alison Weir While many people are led to believe that US support for Israel is driven by the American establishment and U. S. national interests, the facts dont support this theory. The reality is that for decades U. S. experts opposed Israel and its founding movement. They were simply outmaneuvered and eventually replaced. Like many American policies, U. S. Middle East policies are driven by a special interest lobby. However, the Israel Lobby, as it is called today in the U. S. 1, consists of vastly more than what most people envision in the word lobby. As this article will demonstrate, it is considerably more powerful and pervasive than other lobbies. Components of it, both individuals and groups, have worked underground, secretly and even illegally throughout its history, as documented by scholars and participants. And even though the movement for Israel has been operating in the U. S. for over a hundred years, most Americans are completely unaware of this movement and its attendant ideology a measure of its unique power over public knowledge. The success of this movement to achieve its goals, partly due to the hidden nature of much of its activity, has been staggering. It has also been at almost unimaginable cost. It has led to massive tragedy in the Middle East: a hundred-year war of violence and loss sacred land soaked in sorrow. What is less widely known is how profoundly damaging this movement has been to the United States itself. As we will see in this two-part examination of the pro-Israel movement, it has targeted virtually every significant sector of American society worked to involve Americans in tragic, unnecessary, and profoundly costly wars dominated Congress for decades increasingly determined which candidates could become serious contenders for the U. S. presidency and promoted bigotry toward an entire population, religion and culture. It has promoted policies that have exposed Americans to growing danger, and then exaggerated this danger (while disguising its cause), fueling recent actions that dismember some of our nations most fundamental freedoms and cherished principles. All this for a nation that today has reached a peak population of, at most, 7.4 million people smaller than New Jersey. 2 The Israel Lobby is just the tip of an older and far larger iceberg known as political Zionism, an international movement that began in the late 1800s with the goal of creating a Jewish state somewhere in the world. In 1897 this movement, led by a European journalist named Theodore Herzl 3, coalesced in the First Zionist World Congress, held in Basle, Switzerland, which established the World Zionist Organization, representing approximately 120 groups the first year 900 the next. 4 While Zionists considered such places as Argentina, Uganda, and Texas, 5 they eventually settled on Palestine for the location of their proposed Jewish State, even though Palestine was already inhabited by a population that was 95 percent Muslims and Christians, who owned 99 percent of the land. 6 As numerous Zionist diary entries, letters, and other documents show, Zionists planned to push out these non-Jews financially, if possible violently if necessary. 7 Political Zionism in the U. S. Emma Lazarus. Born July 22, 1849 New York City, New York Died November 19, 1887 (aged 38) New York City, New York In the 1880s groups advocating the setting up of a Jewish state began popping up around the United States. 8 Emma Lazarus. the poet whose words would adorn the Statue of Liberty, promoted Zionism throughout this decade. 9 A precursor to the Israeli flag was created in Boston in 1891. 10 Reports from the Zionist World Congress in Basle, which four Americans had attended, gave this movement a major stimulus, galvanizing Zionist activities in American cities that had large Jewish populations. 11 By the early 1890s organizations promoting Zionism existed in New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Boston, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. 12 In 1897-98 numerous additional Zionist societies were founded in the East and the Midwest. In 1898 the first annual conference of American Zionists convened in New York on the 4th of July, where they formed the Federation of American Zionists (FAZ). 13 In 1887 President Grover Cleveland appointed a Jewish ambassador to Turkey, which at that time controlled Palestine, Zionists target location for a Jewish state. Jewish historian David G. Dalin reports that presidents recognized the importance of the Turkish embassy for Jewish Americans, especially for the growing number of Zionists within the American Jewish electorate, since the Jewish homeland of Palestine remained under the direct control of the Turkish government. Every president, both Republican and Democrat, followed this precedent for the next 30 years. During this era, the ambassadorship to Turkey came to be considered a quasi-Jewish domain, writes Dalin. 14 By 1910 the number of Zionists in the U. S. approached 20,000 and included lawyers, professors, and businessmen. Even in its infancy, when it was still considered relatively weak, Zionism was becoming a movement to which Congressmen listened, particularly in the eastern cities. 15 The movement continued to expand, and by 1914 several additional Zionist groups had cropped up. The religious Mizrachi faction was formed in 1903, the Labor party in 1905 and Hadassah, the womens Zionist organization, in 1912. And this was still just the beginning. 16 A Zionist official writing in 1912 proudly proclaimed the zealous and incessant propaganda which is carried on by countless societies. 17 By 1922 there were 200,000 Zionists in the U. S. and by 1948 this had grown to almost a million. 18 The Yiddish press from a very early period espoused the Zionist cause. By 1923 only one New York Yiddish newspaper failed to qualify as Zionist. Yiddish dailies reached 535,000 families in 1927. 19 The State Department Objects State Department officials not dependent on votes and campaign donations, and charged with recommending and implementing policies beneficial to all Americans, not just one tiny sliver working on behalf of a foreign entity were less enamored with Zionists, who they felt were trying to use the American government for a project damaging to the United States. In memo after memo, year after year, U. S. diplomatic and military experts pointed out that Zionism was counter to both U. S. interests and principles. 20 Secretary of State Philander Knox was perhaps the first in the pattern of State Department officials rejecting Zionist advances. In 1912, when the Zionist Literary Society approached the Taft administration for an endorsement, Knox turned them down flat, noting that problems of Zionism involve certain matters primarily related to the interests of countries other than our own. 21 Despite that small setback in 1912, Zionists garnered a far more significant victory in the same year one that was to have enormous consequences both internationally and in the United States and that was part of a pattern of influence that continues through today. Louis Brandeis, Zionism, and the Parushim Louis Brandeis, flanked by Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, founding secretary of the American Federation of Zionists (right) and Nathan Straus, co-owner of Macys Library of Congress In 1912 prominent Jewish American attorney Louis Brandeis, who was to go on to become a Supreme Court Justice, became a Zionist. Within two years he became head of the international Zionist Central Office, which had moved to America from Germany a little while before. 22 While Brandeis is an unusually well known Supreme Court Justice, very few Americans are aware of the significant role he played in World War I and of his connection to Palestine. Brandeis recruited ambitious young men, often from Harvard, to work on the Zionist cause and further their careers in the process. Author Peter Grose writes: Brandeis created an elitist secret society called the Parushim, the Hebrew word for Pharisees and separate, which grew out of Harvards Menorah Society. As the Harvard men spread out across the land in their professional pursuits, their interests in Zionism were kept alive by secretive exchanges and the trappings of a fraternal order. Each invited initiate underwent a solemn ceremony, swearing the oath 8216to guard and to obey and to keep secret the laws and the labor of the fellowship, its existence and its aims.8217 23 At the secret initiation ceremony, the new member was told: 8220You are about to take a step which will bind you to a single cause for all your life. You will for one year be subject to an absolute duty whose call you will be impelled to heed at any time, in any place, and at any cost. And ever after, until our purpose shall be accomplished, you will be fellow of a brotherhood whose bond you will regard as greater than any other in your lifedearer than that of family, of school, of nation.8221 24 We must work silently, through education and infection An early recruiter explained: An organization which has the aims we have must be anonymous, must work silently, and through education and infection rather than through force and noise. He wrote that to work openly would be 8220suicidal8221 for their objective. Grose reports their methodology: The members set about meeting people of influence here and there, casually, on a friendly basis. They planted suggestions for action to further the Zionist cause long before official government planners had come up with anything. For example, as early as November 1915, a leader of the Parushim went around suggesting that the British might gain some benefit from a former declaration in support of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. 25 Brandeis was a close personal friend of President Woodrow Wilson and used this position to advocate for the Zionist cause, at times serving as a conduit between British Zionists and the president. In 1916 President Wilson named Brandeis to the Supreme Court. Although Brandeis officially resigned from all his private clubs and affiliations, including his leadership of Zionism, behind the scenes he continued this Zionist work, receiving daily reports in his Supreme Court chambers and issuing orders to his loyal lieutenants. 26 When the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) was reorganized in 1918, Brandeis was listed as its honorary president. However, he was more than just honorary. As historian Donald Neff writes, Through his lieutenants, he remained the power behind the throne. One of these lieutenants was future Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, another particularly well-regarded justice, and another whose Zionist activities have largely gone unnoted. 27 Zionist membership expanded dramatically during World War I, despite the efforts of some Jewish anti-Zionists, who called the movement a foreign, un-American, racist, and separatist phenomenon. 28 World War I amp the Balfour Declaration Unlike some wars, most analysts consider WWI a pointless conflict that resulted from diplomatic entanglements rather than some travesty of justice or aggression. Yet, it was catastrophic to a generation of Europeans. The United States joined this unnecessary war a few years into the hostilities, costing many American lives, even though the U. S. was not party to the alliances that had drawn other nations into the fray. This even though Americans had been strongly opposed to entering the war and President Woodrow Wilson had won with the slogan, He kept us out of war. Americans today are aware of these facts. What few know is that Zionists pushed for the U. S. to enter the war on Britains side as part of a deal to gain British support for their colonization of Palestine. From the very beginning of their movement, Zionists realized that if they were to succeed in their goal of creating a Jewish state on land that was already inhabited by non-Jews, they needed backing from one of the Great Powers. They tried the Ottoman Empire, which controlled Palestine at the time, but were turned down (although they were told that Jews could settle throughout other parts of the Ottoman empire and become Turkish citizens). 29 They then turned to Britain, which was also initially less than enthusiastic. Famous English Arabists such as Gertrude Bell pointed out that Palestine was Arab and that Jerusalem was sacred to all three major monotheistic faiths. Future Foreign Minister Lord George Curzon similarly stated that Palestine was already inhabited by half a million Arabs who would not be content to be expropriated for Jewish immigrants or to act merely as hewers of wood and drawers of water for the latter. 30 However, once the British were embroiled in World War I, and particularly during 1916, a disastrous year for the Allies, Zionists were able to play a winning card. Zionist leaders promised the British government that Zionists in the U. S. would push America to enter the war on the side of the British, if the British promised to support a Jewish home in Palestine afterward. 31 As a result, in 1917 British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour issued a letter to Zionist leader Lord Rothschild. Known as the Balfour Declaration, this letter promised that Britain would view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and to use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object. The letter then qualified this somewhat by stating that it should be clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. The non-Jewish communities were 90 percent of Palestines population at that time, vigorous Zionist immigration efforts having slightly expanded the percentage of Jews living in Palestine by then. 32 The letter, while officially signed by British Foreign Minister Lord Balfour, was actually written by Leopold Amery, a British official who, it came out later, was a secret Zionist 33. While this letter was a less than ringing endorsement of Zionism, Zionists considered it a major breakthrough as it cracked open a door that they would later force wider and wider open. These Balfour-WWI negotiations are referred to in various documents. For example, Samuel Landman, secretary of the World Zionist Organization, described them in a 1935 article in World Jewry : After an understanding had been arrived at between Sir Mark Sykes and Zionists Weizmann and Sokolow, it was resolved to send a secret message to Justice Brandeis that the British Cabinet would help the Jews to gain Palestine in return for active Jewish sympathy and for support in the USA for the Allied cause, so as to bring about a radical pro-Ally tendency in the United States.8221 34 British Colonial Secretary Lord Cavendish, in a memorandum to the British Cabinet in 1923, reminded his colleagues: The object of the Balfour Declaration was to enlist the sympathies on the Allied side of influential Jews and Jewish organizations all over the world and it is arguable that the negotiations with the Zionistsdid in fact have considerable effect in advancing the date at which the United States government intervened in the war. 35 Former British Prime Minister Lloyd George similarly referred to this deal, telling a British commission in 1935: Zionist leaders gave us a definite promise that, if the Allies committed themselves to giving facilities for the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, they would do their best to rally Jewish sentiment and support throughout the world to the Allied cause. They kept their word. American career Foreign Service Officer Evan M. Wilson, who had served as Minister-Consul General in Jerusalem, writes of Balfour: The pledge was given to the Jews largely for the purpose of enlisting Jewish support in the war and of forestalling a similar promise by the Central Powers Britains enemies in World War I. 36 In 1917 President Wilson, who had been voted into office by Americans who believed his promises that he would keep them out of the war, changed course and plunged the U. S. into a tragic and pointless European conflict in which hundreds of thousands were killed and injured. 37 Over 1,200 American citizens who opposed the war were rounded up and imprisoned, some for years. 38 The influence of Brandeis and other Zionists in the U. S. had enabled Zionists to form an alliance with Britain, one of the worlds great powers, a remarkable achievement for a non-state group and a measure of Zionists immense power. As historian Kolsky states, the Zionist movement was now an important force in international politics. 39 Paris Peace Conference 1919: Zionists defeat Christian leaders calls for self-determination After the war, the victors met in a peace conference and agreed to a set of Peace Accords that addressed, among many issues, the fate of Ottoman Empires Middle East territories. The Allies stripped the defeated Empire of its Middle Eastern holdings and divided them between Britain and France, which were to hold them under a mandate system until the populations were ready for self-government. Britain got the mandate over Palestine. Zionists, including Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, the World Zionist Organization, and an American delegation, went to the conference to lobby for a Jewish home 40 in Palestine and to push for Balfour wording to be incorporated in the peace accords. 41 The official U. S. delegation to the Peace Conference also contained a number of highly placed Zionists. Distinguished American Christians posted in the Middle East, who consistently supported self-determination, went to Paris to oppose Zionists. Numerous prominent Christian leaders in the U. S. including two of the most celebrated pastors of their day also opposed Zionism. However, as a pro-Israel author notes, they were simply outgunned by Zionists. 42 The most prominent American in the Middle East at the time, Dr. Howard Bliss, President of Beiruts Syrian Protestant College (later to become the American University of Beirut), traveled to Paris to urge forming a commission to determine what the people of the Middle East wanted for themselves, a suggestion that was embraced by the U. S. diplomatic staff in Paris. 43 Princeton Professor Philip Brown, in Cairo for the YMCA, provided requested reports to the U. S. State Department on what Zionism8217s impact would be on Palestine. He stated that it would be disastrous for both Arabs and Jews and went to Paris to lobby against it. 44 William Westermann, director of the State Departments Western Asia Division, which covered the region, similarly opposed the Zionist position. He wrote that 8220it impinges upon the rights and the desires of most of the Arab population of Palestine. Westermann and other US diplomats felt that Arab claims were much more in line with Wilsons principles of self-determination and circulated Arab material. 45 President Wilson decided to send a commission to Palestine to investigate the situation in person. After spending six weeks in the area interviewing both Jews and Palestinians, the commission, known as the King-Crane commission, recommended against the Zionist position of unlimited immigration of Jews to make Palestine a distinctly Jewish state. 46 The commissioners stated that the erection of a Jewish state in Palestine could be accomplished only with the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, pointing out that to subject the Palestinians to steady financial and social pressure to surrender the land, would be a gross violation of the principle of self-determination and of the peoples rights 47 They went on to point out that the well-being and development of the people in the region formed a sacred trust, that the people should become completely free, and that the national governments should derive their authority from the initiative and free choice of the native populations. 48 The report stated said that meetings with Jewish representatives made it clear that 8220the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, concluded that armed force would be required to accomplish this, and urged the Peace Conference to dismiss the Zionist proposals. 49 The commission recommended that 8220the project for making Palestine distinctly a Jewish commonwealth should be given up. 50 Zionists through Brandeis dominated the situation, however, and the report was suppressed until after the Peace Accords were enacted. As a pro-Israel historian noted, with the burial of the King-Crane Report, a major obstacle in the Zionist path disappeared. 51 The US delegation was forced to follow Zionist directives. 52 Ultimately, the mandate over Palestine given to Britain, supported the Zionist project and included the Balfour language. According to the mandate, Britain would be responsible for putting into effect the Balfour declaration in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine. 53 The idea behind Zionism was to create a state where Jews worldwide could escape anti-Semitism. 54 There are various documented cases in which fanatical Zionists exploited, exaggerated, invented, or even perpetrated anti-Semitic incidents both to procure support and to drive Jews to immigrate to the Zionist-designated homeland. 55 A few examples are discussed below. One such case involved a young diplomat named Hugh Gibson, who in 1919 was nominated to be U. S. Ambassador to Poland. After he arrived in Poland, Gibson, who was highly regarded and considered particularly brilliant, 56 began to report that there were far fewer anti-Semitic incidents than Americans were led to believe. He wrote his mother: These yarns are exclusively of foreign manufacture for anti-Polish purposes. 57 His dispatches came to the attention of Brandeis and his protg (and future supreme Court Justice) Felix Frankfurter, who demanded a meeting with Gibson. Gibson later wrote of their accusations: I had Brandeis and Frankfurter claimed done more mischief to the Jewish race than anyone who had lived in the last century. They saidthat my reports on the Jewish question had gone around the world and had undone their work. They finally said that I had stated that the stories of excesses against the Jews were exaggerated, to which I replied that they certainly were and I should think any Jew would be glad to know it. 58 Frankfurter hinted that if Gibson continued these reports, Zionists would block his confirmation by the Senate. Gibson was outraged and sent a 21-page letter to the State Department. In it he shared his suspicions that this was part of a conscienceless and cold-blooded plan to make the condition of the Jews in Poland so bad that they must turn to Zionism for relief. In 1923 another American diplomat in Poland, Vice Consul Monroe Kline, echoed Gibsons analysis: It is common knowledge that Zionists are continually and constantly spreading propaganda, through their agencies over the entire world, of political and religious persecution. 59 Zionists and Nazis Perhaps the most extreme case of Zionist exploitation of anti-Semitism to further their cause came during the rise of Adolf Hitler. Historians have documented that Zionists sabotaged efforts to find safe havens for Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in order to convince the world that Jews could only be safe in a Jewish state. 60 When FDR made several efforts to provide havens for Nazi refugees, Zionists opposed these projects because they did not include Palestine. Morris Ernst, FDRs international envoy for refugees, wrote in his memoir that when he worked to help find refuge for those fleeing Hitler, active Jewish leaders decried, sneered and then attacked me as if I were a traitor. At one dinner party I was openly accused of furthering this plan of freer immigration into the U. S. in order to undermine political Zionism Zionist friends of mine opposed it. 61 Ernst wrote that he found the same fanatical reaction among almost all Jewish groups, whose leaders, he found, were little concerned about human blood if it is not their own. 62 FDR finally gave up, telling Ernst: We cant put it over because the dominant vocal Jewish leadership of America wont stand for it. 63 Journalist Erskine B. Childers, son of a former Irish Prime Minister, wrote in the Spectator in 1960, One of the most massively important features of the entire Palestine struggle was that Zionism deliberately arranged that the plight of the wretched survivors of Hitlerism should be a moral argument which the West had to accept. He explained that this was done by seeing to it that Western countries did not open their doors, widely and immediately, to the inmate of the DP displaced persons camps. Childers, author of several books on conflict resolution and peace-keeping who later became Secretary General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, commented: It is incredible that so grave and grim a campaign has received so little attention in accounts of the Palestine struggle it was a campaign that literally shaped all subsequent history. It was done by sabotaging specific Western schemes to admit Jewish DPs. 64 Zionist fake hate attacks on Iraq Jews Zionists wished for a massive in-gathering of Jews in one state, but most Iraqi Jews wanted nothing to do with it, according to Iraqs then-Chief Rabbi. Iraqi Jews will be forever against Zionism, the rabbi stated AU1 . 8220Jews and Arabs have enjoyed the same rights and privileges for 1,000 years and do not regard themselves as a distinctive separate part of this nation,8221 the rabbi declared.61 Zionists worked to change that by covertly attacking Iraqi Jews so as to induce them to 8220flee8221 to Israel. Zionists planted bombs in AU2 synagogues and in an American building AU3 8220in an attempt to portray the Iraqis as anti-American and to terrorize the Jews,8221 according to Author and former CIA officer Wilbur Crane Eveland. 8220Soon leaflets began to appear urging Jews to flee to Israel,8221 writes Eveland, and 8220 most of the world believed reports that Arab terrorism had motivated the flight of the Iraqi Jews whom the Zionists had 8216rescued8217 really just in order to increase Israels Jewish population.8221 Similarly, Naeim Giladi, a Jewish-Iraqi author who later lived in Israel and the U. S. describes this program from the inside: I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called cruel Zionism. I write about it because I was part of it. Giladi states that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel. In order to force them to leave, Giladi writes, Jews killed Jews. He goes on to say that in an effort to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. 65 The modern Israel Lobby is born Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver The immediate precursor to todays pro-Israel lobby began in the early 1940s under the leadership of Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. originally from Lithuania. He created the American Zionist Emergency Council (AZEC), which by 1943 had acquired a budget of half a million dollars at a time when a nickel bought a loaf of bread. In addition to this money, Zionists had become influential in creating the United Jewish Appeal in 1939, giving them access to the organizations gargantuan financial resources: 14 million in 1941, 150 million by 1948. 66 With its extraordinary funding, AZEC embarked on a campaign to target every sector of American society. In the words of AZEC organizer Sy Kenen, it launched a political and public relations offensive to capture the support of Congressmen, clergy, editors, professors, business and labor. 67 68 AZEC instructed activists to make direct contact with your local Congressman or Senator and to go after union members, wives and parents of servicemen, and Jewish war veterans. AZEC provided activists with form letters to use and schedules of anti-Zionist lecture tours to oppose and disrupt. A measure of its power came in 1945 when Silver disliked a British move in 1945 that would be harmful to Zionists, AZEC booked Madison Square Garden, ordered advertisements, and mailed 250,000 announcements the first day. By the second day they had organized demonstrations in 30 cities, a letter-writing campaign, and convinced 27 U. S. Senators to give speeches. 69 Grassroots Zionist action groups were organized with more than 400 local committees under 76 state and regional branches. AZEC funded books, articles and academic studies millions of pamphlets were distributed. There were massive petition and letter writing campaigns. AZEC targeted college presidents and deans, managing to get more than 150 to sign one petition. 70 Rabbi Elmer Berger, executive director of the American Council for Judaism, which opposed Zionism in the 1940s and 50s, writes in his memoirs that there was a ubiquitous propaganda campaign reaching just about every point of political leverage in the country. 71 The Zionist Organization of America bragged of the immensity of our operations and their diversity in its 48 th Annual Report, stating, We reach into every department of American life 72 Berger and other anti-Zionist Jewish Americans tried to organize against the deception and cynicism with which the Zionist machine operated, but failed to obtain anywhere near their level of funding. Among other things, would-be dissenters were afraid of the savagery of personal attacks anti-Zionists endured. 73 Berger writes that when he and a colleague opposed a Zionist resolution in Congress, Emanuel Cellar, a New York Democrat who was to serve in Congress for almost 50 years, told them: They ought to take you bs out and shoot you. When it was unclear that President Harry Truman would support Zionism, Cellar and a committee of Zionists told him that they had persuaded Dewey to support the Zionist policy and demanded that Truman also take this stand. Cellar reportedly pounded on Trumans table and said that it Truman did not do so, Well run you out of town. 74 Jacob Javits, another well-known Congressman, this one a Republican, told a Zionist womens group: Well fight to death and make a Jewish State in Palestine if its the last thing that we do. 75 Richard Stevens, author of American Zionism and U. S. Foreign Policy, 1942-1947 . reports that Zionists infiltrated the boards of several Jewish schools that they felt didnt sufficiently promote the Zionist cause. When this didnt work, Stevens writes, they would start their own pro-Zionist schools. 76 Stevens writes that in 1943-44 the ZOA distributed over a million leaflets and pamphlets to public libraries, chaplains, community centers, educators, ministers, writers and others who might further the Zionist cause. 77 Alfred Lilienthal, who had worked in the State Department, served in the U. S. Army in the Middle East from 1943-45, and became a member of the anti-Zionist American Council for Judaism, reports that Zionist monthly sales of books totaled between 3,000 and 4,000 throughout 1944-45. He reports that Zionists subsidized books by non-Jewish authors that supported the Zionist agenda. They would then promote these books jointly with commercial publishers. Several of them became best sellers. 78 Zionists manufacture Christian support Silver and other Zionists played a significant role in creating Christian support for Zionism, a project Brandeis encouraged. 79 Secret Zionist funds, eventually reaching 150,000 in 1946, were used to revive an elitist Protestant group, the American Palestine Committee. Silvers headquarters issued a directive saying, In every community an American Christian Palestine Committee must be immediate organized. 80 Historian and former New York Times journalist Peter Grose, sympathetic to Zionism, writes that the Christian committees operations were hardly autonomous. Zionist headquarters thought nothing of placing newspaper advertisements on the clergymens behalf without bothering to consult them in advance, until one of the committees leaders meekly asked at least for prior notice before public statements were made in their name. 81 AZEC formed another group among clergymen, the Christian Council on Palestine. An internal AZEC memo stated that the aim of both groups was to crystallize the sympathy of Christian America for our cause. 82 By the end of World War II the Christian Council on Palestine had grown to 3,000 members and the American Palestine Committee boasted a membership of 6,500 public figures, including senators, congressmen, cabinet members, governors, state officers, mayors, jurists, clergymen, educators, writers, publishing, and civic and industrial leaders. Historian Richard Stevens writes that Christian support was largely gained by exploiting their wish to help people in need. Steven writes that Zionists would proclaim the tragic plight of refugees fleeing from persecution and finding no home, thus linking the refugee problem with Palestine as allegedly the only solution. 83 Stevens explains that the reason for this strategy was clear: while many Americans might not support the creation of a Jewish state, traditional American humanitarianism could be exploited in favor of the Zionist cause through the refugee problems. 84 Few if any of these Christian supporters had any idea that the creation of the Jewish state would entail a massive expulsion of hundreds of thousands of the non-Jews who made up the large majority of Palestines population, creating a new and much longer lasting refugee problem. Nor did they learn that during and after Israels founding 1947-49 war, Zionist forces attacked a number of Christian sites. Donald Neff, former Time Magazine Jerusalem bureau chief and author of five books on Israel-Palestine, reports in detail on Zionist attacks on Christian sites in May 1948, the month of Israels birth. Neff tells us that a group of Christian leaders complained that month that Zionists had killed and wounded hundreds of people, including children, refugees and clergy, at Christian churches and humanitarian institutions. For example, the group charged that many children were killed or wounded by Jewish shells on the Convent of Orthodox Copts eight refugees were killed and about 120 wounded at the Orthodox Armenian Convent and that Father Pierre Somi, secretary to the Bishop, had been killed and two wounded at the Orthodox Syrian Church of St. Mark. The groups statement said Arab forces had abided by their promise to respect Christian institutions, but that the Jews had forcefully occupied Christian structures and been indiscriminate in shelling churches, reports Neff. He quotes a Catholic priest: Jewish soldiers broke down the doors of my church and robbed many precious and sacred objects. Then they threw the statues of Christ down into a nearby garden. The priest added that Jewish leaders had reassured that religious buildings would be respected, but their deeds do not correspond to their words.8221 After Zionist soldiers invaded and looted a convent in Tiberias, the U. S. Consulate sent a bitter dispatch back to the State Department complaining of the Jewish attitude in Jerusalem towards Christian institutions. Zionist Colonization Efforts in Palestine As early Zionists in the U. S. and elsewhere pushed for the creation of a Jewish state, Zionists in Palestine simultaneously tried to clear the land of Muslim and Christian inhabitants and replace them with Jewish immigrants. This was a tall order, as Muslims and Christians accounted for more than 95 percent of the population of Palestine. Zionists planned to try first to buy up the land until the previous inhabitants had emigrated failing this, they would use violence to force them out. This dual strategy was discussed in various written documents cited by numerous Palestinian and Israeli historians. As this colonial project grew, the indigenous Palestinians reacted with occasional bouts of violence Zionists had anticipated this since people usually resist being expelled from their land. When the buy-out effort was able to obtain only a few percent of the land, Zionists created a number of terrorist groups to fight against both the Palestinians and the British. Terrorist and future Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin later bragged that Zionists had brought terrorism both to the Middle East and to the world at large. By the eve of the creation of Israel, the Zionist immigration and buyout project had increased the Jewish population of Palestine to 30 percent and land ownership from 1 percent to approximately 6 percent. This was in 1947, when the British at last announced that they would end their control of Palestine. Britain turned the territorys fate over to the United Nations. Since a founding principle of the UN was self-determination of peoples, one would have expected to the UN to support fair, democratic elections in which inhabitants could create their own independent country. Instead, Zionists pushed for a General Assembly resolution to give them a disproportionate 55 percent of Palestine. (While they rarely announced this publicly, their stated plan was to later take the rest of Palestine. U. S. Officials Oppose Zionism The U. S. State Department opposed this partition plan strenuously, considering Zionism contrary to both fundamental American principles and US interests. Loy Wesley Henderson (June 28, 1892 March 24, 1986) was a United States Foreign Service Officer and diplomat. For example, the director of the State Departments Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs consistently recommended against supporting a Jewish state in Palestine. The director, named Loy Henderson. warned that the creation of such a state would go against locals wishes, imperil US interests and violate democratic principles. Henderson emphasized that the US would lose moral standing in the world if it supported Zionism: At the present time the United States has a moral prestige in the Near and Middle East unequaled by that of any other great power. We would lose that prestige and would be likely for many years to be considered as a betrayer of the high principles which we ourselves have enunciated during the period of the second world war. When Zionists began pushing the partition plan in the UN, Henderson recommended strongly against supporting their proposal, saying that such a partition would have to be implemented by force and was not based on any principle. He warned that partition would guarantee that the Palestine problem would be permanent and still more complicated in the future. Henderson elaborated further on how plans to partition Palestine would violate American and UN principles: Proposals for partition are in definite contravention to various principles laid down in the UN Charter as well as to principles on which American concepts of Government are based. These proposals, for instance, ignore such principles as self-determination and majority rule. They recognize the principle of a theocratic racial state and even go so far in several instances as to discriminate on grounds of religion and race. Zionists attacked Henderson virulently, calling him anti-Semitic, demanding his resignation, and threatening his family. They pressured the State Department to transfer him elsewhere one analyst describes this as the historic game of musical chairs in which officials who recommended Middle East policies consistent with the nations interests were moved on. In 1948 Truman sent Henderson to the slopes of the Himalayas, as Ambassador to Nepal (then officially under India). (In recent years, virtually every State Department country desk has been directed by a Zionist.) But Henderson was far from alone in making his recommendations. He wrote that his views were not only those of the entire Near East Division but were shared by nearly every member of the Foreign Service or of the State Department who has worked to any appreciable extent on Near Eastern problems. He wasnt exaggerating. Official after official and agency after agency opposed Zionism. In 1947 the CIA reported that Zionist leadership was pursuing objectives that would endanger both Jews and the strategic interests of the Western powers in the Near and Middle East. Henry F. Grady, who has been called Americas top diplomatic soldier for a critical period of the Cold War, headed a 1946 commission aimed at coming up with a solution for Palestine. Grady later wrote about the Zionist lobby and its damaging effect on US national interests. Grady argued that without Zionist pressure, the U. S. would not have had the ill-will with the Arab states, which are of such strategic importance in our cold war with the soviets. He also described the decisive power of the lobby: I have had a good deal of experience with lobbies but this group started where those of my experience had ended. I have headed a number of government missions but in no other have I ever experienced so much disloyalty. In the United States, since there is no political force to counterbalance Zionism, its campaigns are apt to be decisive. Former Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson also opposed Zionism. Achesons biographer writes that Acheson worried that the West would pay a high price for Israel. Another Author, John Mulhall, records Achesons warning of the danger for American interests: to transform Palestine into a Jewish State capable of receiving a million or more immigrants would vastly exacerbate the political problem and imperil not only American but all Western interests in the Near East. The head of the State Departments Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Gordon P. Merriam, warned against the partition plan on moral grounds: U. S. support for partition of Palestine as a solution to that problem can be justified only on the basis of Arab and Jewish consent. Otherwise we should violate the principle of self-determination which has been written into the Atlantic Charter, the declaration of the United Nations, and the United Nations Charter a principle that is deeply embedded in our foreign policy. Even a United Nations determination in favor of partition would be, in the absence of such consent, a stultification and violation of UNs own charter. Merriam added that without consent, bloodshed and chaos would follow, a tragically accurate prediction. An internal State Department memorandum accurately predicted how Israel would be born through armed aggression masked as defense: the Jews will be the actual aggressors against the Arabs. However, the Jews will claim that they are merely defending the boundaries of a state which were traced by the UN. In the event of such Arab outside aid the Jews will come running to the Security Council with the claim that their state is the object of armed aggression and will use every means to obscure the fact that it is their own armed aggression against the Arabs inside which is the cause of Arab counter-attack. And American Vice Consul William J. Porter foresaw one last outcome of the partition plan: that no Arab state would actually ever come to be in Palestine. Truman Accedes to Pro-Israel Lobby President Harry Truman President Harry Truman, however, ignored this advice and chose instead to support the Zionist partition plan. Trumans political advisor, Clark Clifford, believed that the Jewish vote and contributions were essential to winning the upcoming presidential election, and that supporting the partition plan would garner that support. (Trumans opponent, Dewey, took similar stands for similar reasons.) Trumans Secretary of State George Marshall, the renowned World War II General and author of the Marshall Plan, was furious to see electoral considerations taking precedence over policies based on national interest. He condemned what he called a transparent dodge to win a few votes, which would make the great dignity of the office of President seriously diminished. George Catlett Marshall (December 31, 1880 October 16, 1959) was an American military leader, Chief of Staff of the Army, Secretary of State, and the third Secretary of Defense. Marshall wrote that the counsel offered by Clifford was based on domestic political considerations, while the problem which confronted us was international. I said bluntly that if the President were to follow Mr. Cliffords advice and if in the elections I were to vote, I would vote against the President. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal also tried, unsuccessfully, to oppose the Zionists. He was outraged that Trumans Mideast policy was based on what he called squalid political purposes, asserting that United States policy should be based on United States national interests and not on domestic political considerations. James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 May 22, 1949) Secretary of Defence Forrestal represented the general Pentagon view when he said that no group in this country should be permitted to influence our policy to the point where it could endanger our national security. A report by the National Security Council warned that the Palestine turmoil was acutely endangering the security of the United States. A CIA report stressed the strategic importance of the Middle East and its oil resources. Similarly, George F. Kennan, the State Departments Director of Policy Planning, issued a top-secret document on January 19, 1947 that outlined the enormous damage done to the US by the partition plan (Report by the Policy Planning Staff on Position of the United States with Respect to Palestine). Kennan cautioned that important U. S. oil concessions and air base rights could be lost through US support for partition and warned that the USSR stood to gain by the partition plan. Kermit Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelts nephew and a legendary intelligence agent, was another who was deeply disturbed by events, noting: The process by which Zionist Jews have been able to promote American support for the partition of Palestine demonstrates the vital need of a foreign policy based on national rather than partisan interests. Only when the national interests of the United States, in their highest terms, take precedence over all other considerations, can a logical, farseeing foreign policy be evolved. No American political leader has the right to compromise American interests to gain partisan votes. The present course of world crisis will increasingly force upon Americans the realization that their national interests and those of the proposed Jewish state in Palestine are going to conflict. It is to be hoped that American Zionists and non-Zionists alike will come to grips with the realities of the problem. Pro-Israel Pressure on General Assembly Members When it was clear that, despite US support, the partition recommendation did not have the two-thirds support of the UN General Assembly required to pass, Zionists pushed through a delay in the vote. They then used this period to pressure numerous nations into voting for the recommendation. A number of people later described this campaign. Robert Nathan, a Zionist who had worked for the US government and who was particularly active in the Jewish Agency, wrote afterward, We used any tools at hand, such as telling certain delegations that the Zionists would use their influence to block economic aid to any countries that did not vote the right way. Another Zionist proudly stated: Every clue was meticulously checked and pursued. Not the smallest or the remotest of nations, but was contacted and wooed. Nothing was left to chance. Financier and longtime presidential advisor Bernard Baruch told France it would lose U. S. aid if it voted against partition. Top White House executive assistant David Niles organized pressure on Liberia rubber magnate Harvey Firestone pressured Liberia. Latin American delegates were told that the Pan-American highway construction project would be more likely if they voted yes. Delegates wives received mink coats (the wife of the Cuban delegate returned hers) Costa Ricas President Jose Figueres reportedly received a blank checkbook. Haiti was promised economic aid if it would change its original vote opposing partition. Longtime Zionist Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, along with ten senators and Truman domestic advisor Clark Clifford, threatened the Philippines (seven bills were pending on the Philippines in Congress). Before the vote on the plan, the Philippine delegate had given a passionate speech against partition, defending the inviolable primordial rights of a people to determine their political future and to preserve the territorial integrity of their native land The delegate went on to say that he could not believe that the General Assembly would sanction a move that would place the world back on the road to the dangerous principles of racial exclusiveness and to the archaic documents of theocratic governments. Twenty-four hours later, after intense Zionist pressure, the Philippine delegate voted in favor of partition. The U. S. delegation to the U. N. was so outraged when Truman insisted that they support partition that the State Department director of U. N. Affairs was sent to New York to prevent the delegates from resigning en masse. On Nov 29, 1947 the partition resolution, 181, passed. While this resolution is frequently cited, it was of limited (if any) legal impact. General Assembly resolutions, unlike Security Council resolutions, are not binding on member states. For this reason, the resolution requested that the Security Council take the necessary measures as provided for in the plan for its implementation, which the Security Council never did. Legally, the General Assembly Resolution was a recommendation and did not create any states. What it did do, however, was increase the fighting in Palestine. Within months (and before Israel dates the beginning of its founding war) the Zionists had forced out 413,794 people. Zionist military units had stealthily been preparing for war before the UN vote and had acquired massive weaponry, some of it through a widespread network of illicit gunrunning operations in the US under a number of front groups. The UN eventually managed to create a temporary and very partial ceasefire. A Swedish UN mediator who had previously rescued thousands of Jews from the Nazis was dispatched to negotiate an end to the violence. Israeli assassins killed him and Israel continued what it was to call its war of independence. At the end of this war, through a larger military force than that of its adversaries and the ruthless implementation of plans to push out as many non-Jews as possible, Israel came into existence on 78 percent of Palestine. But let us take a closer look at the violence that followed the UN recommendation. Massacres and the Conquest of Palestine The passing of the partition resolution in November 1947 triggered the violence that State Department and Pentagon analysts had predicted and for which Zionists had been preparing. There were at least 33 massacres of Palestinian villages, half of them before a single Arab army joined the conflict. Zionist forces were better equipped and had more men under arms than their opponents and by the end of Israels War of Independence over 750,000 Palestinian men, women, and children were ruthlessly expelled. Zionists had succeeded in the first half of their goal: Israel, the self-described Jewish State, had come into existence. The massacres were carried out by Zionist forces, including Zionist militias that had engaged in terrorist attacks in the area for years preceding the partition resolution. Descriptions of the massacres, by both Palestinians and Israelis, are nightmarish. An Israeli eyewitness reported that at the village of al-Dawayima: The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead. One soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her.4 One Palestinian woman testified that a man shot her nine-month-pregnant sister and then cut her stomach open with a butcher knife.5 One of the better-documented massacres occurred in a small, neutral Palestinian village called Deir Yassin in April 1948 before a single Arab army had joined the conflict. A Swiss Red Cross representative was one of the first to arrive on the scene, where he found 254 dead, including 145 women, 35 of them pregnant. Witnesses reported that the attackers lined up families men, women, grandparents and children, even infants and shot them. An eyewitness and future colonel in the Israeli military later wrote of the militia members: They didnt know how to fight, but as murderers they were pretty good. The Red Cross representative who found the bodies at Deir Yassin arrived in time to see some of the killing in action. He wrote in his diary that Zionist militia members were still entering houses with guns and knives when he arrived. He saw one young Jewish woman carrying a blood-covered dagger and saw another stab an old couple in their doorway. The representative wrote that the scene reminded him of S. S. troops he had seen in Athens. Richard Catling, British assistant inspector general for the criminal division, reported on sexual atrocities committed by Zionist forces. Many young school girls were raped and later slaughtered, he reported. Old women were also molested. The Deir Yassin attack was perpetrated by two Zionist militias and coordinated with the main Zionist forces, whose elite unit participated in part of the operation. The heads of the two militias, Menachem Begin and Ytzakh Shamir, later became Prime Ministers of Israel. Begin, head of the Irgun who later became Prime Minister of Israel, sent the following message to his troops about their victory at Deir Yassin: Accept my congratulations on this splendid act of conquest. Convey my regards to all the commanders and soldiers. We shake your hands. We are all proud of the excellent leadership and the fighting spirit in this great attack. We stand to attention in memory of the slain. We lovingly shake the hands of the wounded. Tell the soldiers: you have made history in Israel with your attack and your conquest. Continue thus until victory. As in Deir Yassin, so everywhere, we will attack and smite the enemy. God, God, Thou has chosen us for conquest.11 Approximately six months later, Begin (who had also publicly taken credit for a number of other terrorist acts, including blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people) came on a tour of America. The tours sponsors included playwright Ben Hecht, a fervent Zionist who applauded Irgun violence,12 and eventually included 11 Senators, 12 governors, 70 Congressmen, 17 Justices, and numerous other public officials. The State Department, fully aware of his violent activities in Palestine, tried to reject Begins visa but was overruled by Truman.14 Begin later proudly admitted his terrorism in an interview for American television. When the interviewer asked him, How does it feel, in the light of all thats going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East Begin proclaimed, In the Middle East In all the world15 Terrorists set up U. S. front groups The Irgun had been operating in the U. S. since the 1930s. As one of their leaders later wrote, It was in Europe of those days that the idea of transferring the focal point of our activity to the United States was born, and it was from there that we left on a mission that lasted far longer than originally planned 85 Peter Bergson (Hillel Kook) 1940s The we referred to a small group known as the Irgun Delegation that operated in the U. S. from the late 1930s until 1948 and that formed a half dozen front organizations for what they themselves called a military operation and that largely consisted of propaganda aimed at the American public. 86 Two of the leaders were Yitshaq Ben-Ami (father of the founder of todays J-Street) and Peter Bergson, the pseudonym of the senior Irgun officer working outside Palestine, Hillel Kook. The group is often called the Bergson Group. 87 Among their numerous activities they lobbied Congress and the White House, organized a march on Washington, D. C. of 500 Rabbis, placed full-page ads in newspapers around the U. S. and produced a pageant We Will Never Die celebrating the Jewish contribution to Western civilization, written by Ben Hecht, directed by Moss Hart, featuring music by Kurt Weil, and starring Edward G. Robinson. Yitshaq Ben-Ami 1930s (father of the founder of todays J-Street) Forty thousand attended its New York performances. It then went on to play in most of Americas largest cities. 88 While the various organizations created by the Irgun Delegation frequently pushed for rescuing European Jews, one of the major demands was for the creation of a Jewish Army of Stateless and Palestinian Jews. This was a goal that Revisionist Zionists had sought even before the Nazi holocaust had begun and is believed to have had a mixed agenda. Author William Rubinstein writes: It is rather difficult to believe that Bergsons implausible proposal did not have far more to do with creating the nucleus of a Jewish Palestinian force, to be used against the British and the Arabs, than with saving Europes Jews from the Nazis. 89 Critics point out that the delegation did not manage to rescue any Jews during the Nazi holocaust. 90 Bergson-Kooks uncle was Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kook, originally from Eastern Europe, who became the Chief Rabbi of Palestine, worked toward the Balfour Declaration in Britain, and most importantly, devised an ideology that merged a kabalistic version of religious Judaism (the Cabbala holds that every non-Jew is an embodiment of Satan) with political Zionism, founding an extremist religious Zionism that continues today. 91 Rabbi Kook, who achieved saintly status among his followers in Israel and the U. S. stated: The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle. 92 In addition to spanning the Jewish religious-secular continuum, the Delegation spanned the political spectrum, its historian Judith Baumel writing that it evinced many of the unique characteristics of Eastern European protofascism while also forming partnerships with communists and Jews who belonged to left-wing American groups. All of this was hidden from view, however, as the Bergson Boys aimed for the American man in the street, using tantalizing slogans, illustrated advertisements, and seductive curiosity-whetting gimmicks. As Baumel notes, the Irgun Delegations primary triumph was to understand the power of Madison Avenue. 93 Another terrorist front group, the Political Action Committee for Palestine, was formed by Rabbi Baruch Korf, who indirectly admitted that the financing of terrorism was among its activities. In 1948 Korf published a large advertisement in the New York Post calling a State Department policy against enforcing partition pure and simple anti-Semitism plain everyday anti-Semitism, incorporated in the hearts and minds of those who govern free America. 94 Author Grant F. Smith, filing numerous Freedom of Information Requests, has uncovered information on numerous such illegal Zionist activities. The Truman administration, with Feinberg as a major campaign donor, failed to act on CIA reports about Feinberg and Zionist illicit arms trafficking from the US. 95 RUDOLPH G. SONNEBORN, CHAIRMAN OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL OF THE ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA, DURING HIS TRIP TO THE NEGEV. Among these was the Sonneborn Institute, named after its founder, Rudolf G. Sonneborn, scion of a wealthy German-Jewish family from Baltimore. 96 Sonneborn had first met Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion in 1919 when Sonneborn, at the behest of family friend Supreme Court Justice Brandeis, had traveled to the Versailles peace conference as secretary of a Zionist delegation and afterward gone on a tour of Palestine. 97 In 1945 Sonneborn and Ben Gurion hosted a meeting of 17 well-connected guests at Sonneborns Manhattan penthouse. They came from Los Angeles, Toronto, Miami, Birmingham, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Columbus, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Newark, New Haven and New York. One was a rabbi, five were lawyers, and the others were highly successful businessmen. The purpose, Ben Gurion explained, was to create a secret underground organization that would be the American arm of the Zionist paramilitary in Palestine, the Haganah. The organization was to have a representative in at least 35-40 industry groups, and in one month alone there were meetings in Memphis, Ohio, New Jersey, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, Baton Rouge, Dallas, Washington DC, and 40 more were scheduled. 98 Their objective was to raise money and support for purposes which could not be publicized or even fully disclosed. A variety of front groups were created for military arms and equipment smuggling of everything from machine guns to B-17s. 99 Zionist youth groups were organized, the members sometimes helping load guns onto boats headed for Palestine. Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter (May 8, 1897 June 18, 1982) DCI US authorities tried to stop what were not only illegal but also extremely damaging activities. In 1948 the Director of Central Intelligence, Rear Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter, filed a top-secret report with the Secretary of Defense about the Zionist arms trafficking. He warned: U. S. National security is unfavorably affected by these developments and it could be seriously jeopardized by continued illicit traffic in the implements of war. 100 Author Grant F. Smith reports that under Truman the role of Feinberg and Haganah operative groups active in arms trafficking within the US, like the terrorist charges, would only be lightly investigated and seldom prosecuted. Infiltrating displaced persons camps in Europe to funnel people to Palestine A similar underground campaign was operating in Europe. Zionist cadres infiltrated Europes displaced persons camps to orchestrate a clandestine operation to funnel people to Palestine. When it turned out that only a minority of Jewish refugees wished to go to Palestine, a Zionist report by Rabbi Klaussner concluded that the people must be forced to go to Palestine. Author Alfred Lilienthal reports that numerous means were employed, including confiscation of food rations, dismissal from work, expulsion from the camps, taking away legal protection and visa rights in one case, even the public flogging of a recalcitrant recruit for the Israel Army. 101 The American public, however, was led to believe that European Jews desperately wished to go to Palestine, and the well-organized and well-funded operation behind this (including 25 million from the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) was hidden from view. A British general who had been Eisenhowers deputy credited with the buildup for the Normandy invasion, Sir Frederick Morgan, publicly noted that many of the refugees were well dressed and well fed their pockets bulging with money and concluded that something must be encouraging their travels. Morgan commented: The Jews seem to have an organized plan for becoming a world force, a weak force numerically, but one which will have a generating power for getting what they want. He was attacked viciously by the press and others comedian Eddie Cantor took out a New York Times ad saying, I thought Hitler was dead. The World Jewish Congress stated officially and duplicitously, General Morgans allegation of secret Jewish force inside Europe aiming at a mass exodus to Palestine is fanatically untrue. Morgan was forced to apologize, despite, as a pro-Israel author writes, Morgans analysis of the situation was quite correct. 102 Blocking a counter-Balfour declaration Lord Israel Sieff (1889-1972). Another secret group working on behalf of Zionism was formed in 1942 by Israel M. Sieff, a British clothing magnate who was temporarily living in the U. S. The Sieff group was, as historian Grose puts it, a sophisticated version of Brandeiss Parushim. While its existence was never openly acknowledged, it grew into the secret back channel through official Washington during the last years of FDRs presidency and the critical first years of Trumans. Its members included such men as Ben Cohen, a member of the White House staff Robert Nathan, in intelligence David Ginsburg, a New Deal bureaucrat David Lilienthal, chairman of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and David Niles, a high White House official under both Roosevelt and Truman. Grose reports: The little nucleus possessed the entree and the clout to carry the message of Jewish Palestine into the highest policymaking circles through casual suggestion, indirection, chance remarks among well-placed colleagues in the corridors of power and the salons of social Washington. 103 When State Department and English diplomats, concerned that Zionist activities were causing serious harm to the war effort, were about to issue a reverse Balfour declaration on July 27, 1943 calling on these activities to cease, the Sieff group, Felix Frankfurter, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. David Niles, Bernard Baruch, et al took emergency, and successful, action to block it. 104 By 1949 as a result of Israels War of Independence and its campaign to cleanse the land of as many non-Jews as possible, 105 there were hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees. The U. S. Representative in Israel sent an urgent report to Truman: Arab refugee tragedy is rapidly reaching catastrophic proportions and should be treated as a disaster. ..Of approximately 400,000 refugees approaching winter with cold heavy rains will, it is estimated, kill more than 100,000 old men, women and children who are shelterless and have little or no food. 106 The number of refugees continued to grow, reaching at least three-quarters of a million. U. S. Diplomats in Cairo and Amman described a disastrous situation in which the almost nonexistent resources of Arab countries inundated by desperate, starving Palestinian refugees were stretched almost to the breaking point. The State Department reported that during the last nine months of 1948 Arab states had donated 11 million to refugee aid, stating, This sum, in light of the very slender budgets of most of these governments, is relatively enormous. 107 During this time, the report noted, the total direct relief offeredby the Israeli government to date consists of 500 cases of oranges. 108 Meanwhile, Israel had acquired properties worth at least 480 million in 1947 dollars one estimate put the figure at 35 billion in 1990 dollars. 109 Journalist and academic Anders Strindberg reports: In the process of 8216Judaizing8217 Palestine, numerous convents, hospices, seminaries, and churches were either destroyed or cleared of their Christian owners and custodians. In one of the most spectacular attacks on a Christian target, on May 17, 1948, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate was shelled with about 100 mortar roundslaunched by Zionist forces from the already occupied monastery of the Benedictine Fathers on Mount Zion. 8220The bombardment also damaged St. Jacobs Convent, the Archangels Convent, and their appended churches, their two elementary and seminary schools, as well as their libraries, killing eight people and wounding 120. 110 Truman, whose caving in to Zionist pressures had helped create the disaster, now tried to convince Israel to allow the refugees to return to their homes. His main representative working on this was Mark Ethridge, former publisher of the Louisville Courier Journal. Ethridge was disgusted at Israels refusal, reporting to the State Department: What I can see is an abortion of justice and humanity to which I do not want to be midwife 111 The State Department finally threatened to withhold 49 million of unallocated funds from an Export-Import Bank loan to Israel if it did not allow at least 200,000 refugees to return. The U. S. coordinator on Palestine Refugee Matters George C. McGhee delivered the message to the Israeli ambassador and later described his response: The ambassador looked me straight in the eye and said, in essence, that I wouldnt get by with this move, that he would stop it Within an hour of my return to my office I received a message from the White House that the President wished to dissociated himself from any withholding of the Ex-Im Bank loan. 112 Edwin Wright, a State Department Middle East specialist from 1945-66, was the subject of an oral history interview many years later for the Truman Library. He stated when this was completed: The material I gave Professor McKinzie was of a very controversial natureone almost taboo in U. S. circles, inasmuch as I accused the Zionists of using political pressures and even deceit in order to get the U. S. involved in a policy of supporting a Zionist theocratic, ethnically exclusive and ambitious Jewish State. I, and my associates in the State Department, felt this was contrary to U. S. interests and we were overruled by President Truman. 113 Zionist influence in the media As historian Richard Stevens notes, Zionists early on learned to exploit the essential nature of the American political system: that policies can be made and un-made through force of public opinion and pressure. Procuring influence in the media, both paid and unpaid, has been a key component of their success. 114 From early on, the Zionist narrative largely dominated news coverage of the region. A study of four leading newspapers 1917 coverage showed that editorial opinion almost universally favored the Zionist position. Author Kathleen Christison notes that editorials and news stories alike applauded Jewish enterprise, heralding a Jewish return to Palestine as glorious news. Other studies showed the same situation for the 1920s. Christison writes: 8220The relatively heavy press coverage is an indicator of the extent of Zionist influence even in this early period. One scholar has estimated that, as of the mid-1920s, approximately half of all New York Times articles were placed by press agents, suggesting that U. S. Zionist organizations may have placed many of the articles on Zionisms Palestine endeavors. 115 At one point when the State Department was trying to convince Israel to allow Palestinian refugees to return, Secretary of State Marshall wrote: The leaders of Israel would make a grave miscalculation if they thought callous treatment of this tragic issue could pass unnoted by world opinion. 116 Marshall underestimated the ability of Zionists to minimize the amount of information on this from reaching Americans. A State Department study in March 1949 found the American public was unaware of the Palestine refugee problem, since it has not been hammered away at by the press or radio. 117 As author Alfred Lilienthal explained in 1953: The capture of the American press by Jewish nationalism was, in fact, incredibly complete. Magazines as well as newspapers, in news stories as well as editorial columns, gave primarily the Zionist views of events before, during, and after partition. 118 When the Saturday Evening Post published an article by Milton Mayer that criticized Jewish nationalism (and carried two other articles giving opposing views), Zionists organized what was probably the worst attack on the Post in its long history. The magazine was inundated with vitriolic mail, subscriptions cancelled, and advertising withdrawn. The Post learned its lesson, later refusing to publish an article that would have again exposed it to such an onslaught, even though the editor acknowledged that the rejected piece was a good and eloquent article. 119 This was typical in a campaign in which Zionists exploited sympathy for victimized Jews, and when this did not sufficiently skew reporting about Palestine, they used financial pressure. Lilienthal writes: If voluntary compliance was not understanding enough, there was always the matter of Jewish advertising and circulation. The threat of economic recriminations from Jewish advertisers, combined with the fact that the fatal label of Anti-Semite would be pinned on any editor stepping out of line, assured fullest press cooperation. 120 Author Christison records that from the moment partition was voted by the UN, the press played a critical role in building a framework for thinking that would endure for decades. She writes that shortly before May 15, 1948, the scheduled beginning of the Jewish State, a total of 24 U. S. British, and Australian reporters converged on Palestine. Virtually all reporting was from the Jewish perspective. The journals the Nation and the New Republic both showed what one scholar calls an overt emotional partiality toward the Jews. No item published in either journal was sympathetic to the Arabs, and no correspondent was stationed in Arab areas of Palestine, although some reporters lived with, and sometimes fought alongside, Jewish settlers. 121 Bookstores were inundated with books espousing the Zionist point of view to enthusiastic press reviews. Conversely, the few books published that dared to provide a different perspective were given scathing reviews, when they were reviewed at all. 122 When Professor Millar Burrows of the Yale School of Divinity, a distinguished scholar and archaeologist, wrote Palestine Is Our Business, the American Zionist Council distributed a publication labeling his book an anti-Semitic opus. In fact, Professor Burrows life history showed the opposite. He had been one of the organizers and Vice-President of the National Committee to Combat Anti-Semitism and had long been active in the interfaith movement in New Haven. 123 When the eminent dean of Barnard College, Virginia Gildersleeve, a highly distinguished personage with impeccable credentials as a humanitarian, wrote that Palestinian refugees should be allowed to return to their homes, a campaign was begun against her as a Christian anti-Semite. 124 Gildersleeve, who had been instrumental in drafting the Preamble to the U. N. Charter and had taken a leading role in creating the U. N. Human Rights Commission, later devoted herself to working for human rights in the Middle East. She testified before Congressional committees and lobbied President Truman, to no avail. In her memoir, she attributed such failures to 8220the Zionist control of the media of communication.8221 125 Dorothy Thompson, 1934 Americas most famous female journalist of the time also attempted valiantly, but unsuccessfully, to tell Americans about Palestinian refugees. According to the Britannica encyclopedia, Dorothy Thompson was one of the most famous journalists of the 20th Century. 126 Her column was in newspapers all over the country, her radio program listened to by tens of millions of Americans, she had been married to one of Americas most famous novelists, graced the cover of Time magazine, been profiled by Americas top magazines and was so well-known that Woman of the Year, a Hollywood movie featuring Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracey and a Broadway play starring Lauren Bacall, were based on Thompson. 127 She had been the first journalist to be expelled by Adolph Hitler and had raised the alarm against the Nazis long ahead of most other journalists. She had originally supported Zionism, but then after the war had visited the region in person. She began to speak about Palestinian refugees, narrated a documentary about their plight 128, and condemned Jewish terrorism. Thompson was viciously attacked in an orchestrated campaign of what she termed career assassination and character assassination. She wrote: It has been boundless, going into my personal life. She wrote of this organized attack:when letter after letter is couched in almost identical phraseology I do not think the authors have been gifted with telepathy. 129 She was dropped by the New York Post . whose editor Ted Thackry, and his wife, Dorothy Schiff, were said by other Post editors to be close to the Irgun and Menachem Begin. Begin, the Irgunists, the Stern Gang and other Zionists organizations had what was termed inordinate access to the Posts editorial board. 130 (Dorothy Schiff, granddaughter of financier Jacob Schiff and owner of the Post . later divorced Thackry and married Rudolf Sonneborn. 131) Thompsons mail was filled with ferocious accusations that she was anti-Semitic. One such correspondent told her that her filthy incitements to pogroms would not be tolerated by New Yorks Jews. 132 Before long, her column and radio programs, her speaking engagements, and her fame were all gone. Today, she has largely been erased from history. In the coming decades other Americans were similarly written out of history, forced out of office, lives and careers destroyed history distorted, re-written, erased bigotry promoted, supremacy disguised, facts replaced by fraud. Very few people know this history. The excellent books that document it are largely out of print, their facts and very existence virtually unknown to the vast majority of Americans, even those who focus on the Middle East. Instead, false theories have been promulgated, mendacious analyses promoted, chosen authors celebrated, others assigned to oblivion. George Orwell once wrote: 8217Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.8217. 133 Perhaps by rediscovering the past, well gain control of the present, and save the future. Alison Weir Alison Weir is the president of the Council for the National Interest, a former journalist and the founder of If Americans Knew . a nonprofit organization that focuses on the Israel-Palestine conflict, specializing in statistical analysis. Weir writes and speaks widely about Israel-Palestine, with particular focus on media coverage. Her articles on the subject have been published in anthologies both in the U. S. and abroad and in diverse online and print publications. Ms. Weir has given talks at numerous universities, including Harvard Law School, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Yale, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and the Naval Postgraduate Institute four times at the Asia Media Summit in Kuala Lumpur and Beijing, and has twice given briefings on Capitol Hill. Former U. S. Congressman Tom Campbell (R-CA) said of her presentation: Ms. Weir presents a powerful, well documented view of the Middle East today. She is intelligent, careful, and critical. American policy makers would benefit greatly from hearing her first-hand observations and attempting to answer the questions she poses. The New York Times reported of her lecture in Greenwich, Connecticut: When the speech ended, Ms. Weir was met with thunderous applause, and across the room there was a widespread sense of satisfaction that someone was saying what needed to be said. In 2004 she was inducted into honorary membership of Phi Alpha Literary Society, founded in 1845 at Illinois College. The award cited her as a: Courageous journalist-lecturer on behalf of human rights. The first woman to receive an honorary membership in Phi Alpha history. Related Posts: The views expressed herein are the views of the author exclusively and not necessarily the views of VNN, VNN authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners, technicians or the Veterans Today Network and its assigns. Notices Posted by Alison Weir on October 14, 2013, With 0 Reads, Filed under Foreign Lobbies. Foreign Policy. Government. History. Of Interest. Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. 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